Historiography of Albania
The Historiography of Albania refers to the studies, sources, critical methods and interpretations used by scholars to study the history of Albania.
Influence of Germany and Austria-Hungary

Theodor Anton Ippen, who would become a consul of Austria-Hungary in Scutari between 1897 and 1903, belonged to the group of Albanologists whose works were published through the state-financed institutes of Austria-Hungary.[1] He participated in writing and dissemination of the first history of Albania published on Albanian language because he insisted that creating Albanian national consciousness would be beneficial for Dual Monarchy.[2] Ippen struggled for the establishment of an independent nation-state of Albanians.[3]
Modern Albanian historiography
There are two main sources of modern Albanian historiography: intellectuals of the period of Albanian National Awakening and the historians of the regime of People's Socialist Republic of Albania.[4] Two major historical works written by Albanians in this early phase of modern historiography in Albania are Athanase Gegaj's L'Albanie et l'Invasion turque au XVe siècle (1937) and Fan Noli's George Castrioti Scanderbeg (1405-1468) (1947), both written out of Albania.[5]
Albanian socialist historiography
Balanced approach to history was not encouraged in period between the end of World War II and the death of Enver Hohxa in 1985. Bernd Jürgen Fischer stated that Stalinist Albania produced good historians but not always good history.[6] There were two groups of most notable Albanian historians in that period:[7]
- military historians: Ndreci Plasari and Shyqri Ballvora
- political historians: Alex Buda, Stefanaq Pollo, Arben Puto and Luan Omari.
Alex Buda, who also became a president of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, is sometimes considered as a founder of the Albanian post WWII historiography.[8] Buda belonged to a small group of intellectuals allowed by the Albanian communist regime to have access to foreign literature in order to use them to prepare new ideological and theoretical directives for the rest of their colleagues.[9]
When Albanian socialist historiography deals with people, it tends to see things black and white.[10] The influence of ideology to Albanian historians of socialist era of Albanian Historiography can be seen not only in publications published by Academy of Sciences of Albania (i.e. Historia e Shqipërisë) but also in specialized works published by individual authors like Viron Koka, Mentar Belegu and Ilijaz Fistha.[11] Robert Elsie emphasized that there was no reliable and objective historiography in Albania which could serve as a basis for historical dictionary he wrote in 2010.[12] Oliver Jens Schmitt stated that post-World War II Albanian regime propagated the official version of the past using all available means. People in Albania were subjected to state organized indoctrination and propaganda. Schmitt explained that because of the political influence it was impossible to organize open discussion about socialist historiography, while those who would attempt to criticize it would be denounced or as non-professionals or as foreigners with evil objectives.[13]
Early Albanian history
The picture created by Albanian science about the early history of Albanians is simplified, uncritical and looks like fabricated.[14] Albanian scholars are ever ready to claim antecedence of Albanian culture over Slav culture.[15] The official Albanian historiography, which influenced many Albanians, emphasizes that Albanians has always lived in Albania and supports the thesis that Albanians are descendants of Illyrians, while non-Albanian scholars consider the question of origin of Albanians to be unsolved.[16]
Islam in Albania
Image of Islam produced by both main sources of modern Albanian historiography was neither objective nor positive.[17] Because Albanian historians are still prisoners of inherited stereotypes and myths regarding Islam, although communist regime has fallen in Albania.[18]
Myths of Albanian historiography regarding Islam include myth that:[19]
- Islam, which was in fact imported by the Ottomans, is an alien element of Albanian culture
- Albanians converted from Christianity to Islam not because of their religious feelings but because of other opportunistic reasons or because they were sometimes forced to.
- Albanian religious feelings are weak because Albanian national feeling was always more important for Albanians than their religious feeling.
Numerous nationalist historians from Albania (Ramadan Marmallaku, Kristo Frasheri, Skender Anamali, Stefanaq Pollo, Skender Rizaj and Arben Puto) intentionally emphasized "the Turkish savagery" and "heroic Christian resistance against the Osmanli state in Albania".[20] Albanian historiography tends to ignore religiously inspired enmity between Albanians.[21]
Although the Myth of Skanderbeg had little to do with the reality it was incorporated in works about history of Albania.[22]
Treaty of London
The Treaty of London interpreted by nationalist Albanian historiography symbolizes the partition of the Albanian nation into three parts.[23]
The Serbian argument that Kosovo was first settled by the Albanians in the 17th century is rejected by modern Albanian historiography.[24]
- ↑ Blumi, Isa (2007), Seeing Beyond the River Drin, Sarajevo, Ottoman Albanians and Imperial Rivalry in the Balkans after 1878 (PDF), Austria: Kakanien revisited, p. 3,
At the center of this Sarajevo-based policy were highly regarded Albanologists such as Theodor Ippen (b.1861), Norbert Jokl (1877-1942) and Franz Nopcsa (1877-1933) who all published influential studies on Albanian language, geography, archeology and history through state-funded institutes in Budapest, Sarajevo and Vienna.
