Homotopy Lie algebra

In mathematics, in particular abstract algebra and topology, a homotopy Lie algebra (or L_\infty-algebra) is a generalisation of the concept of a differential graded Lie algebra. To be a little more specific, the Jacobi identity only holds up to homotopy. Therefore, a differential graded Lie algebra can be seen as a homotopy Lie algebra where the Jacobi identity holds on the nose.

Homotopy Lie algebras have applications within mathematics and mathematical physics; they are linked, for instance, to the BV formalism much like differential graded Lie algebras are.


There exists several different definitions of a homotopy Lie algebra, some particularly suited to certain situations more than others. The most traditional definition is via symmetric multi-linear maps, but there also exists a more succinct geometric definition using the language of formal geometry. Here the blanket assumption that the underlying field is of characteristic zero is made.

Geometric definition

A homotopy Lie algebra on a graded vector space V = \bigoplus V_i is a continuous derivation of order  >1 that squares to zero m on the formal manifold \hat{S}\Sigma V^*. Here \hat{S} is the completed symmetric algebra, \Sigma is the suspension of a graded vector space, and V^* denotes the linear dual. Typically one describes (V,m) as the homotopy Lie algebra and \hat{S}\Sigma V^* with the differential m as its representing commutative differential graded algebra.

Using this definition of a homotopy Lie algebra, one defines a morphism of homotopy Lie algebras f:(V,m_V)\to (W,m_W) as a morphism f:\hat{S}\Sigma V^*\to\hat{S}\Sigma W^* of their representing commutative differential graded algebras that commutes with the vector field, i.e. f \circ m_V = m_W \circ f . Homotopy Lie algebras and their morphisms define a category.

Definition via multi-linear maps

The more traditional definition of a homotopy Lie algebra is through an infinite collection of symmetric multi-linear maps that is sometimes referred to as the definition via higher brackets. It should be stated that the two definitions are equivalent.

A homotopy Lie algebra on a graded vector space V = \bigoplus V_i is a collection of symmetric multi-linear maps l_n : V^{\otimes n}\to V of degree n-2, sometimes called the n-ary bracket, for each n\in\mathbb{N}. Moreover, the maps l_n satisfy the generalised Jacobi identity:

 \Sigma_{i+j=n+1} \Sigma_{\sigma\in \text{UnShuff}(i,n-i)}  \chi (\sigma ,v_1 ,\dots ,v_n ) (-1)^{i(j-1)} l_j (l_i (v_{\sigma (1)} , \dots ,v_{\sigma (i)}),v_{\sigma (i+1)}, \dots ,v_{\sigma (n)})=0,

for each n. Here the inner sum runs over (i,j)-unshuffles and \chi is the signature of the permutation. The above formula have meaningful interpretations for low values of n; for instance, when n=1 it is saying that l_1 squares to zero (i.e. it is a differential on V), when n=2 it is saying that l_1 is a derivation of l_2, and when n=3 it is saying that l_2 satisfies the Jacobi identity up to an exact term of l_3 (i.e. it holds up to homotopy). Notice that when the higher brackets l_n for n\geq 3 vanish, the definition of a differential graded Lie algebra on V is recovered.

Using the approach via multi-linear maps, a morphism of homotopy Lie algebras can be defined by a collection of symmetric multi-linear maps  f_n: V^{\otimes n} \to W which satisfy certain conditions.

Definition via operads

There also exists a more abstract definition of a homotopy algebra using the theory of operads: that is, an homotopy Lie algebra is an algebra over an operad in the category of chain complexes over the L_\infty operad.

(Quasi) isomorphisms and minimal models

A morphism of homotopy Lie algebras is said to be a (quasi) isomorphism if its linear component f:V\to W is a (quasi) isomorphism where the differentials of V and W are just the linear components of m_V and m_W.

An important special class of homotopy Lie algebras are the so-called minimal homotopy Lie algebras. These are those where the linear component l_1 vanishes. This means that any quasi isomorphism of minimal homotopy Lie algebras must be an isomorphism. Any homotopy Lie algebra is quasi isomorphic to a minimal one, which must be unique up to isomorphism and it is therefore called its minimal model.

See also

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