Historical fencing in Scotland

Historical Fencing in Scotland
Focus Scottish basket-hilted broadsword
Country of origin Scotland Scotland
Creator Historical
Famous practitioners William Machrie, Sir William Hope, Donald McBane, Captain James Miller, Thomas Page, Archibald MacGregor, Henry Angelo, John Taylor, Thomas Mathewson
Olympic sport No

There is some evidence on historical fencing as practiced in Scotland in the Early Modern Era, especially fencing with the Scottish basket-hilted broadsword during the 17th to 18th centuries.

Most of our current knowledge of these arts derives from various combative treatises or Martial arts manuals, as well as written anecdotes (i.e. battle accounts, folklore, etc.) and artistic representations from different periods and locations in Scottish history (see Penicuik Sketches[1]).

Scottish fencing masters

The following is a list of fencing masters[2] that were very influential in their day, and have contributed to our current knowledge of the martial practices of Scotland (see Combat Treatises below):

Fencing manuals

Different positions from the Hanging Guard, from Captain G. Sinclair's "Anti Pugilism"

Scottish Fencing manuals detailing the use of the basket-hilted Scottish broadsword (besides other disciplines including the smallsword and spadroon and, to a lesser extent, the targe, dirk and quarterstaff) were published throughout the 18th century, with early and late examples dating to the late 17th and early 19th centuries, respectively:


The Highland Broadsword texts of the 1700s portray 7 cuts and numerous guards. The footwork is sword leg forward (usually right leg) with the other leg behind, similar to modern fencing. Traversing footwork allows one to step off the center-line of attack, either to right or left. The following Guards are listed in these texts:

The Cuts are as follows:

The Advantage of Shifting the Leg, from Henry Angelo & Son's "Hungarian and Highland Broadsword", 1799

Shifting the Leg: When an opponent cuts at the outside of your leg, it is prudent to step back (and thus avoid the cut at the leg), counter-attacking with either a cut at the head or at the wrist simultaneous to shifting the leg. This technique was taught by Angelo, Taylor[11] and Rowlandson.[14]

Famous Scottish duellists

Portrait of Donald McBane, Scottish Fencing Master, from Donald McBane's "The Expert Swordsman's Companion". The portrait reads "Donaldi Bani Scoti Effigies". This image portrays McBane in the "Inside Guard" with a Broadsword, while the table next to him has both Broadswords and Smallswords. The wall behind him has a Targe with flintlock pistols on each side

In the 17th-18th century, there were a number of warriors and soldiers that developed a reputation as skilled duellists. In the highlands, they were known as Caterans, and were noted for cattle theft as well as black-mail, and often traveled to different villages challenging them to produce a fighter that can best them, or pay a fee. Some belonged to the Duine uasal (Warrior Class) of their Clan:

Clan styles

It has been suggested that certain Scottish Clans and families had specific training systems that were distinct from one another. For example, it is said that some members of Clan Macdonald were ambidextrous, and were thus able to fence with either left or right hand.[20] The Kerr family is known in its family tradition to have predominantly left-handed swordsmen (as apparent in the construction of their castles), which has led to the term "Kerr-Fisted".[24]