- ↑ Clayer, Nathalie (2007), Aux origines du nationalisme albanais: la naissance d'une nation majoritairement musulmane on Europe, Karthala, p. 416, ISBN 9782845868168, retrieved January 19, 2011,
Ce sont aussi les fonctionnaires austro-hongrois qui furent à l'origine du premier livre sur l'histoire de l'Albanie en albanais“. Dès le mois de mai 1897, le consul Ippen insistait auprès du ministre des Affaires étrangères de la Double Monarchie sur les avantages que procurerait, pour l'éveil de la conscience nationale albanaise et donc pour l' action autrichienne en Albanie, l'écriture et la diffusion d'une histoire de l'Albanie.
- ↑ Ethnologia Balkanica. Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publishing House. 1998. p. 215.
he promoted the Albanian educational system and supported the establishment of an independent Albanian state
- ↑ Kressing 2002, p. 40
Modern Albanian historiography has two important sources: the thinkers of the 'renaissance' (rilindja) period (1844-1912), and the historians of the Communist regime.
- ↑ Gran, Peter (1996). Beyond Eurocentrism: A New View of Modern World History. Syracuse University Press. p. 221.
- ↑ Jürgen Fischer 1999, p. 281
The political climate in Albania under Enver Hoxha, who ruled Albania from World War II until his death in 1985, did little to encourage a balanced approach to history.
- ↑ Jürgen Fischer 1999, p. 281
- ↑ Hysa, Armanda; Keber, Katarina (2010). Historièni seminar 8. Založba ZRC. p. 111. ISBN 978-961-254-216-0.
- ↑ Hysa, Armanda; Keber, Katarina (2010). Historièni seminar 8. Založba ZRC. p. 120. ISBN 978-961-254-216-0.
- ↑ Jürgen Fischer 1999, p. 281
...socialist Albanian historiography tends, when dealing with people, to see things in black and white terms.
- ↑ Ilirjani, Altin; Arolda Elbasani, Ridvan Peshkopia (2010), Albanian Journal of Politics 1, Chapel Hill, NC: Shoqata Shqiptare e Shkencave Politike, p. 178, ISBN 9780977666225, OCLC 70817932,
... the ideologically tingled historiography of socialist-era Albanian historians, as evidenced not only in official publications issued by the Academy of Sciences of Albania, like in....Historia e Shqipërisë, but also in more specialized works by authors such as...
- ↑ Elsie 2010, p. xi
...Compiling a historical dictionary for a country... as Albania... because there is still no objective and reliable historiography in Albania.
- ↑ Jens, Oliver; Ben Andoni (2013). "Historia shqiptare-një histori e hapur". ResPublica (in Albanian). Retrieved 6 February 2014.
Mbas 1945, për herë të parë në historinë e Shqipërisë, Shteti përdorte të gjitha mjetet e tij për të prodhuar dhe propaganduar versionin e tij zyrtar të së shkuarës. Fatkeqësisht, kjo ndodhte në një shtet Orvellian, ku historianët ishin thjesht mjete në duart e diktatorit, i cili personalisht diktonte linjat kryesore të interpretimit. Kjo ishte periudha ku shumë nga Shqiptarët u konfrontuan për herë të parë me historinë – e sistemi shkollor i shtetit të ri integroi për herë të parë gjithashtu fëmijë nga zonat rurale dhe familjet e varfra. ... Kritikët ose u denoncuan si jo-profesionistë (sepse ata nuk u rekrutuan në institucionet kërkimore për shkak të mendimeve të tyre ndryshe) apo si të huaj me qëllime të errëta.
- ↑ Bartl 2001, p. 17
Слика коју албанска наука ствара о раној историјисопственог народа је поједностављена, некритичка и делује исконструисано.
