Homotopy excision theorem

In algebraic topology, the homotopy excision theorem offers a substitute for the absence of excision in homotopy theory. More precisely, let (X; A, B) be an excisive triad with C = A \cap B nonempty, and suppose the pair (A, C) is (m-1)-connected, m \ge 2, and the pair (B, C) is (n-1)-connected, n \ge 1. Then the map induced by the inclusion i: (A, C) \to (X, B)

i_*: \pi_q(A, C) \to \pi_q(X, B)

is bijective for q < m+n-2 and is surjective for q = m+n-2.

A nice geometric proof is given in the book by tom Dieck.[1]

This result should also be seen as a consequence of the Blakers–Massey theorem, the most general form of which, dealing with the non-simply-connected case.[2]

The most important consequence is the Freudenthal suspension theorem.


  1. T. tom Dieck, Algebraic Topology, EMS Textbooks in Mathematics, (2008).
  2. R. Brown and J.-L. Loday, Homotopical excision and Hurewicz theorems for n-cubes of spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc., (3) 54 (1987) 176-192.


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