House of Franckenstein

Franckenstein (also Frankenstein) is the name of a Franconian, noble family in Germany, descendants from the Lords of Lützelbach from Höchst im Odenwald, respectively their offspring, the Dynasts of Breuberg.
Family legend
In 948 an Arbogast von Franckenstein shall have confirmed to the abbot of Lorsch Abbey in two contracts to "grant defense and shield the carriages travelling on the Bergstraße and passing through Frankenstein realm". In the same year, this knight Arbogast is supposed to have won the Tournament of Cologne, thanks to an invitation of the Archbishop Bruno the Great, who was said to have been the former abbot of Lorsch Abbey.
Arbogast von Franckenstein is mentioned in Georg Rüxners Turnierbuch, a tournament book, but is probably legendary as Rüxners's statements, especially when citing "earlier centuries", are often deemed. One has to add, that the contracts are not to be found in the Lorsch Abbey archives, but are appearing in secondary literature.
As a matter of fact, it is certified that the Franckenstein clan is directly originating from Lord Konrad II. Reiz von Breuberg and therefore starting to exist in the 13th century.

Conradus, Reis de Lucelenbach, was the first ancestor of the Frankenstein dynasty and is documented in the year 1189 for the first time [1]
Conrad I. and his offspring build the homonymous Breuberg Castle around 1200 and named themselves after it. In 1239, owing to his son's Eberhard I. Reiz von Breuberg marriage with Mechtild (Elisabeth?), one of the five heiresses of Gerlach II. von Büdingen, imperial bailiff of the Wetteraukreis, the power, possessions and interests were also relocated into the Wetterau region, where the Breubergians Arrois, Gerlach and Eberhard III. held the bailiffship consecutively. They found their last resting-place in the monastery of Konradsdorf, where the family had made many donations.
Before 1250, Lord Konrad II. Reiz von Breuberg erected Frankenstein Castle near Darmstadt and since named himself "von und zu Frankenstein". He was the founder of the free imperial lordship Frankenstein, which was subject only to the jurisdiction of the emperor, with possessions in Nieder-Beerbach, Darmstadt, Ockstadt, Wetterau and Hesse. Additionally the Frankensteins held other possession and Sovereignty-rights as Burgraves in Zwingenberg (Auerbach (Bensheim)), in Darmstadt, Groß-Gerau, Frankfurt am Main and Bensheim. In the year 1292 the Frankensteins opened the castle to the counts of Katzenelnbogen (County of Katzenelnbogen) and leagued with them.
Being both strong opponents of the Protestant Reformation and following territorial conflicts, connected disputes with the Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt, as well as the adherence to the catholic faith and the associated "right of patronage", the family head Lord Johannes I. decided to sell the lordship to the landgrave in 1662, after various lawsuits at the Imperial Chamber Court.
Radu Florescu documents on page 76 of his book, "Frankenstein", that, the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I of Germany (1658-1705) granted the title "Baron of the Empire (Freiherr)" to the Frankensteins in 1670.
Because of many vacancies in relation with the reformation, some family members could fill a number of unengaged offices and posts in various Chapters, Abbeys and Dioceses as Canons, Abbesses and Prince-Bishops.
After the sale of Frankenstein, the family retired to its possessions in Wetterau and acquired the lordship of Ullstadt in the beginning of the 17th century in Middle Franconia. In the 19th century they also bought the Lordship of Thalheim bei Wels in Austria. The family still consists of two existing branches in Germany, Austria, England and the US.
Coat of arms
Divided and split two times coated with a golden heartshield, therein an oblique red battle axe on Gold. Johann Siebmacher's 1605 Wappenbuch shows a picture of arms with a red axe-head upon a gold background, or in blazon "Or, an axe-head gules" similar to the picture below from the Ingeram-Codex.[2]
First coat of arms Lords of Breuberg
Breuberg Seal from 1291
Crest of the Breuberg lordship around 1330–1350
Franckenstein-crest Ullstadt Castle
Franckenstein- coat of armorial bearings from the Scheibler armorial
Franckenstein Emblem of Princebishop Philipp Anton of Bamberg
Franckenstein coat of arms in the Ingeram-Codex
Franckenstein-coat of arms Seehof castle
Franckenstein-Coat of arms in the guildhall of Darmstadt-Eberstadt
Coat of arms municipality of Mühltal
Coat of arms municipality of Modautal
Famous Family Members