- ↑ Elsie 2004, p. xvii
Albanian scholars ever ready to assert antecedence of their culture over that of the Slavs
- ↑ Kressing 2002, p. 41
The official historiography claims that Albanians have always lived in Albania and therefore gives credit to the thesis that they are the descendants of the Illyrians...However, non-Albanian researchers consider the question of Illyrian or Thracian origin of the Albanians to be unsolved...Nevertheless, this version of history has influenced many Albanians
- ↑ Kressing 2002, p. 40
Neither of them produced an objective and positive image of Islam.
- ↑ Kressing 2002, p. 41
Since the fall of Communism, Albanian historians have not started to free themselves from their inherited stereotypes. This explains why contemporary history, when it comes to Islam, is still the prisoner of myths.
- ↑ Kressing 2002, p. 41
One of these myths is that Islam is an alien element of Albanian culture imported by the Ottomans. The reason is that Albanians were originally Christian (Saint Paul visited Illyria). Other myths say that they had converted for a number of reasons which had nothing to do with religion. They were opportunists. They wanted to escape the taxes imposed on Christians and to benefit from the many advantages attached to being Muslim in a Muslim society. It is said also that they were forced by the Ottomans to embrace Islam. Those who converted are often presented as traitors to the true spirit of the nation. Another important myth is the weakness of Albanians’ religious feeling. Communists worked hard to show that in their history national feeling was always more important for Albanians than religious feeling. In their propaganda they did not hesitate to distort the ideas of the rilindja writers. As an example they used - out of context - the famous declaration of Pashko Vasa Shkodrani: ‘The religion of the Albanians is Albanianism’. Actually, he wanted to encourage national unity while still respecting each person’s religious belief. .
- ↑ Central Institute of Islamic Research 1997, p. 192
Albanian nationalist historians like Ramadan Marmallaku, Kristo Frasheri, Skender Anamali, Stefanaq Pollo, Skender Rizaj and Arben Puto in their books deliberately emphasized "the Turkish savagery" and "heroic Christian resistance against the Osmanli state in Albania".
- ↑ Schwandner-Sievers 2002, p. 62
...there are many instances of religiously inspired animosities, which present day Albanian historiography tends to ignore.
- ↑ Bartl, Peter (2009), Bartl, Peter: review of: Schmitt, Oliver Jens, Skanderbeg. Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan (in German),
Dieser Mythos hatte mit der historischen Realität wenig zu tun, er fand aber nichtsdestotrotz Eingang auch in die albanische Geschichtsschreibung. [This myth had a little to do with the historical reality, but it was nonetheless included in the Albanian history too.]
- ↑ Ersoy, Ahmet; Maciej Górny; Vangelis Kechriotis (2010), Modernism : the creation of nation-states, Budapest ; New York: Central European University Press, pp. 236, 237, ISBN 9781441684110, OCLC 699519530,
Decisions of the London ...In nationalist Albanian historiography, this symbolizes the partition of the nation into three parts; Kosovo was annexed by Serbia, Çamëria (Gr. Tsamouria) was annexed by Greece, and the remaining part became the state of Albania
- ↑ Singh, Jasvir (1 January 2009). Problem of Ethicity: Role of United Nations in Kosovo Crisis. Dr. Jasvir Singh. p. 84. ISBN 978-81-7142-701-7.
Modern Albanian historiography rejects the Serbian argument that the Albanians first settled in Kosovo in seventeenth
- Bartl, Peter (2001) [1995], Albanci : od srednjeg veka do danas (in Serbian), translated by Ljubinka Milenković, Belgrade: Clio, ISBN 9788671020176, OCLC 51036121, retrieved 1 February 2012
- Central Institute of Islamic Research (1997), Islamic studies 36 (1-4 ed.), Pakistan: Islamic Research Institute, OCLC 1753984
- Jürgen Fischer, Bernd (1999), Albania at war, 1939-1945, West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press, ISBN 9780585063881, OCLC 42922446
- Kressing, Frank; Karl Kaser (2002), Albania--a country in transition : aspects of changing identities in a South-East European country (PDF), Baden-Baden: Nomos, ISBN 9783789076701, OCLC 50737195
- Schwandner-Sievers, Stephanie; Bernd Jürgen Fischer, Bernd ,last2=Jürgen Fischer, author2=Bernd Jürgen Fischer (2002), Albanian identities: myth and history, USA: Indiana University Press, ISBN 0-253-34189-2
- Elsie, Robert (2004). Songs of the frontier warriors. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. ISBN 978-0865164123.
- Elsie, Robert (2010), Historical dictionary of Albania, Lanham: Scarecrow Press, ISBN 9780810873803, OCLC 454375231, retrieved 4 February 2012