Home for Human Rights

Home for Human Rights (HHR) is a human rights and a humanitarian organization that was originated in Jaffna during the height of 1977 communal rights. At the initial stages the main object was to document human rights violations in Sri Lanka and dissiminate them to all parties concerned in the Sri Lankan situation and to high light the atrocious activities of the Sri Lankan government and its armed forces.

There were mass killings, massacres, extra judicial killings, disappearances, torture and illegal arrest and detention. There were mass cases of looting, burning and destruction of property. These events occurred in all parts of Sri Lanka.

HHR was started by two lawyers and a University Professor under the guidance of late Mr. Kathiravelpillai, member of parliament for Kopay. The two lawyers were late Mr. Kandasamy more popularly known as TRRO Kandasamy and Mr. I. F Xavier. The other member was Mr. Seelan Kadirgamar, professor of history at the Jaffna University.

The main function was to collect affidavits and statements from victims of human rights violations during the riots. The main purpose of this work was to present these affidavits and statements to Sansoni commission appointed by late Mr. J. R Jayewardene to inquire into atrocities committed by the state forces and the Sinhala population. This documentation process was utilized to inform the international world on what was happening in Sri Lanka and to bring to light on the gross and continued violations of basic rights. All collected information was sent to international organizations like Amnesty International, International Commission of Jurist, World Organization against Torture, World Council of Churches, Human Rights Watch (America) and all governments interested in the human rights situations in Sri Lanka. The dissimination of information during 1983 riots brought sympathy and concern among the majority of the states and various organs of United Nations.

HHR was able to bring a resolution against Sri Lanka in United Nations sub-commission for Human Rights in 1983 with the help of International Commission of Jurist. In 1987 HHR was instrumental in bringing a resolution in the Human Rights Commission in United Nations with the help of Argentina.

The other main work done by HHR was to defend victims arrested under Prevention of Terrorism Act and Emergency Regulation. Vast number of cases were handled by HHR from its inception until even today. HHR handles various types of court action-fundamental rights application, writ applications, habeas corpus application, PTA cases and land cases. HHR helps detainees and prisoners through prison visits and making representations in all forums concerning their plight. HHR took 3 cases to Human Rights Committee, a legal body under the covenant on social, economical and cultural agenda. All 3 cases were successful and they are quoted as precedent by other countries. HHR has helped 1600 torture victims through United Nations funds for torture victims. HHR helped victims to get them released from prison and medical help was given to them. They were helped economically and in social integration

HHR was converted into a charitable trust in 1991 and HHR is completing 25 years as a trust in October 21st, 2016. The founder was Mr. I. F Xavier and the other 2 were not available. The trust is managed by 5 trustees. The present trustees are 1. Ms. Sarogini Illango, retired District Judge, Mallagam 2. Dr. Ms. Darani Rajasingam, Doctorate in Sociology and Anthropology 3. Rev. FR. R. Jeyakumar, Parish priest attached to Bishops house, Jaffna, who was very much involved in humanitarian work. 4. Mr. K. A George, Attorney-at Law, retired, who has worked in HHR for more than 20 years. 5. Mr. I. F Xavier, Barrister and Solicitor, Attorney-at-Law, and the founder of HHR and the present chairperson of the board of trustees.

HHR manages 9 branch offices and 1 main office. The main office is located at No. 14 Pentreve Gardens, Colombo 03. The branch offices are in Jaffna, Batticaloa, Akkaraipattu, Trincomalee, Vavuniya, Mannar, Killinochi, Mullaithivu and Hatton. Presently there are 54 officers and 4 volunteers attached to HHR.

Executive Director

External links

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