List of names of Thor

The Germanic god Thor (Old Norse: Þórr) is referred to by many names in Old Norse poetry and literature. Some of the names come from the Prose Edda list Nafnaþulur, and are not attested elsewhere, while other names are well attested throughout the sources of Norse mythology.


(Old Norse)
Name meaningAttestations
Ásabragr Asabrag "Æsir-lord"[1] Skírnismál (33), Nafnaþulur
Ása-Þórr Asa-Thor "Æsir-Thor"[1] Repeatedly in the Prose Edda, Hárbarðsljóð (52)
Atli "the terrible"[2] Nafnaþulur, Þrymlur I (7), Sturlaugsrímur VI (11), Skikkjurímur III (1)
Björn Bjorn, Biorn "bear" Nafnaþulur, Lokrur I (5), III (6)
Einriði or Eindriði Einridi or Eindridi "the one who rides alone," perhaps originally "the one who rules alone"[3] Haustlöng (19), Vellekla (15), Nafnaþulur, Lokrur II (6, 34, 40), III (40)
Ennilangr Ennilang "the one with the wide forehead"[4] Nafnaþulur
Harðhugaðr Hardhugadr "strong spirit" "powerful soul" "fierce ego" "brave heart" Þrymskviða (31)
Harðvéurr Hardveur "the strong archer"[5] Nafnaþulur
Hlóriði or Hlórriði Hloridi or Hlorridi Possibly "the loud rider," "the loud weather-god";[6] presumably related to Einriði and possibly to a cult-word hlóa[7] Hymiskviða (4, 16, 27, 29, 37), Lokasenna (54), Þrymskviða (7, 8, 14, 31), Lokrur II (43)
Öku-Þor Oku-Thor "Cart Thor" or "Driving Thor", though possibly derived from the Finnish god Ukko ("Ukko-Thor")[8][9] Gylfaginning
Rymr Rym "noise"[10] Nafnaþulur, Þrymlur II (6), III (26); Lokrur I (27)
Sönnungr Sonnung Possibly "the true one"[11] Nafnaþulur, Lokrur IV (8)
Véþormr Vethorm "Protector of the shrine"[7] but may not apply to Thor[12] Arinbjarnarkviða (19)
Véuðr or Véoðr Veud or Veod Possibly variant of Véurr[13] Nafnaþulur
Véurr Veur Possibly "guard of the shrine"[13] Possibly "hallower"[14] Hymiskviða (11, 17, 21), Völuspá
Vingþórr Vingthor Possibly "battle-Thor"[15] Possibly "hallower"[14] Þrymskviða (1), Alvíssmál (6), Nafnaþulur

See also


  1. 1 2 Simek (2007:19).
  2. ↑ Simek (2007:21).
  3. ↑ Simek (2007:71).
  4. ↑ Simek (2007:74).
  5. ↑ Simek (2007:131). A "reinforcement of Véurr."
  6. ↑ Simek (2007:153).
  7. 1 2 de Vries (1970:123).
  8. ↑ Snorri (1960:35).
  9. ↑ Snorri (1879:106).
  10. ↑ Simek (2007:269).
  11. ↑ Simek (2007:297).
  12. ↑ Simek (2007:358).
  13. 1 2 Simek (2007:359).
  14. 1 2 Turville-Petre (1964:101).
  15. ↑ Simek (2007:364).


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