Hjälp! (Help!) is a Swedish situation comedy television series. It revolves around a professional therapist, Jeanette Placzycks, played by Stina Ekblad. She treats several patients in need of urgent help, hence the name of the series. There are many more characters than those listed here.
- Stina Ekblad as Jeanette Placzycks, professional therapist and the show's protagonist.
- Johan Rheborg as Örjan Lax. He has problems controlling his temper on daily basis, often known to go ballistic whenever he's annoyed.
- Felix Herngren as Benjamin Turesson. Turesson is mortally afraid of conflicts and lacks all sorts of dismissal behaviour. Due to his lack of ability to say no, he goes through several events such as joining a robber's gang, becoming a Nazi, getting married to a Muslim extremist's daughter (while being a Nazi), getting a sex-change and being together with a man even though he was attracted to women.
- Hassan Brijany as Tito, Benjamin's boyfriend in season 1 who makes a short appearance in season 3, where we find out that he is the uncle of the Muslim girl who Benjamin marries. He's very disgusting towards his boyfriend, who doesn't like him back.
- Johan Glans as Reine Bok. Reine is a control-freak and because of that he is suicidal. All he wants is to die but he always screws up because he's a control freak. Notable attempts of suicide are jumping from buildings, getting hit by a train and having someone decapitate him with an axe, all ending in failure. Reine only appeared in the first two seasons so we can all assume that he's deceased in season 3.
- Morgan Alling as Lars Magnus Ericsson. In season 1, Lars Magnus are suffering from an extreme case of premature ejaculation caused by sexual thoughts, causing him to ejaculate a lot. He has been told to not think sexual thoughts, with no success. In season 3, his ejaculations have stopped, but he has a constant erection instead. He works on a plastic surgery clinic with his wife, Viviann (Played by Petra Mede), who is always eager to try new medicines on Lars Magnus that will make his erection go down.
- Anna Blomberg as Marina Huge. Marina is obsessed with breaking records, which she never manages to do. It's everything from reading the Bible on one breath-take to eating as much onions as she can.
- Gustaf Hammarsten and Anna Petersson as Mats and Therese Bolling. This couple has despite many years of marriage never had sex. They're always trying different things such as electric shocks and masks.
- Per Andersson as Dagmar. Dagmar has gone through a lobotomy which limits his everyday life to just sitting in a chair while smoking numerous amounts of cigarettes and uttering nonsensical interjections. He receives mails from the viewers that his lobotomy prevent him from answering.
- Chevy Chase as Dan Carter. Carter is an international journalist working for American television, after a few days of harassing his crew, assistant and people around him, he gets a video from his wife, where she graphically displays how she's together with another man, and tells him that she sold all of his property. In a state of depression, Carter quits his job and in the process loses his credit card and passport. Stuck in Sweden with no money or roof over his head, he's forced to survive through witty street-smarts and cunning deception.
- Robert Gustafsson as Papa Papadopolous, Placzycks' receptionist. Papadopolous is known for his extreme stuttering problem, usually lacking the ability to carry out a simple response to a sentence. Although he is not a patient of Placzycks, she still feels obligated to help him from time to time.
External links
- Swedish TV4 (Channel 4) Website: http://www.tv4.se/1.708242/2008/11/06/om_hjalp
- Hjälp! at the Internet Movie Database
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