The Black Watch appears to be the source of Highland Broadsword technique during the later part of the 18th century, as evidenced in Captain G. Sinclair's manual.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 Highland Swordsmanship: Techniques of the Scottish Sword Masters, by Mark Rector (editor) and Paul Wagner (editor), Published by The Chivalry Bookshelf (15 November 2001)
  2. ↑ "Scottish Sword Masters". Dirkdance.tripod.com. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  3. ↑ "Machrie: Library: The Linacre School of Defence". Sirwilliamhope.org. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  4. 1 2 A treatise on backsword, sword, buckler, sword and dagger, sword and great gauntlet, falchon, quarterstaff, by Captain James Miller (1735), http://www.sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Miller/
  5. 1 2 The Use of the Broad Sword, by Thomas Page (1746), http://sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Page/
  6. ↑ The Scots Fencing Master, The Art of Defence and Pursuit, With the Small-Sword. Described in a Dialogue between a Scholar and a Master, of that Art. By William Hope, Gentleman, http://www.sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Hope/ScotsFencingMaster/
  7. ↑ The Sword Man's Vade Mecum, by Sir William Hope (1692), http://sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Hope/VadeMecum/
  8. ↑ "Hope: Library: The Linacre School of Defence". Sirwilliamhope.org. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  9. ↑ A FEW OBSERVATIONS UPON THE Fighting for PRIZES IN THE BEAR-GARDENS, http://www.sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Hope/Observations/Observations.php
  10. ↑ A Vindication of the True Art of Self-Defence. With a PROPOSAL to the Honourable Members of Parliament, for the Erecting A Court of Honour in Great-Britain. Recommended to all Gentlemen, but particularly to the Soldiery. To which is Annexed, A Short but very useful Memorial for Swordmen. By Sir William Hope, Bart, http://www.sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Hope/Vindication/
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Highland Broadsword:Five Manuals of Scottish Regimental Swordsmanship, by Paul Wagner (editor) and Mark Rector (editor), Published by The Chivalry Bookshelf (July 2004)
  12. ↑ Anti-Pugilism, or The Science of Defense Exemplified In Short and Easy Lessons for the Practice of the Broad Sword and Single Stick Illustrated with Copper Plates, By a Highland Officer, London, Printed for J Aitkin, NO 14, Castle-street, corner of Bear Street, Leicester Fields 1790, www.hroarr.com/manuals/boxing-pugilism/Anti-pugilism.doc
  13. ↑ Cudgel Playing Modernized and Improved; or, The Science of Defence, Exemplified in a Few Short and Easy Lessons, for the Practice of the Broad Sword or Single Stick, on Foot, by Captain G. Sinclair of the 42nd Regiment, http://www.sirwilliamhope.org/Library/Sinclair/Sinclair.php
  14. 1 2 The Guards of the Highland Broadsword, by Thomas Rowlandson, 1799, http://www.davidrumsey.com/amica/amico820629-47674.html
  15. ↑ Hungarian & Highland Broadsword, by Henry Angelo and Son, 1799, http://www.thearma.org/pdf/HungarianHighlandBroadsword.pdf
  16. ↑ The Art of Defence on Foot with Broadsword and Saber, by John Taylor, 1804, http://books.google.com/books?id=Y7kUAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=John+Taylor+broadsword&source=bl&ots=PYD6Da3MA4&sig=Y-fWoh-MRpIaWSyeKhsUH1Sg00Q&hl=en&ei=kyFwTY_gA9Kutweg4Zy8Dw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCMQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=John%20Taylor%20broadsword&f=false
  17. ↑ Fiddes, Jim (30 April 2010). "The McCombies: big men with bigger reputations". Leopardmag.co.uk. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  18. 1 2 The Clan Donald, by Angus Macdonald, Archibald Macdonald, Volume 2, page 205, http://books.google.com/books?id=vBIXAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA205&lpg=PA205&dq=Ranald+of+the+Shield+dirk+and+targe&source=bl&ots=-xhXzjt2O2&sig=h99m5-1M9oRvdEcEUcS-CdszvXo&hl=en&ei=uhxvTcKnLpOEtge4wYGJDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCIQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false
  19. ↑ Clan Donald, by Donald J. MacDonald of Castleton (2008), page 215, http://books.google.com/books?id=iAjgWe0cSdQC&pg=PA215&dq=Ranald+of+the+Shield+hero+of+1645&hl=en&ei=9ItwTYbLDYeFtgeZ-LT3Dg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Ranald%20of%20the%20Shield%20hero%20of%201645&f=false
  20. 1 2 "Left-handed swordsmen". Home.comcast.net. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  21. ↑ "Rob Roy McGregor Statue Culter Burn Peterculter Aberdeen Scotland Sir Walter Scott". Aboutaberdeen.com. Retrieved 27 June 2012.
  22. ↑ The Celtic review, Volume 1, Issues 1-4, pages 265-66, http://books.google.com/books?id=53ZYAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA266&lpg=PA266&dq=Black+Ruairidh+the+Unjust&source=bl&ots=I6kIXAI-eo&sig=SKMwzwyMsYXFNZukg1Rd4fm1Hmg&hl=en&ei=YSJvTd2cJImhtweOn5H2Dg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Black%20Ruairidh%20the%20Unjust&f=false
  23. ↑ The Celtic review, Volume 1, Issues 1-4, page 266, http://books.google.com/books?id=53ZYAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA266&lpg=PA266&dq=Black+Ruairidh+the+Unjust&source=bl&ots=I6kIXAI-eo&sig=SKMwzwyMsYXFNZukg1Rd4fm1Hmg&hl=en&ei=YSJvTd2cJImhtweOn5H2Dg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Black%20Ruairidh%20the%20Unjust&f=false
  24. ↑ "Clan Kerr and The Legend of The Spiral Staircase". Thejanuarist.com. 7 July 2010. Retrieved 27 June 2012.

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