- Konrad II. Reiz von Breuberg, also Konrad I. von Frankenstein first bearer of the family name (1245 to 1292)
- Apetzko (Apeczko - Arbogast) von Frankenstein, Bishop of Lebus (1345 to 1352)
- Rudolf von und zu Frankenstein, Prince-bishof of Speyer (1552 to 1560)
- Johann Karl von und zu Franckenstein, Princebishop of Worms (1683 to 1691)
- Johann Philipp Anton von Franckenstein, Princebishop of Bamberg (1746 to 1753)
- Johann Karl Friedrich Franz Xaver Freiherr von Frankenstein auf Ockstatt, Holstatt und Erpen was Minister Plenipotentiary of the Großherzogtum Frankfurt at the Royal Bavarian Court
- Sir Georg von und zu Franckenstein, K.u.K. Envoyé Spécial to the Osman Imperial Court, Austrian Ambassador in London from 1920–1938
- Clemens von und zu Franckenstein (1875–1942), German composer and last General Intendant of the royal bavarian Opera and Theatres
- Georg Arbogast, Reichsfreiherr von und zu Franckenstein, German member of Parliament, Vice President of Zentrumspartei, President of the Bavarian House of Lords (1825–1890)
- Joseph Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein, Austro-German fighter against the Nazi Regime, Editor in chief of Die Neue Zeitung
- Kay Baroness Franckenstein, née Kay Boyle, US-writer and political activist
Family Tree
- Karl Arbogast von und zu Franckenstein (1798-1845) ∞ Leopoldine Apponyi de Nagy-Appony
- Georg Arbogast, Reichsfreiherr von und zu Franckenstein ∞ Mria Theresia von Oettingen-Wallerstein
- Johann Karl von und zu Franckenstein (1858-1913)
- Moritz Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein (1869-1931) maried on Ehe Maria Pia Gräfin zu Stolberg-Stolberg (1870–1913)
- Anna Maria (1896-1998)
- Georg Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein (1898-1965) ∞ Karoline, Prinzessin von Schönburg-Hartenstein (* 23. Dezember 1898; † 27. April 1985)
- Marie Leopoldine (1901-1970)
- Heinrich (1902-1991) ∞ 1953 Theresa Maria Josefa Riccabona von Reichenfels (* 10. April 1909)
- Marie Elisabeth (1905-1919)
- Karl von und zu Franckenstein (1831-1898) ∞ Elma von Schonborn-Weisetnheid
- Leopoldine Freiin von und zu Franckenstein (1874–1918)[3]
- Clemens von und zu Franckenstein (1875–1942)
- Georg von und zu Franckenstein (1878–1953) ∞ Efitha King (-1953)
- Clemens von und zu Franckenstein (1942-h.d.)
- Heinrich von und zu Franckenstein ∞ Helene Prinzessin von Arco-Zinneberg
- Georg Arbogast, Reichsfreiherr von und zu Franckenstein ∞ Mria Theresia von Oettingen-Wallerstein
- Karl O. von Aretin: Franckenstein Eine politische Karriere zwischen Bismarck und Ludwig II.. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-608-94286-6.
- J. Friedrich Battenberg: Roßdorf in vormoderner Zeit. Alltag und Konfliktkultur einer hessischen Landgemeinde im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. In: Archiv für hessische Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Bd. N.F. 60 (2002), ISSN 0066-636X, S. 29–60
- Roman Fischer: Findbuch zum Bestand Frankensteinische Lehenurkunden 1251–1812. Kramer, Frankfurt am Main 1992, ISBN 3-7829-0433-8
- Georg von Franckenstein: Zwischen Wien und London Erinnerungen eines österreichischen Diplomaten. Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz 2005, ISBN 3-7020-1092-0.
- Sir George Franckenstein, Facts and features of my life
- Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels Band 27; Freiherrliche Häuser A IV, CA Starke Verlag.
- Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Band 61, 1975, Adelslexikon. Starke, Limburg/Lahn
- Walter Scheele: Sagenhafter Franckenstein. Societäts-Verlag, Ulm 2004, ISBN 3-7973-0875-2
- Otto von Waldenfels (Hrsg.): Genealogisches Handbuch des in Bayern immatrikulierten Adels. Verlag Degener, Neustadt an der Aisch.
- Hellmuth Gensicke: Untersuchungen zur Genealogie und Besitzgeschichte der Herren von Eschollbrücken, Weiterstadt, Lützelbach, Breuberg und Frankenstein. In: Hessische historische Forschungen (1963), S.99–115
- Walter Scheele: Burg Franckenstein. Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main 2001, ISBN 3-7973-0786-1
- Historischer Verein für Hessen, Archiv für hessische Geschichte und Altertumskunde.
- Otto Hupp: Münchener Kalender 1912. Verlagsanstalt München / Regensburg 1912.
- Rudolf Kunz: Dorfordnungen der Herrschaft Franckenstein aus der 2. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Sonderdruck aus: Archiv für hessische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Band 26, Heft 1, 1958
- Wolfgang Weißgerber: Die Herren von Frankenstein und ihre Frauen: Landschaften, Personen, Geschichten. Schlapp, Darmstadt-Eberstadt 2002, ISBN 3-87704-050-0.
- Karl Ottmar Freiherr von Aretin (1961), "Franckenstein, Freiherren von und zu", Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) (in German) 5, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 329–329
- Norbert Hierl-Deronco: "Es ist eine Lust zu Bauen". Von Bauherren, Bauleuten und vom Bauen im Barock in Kurbayern, Franken, Rheinland. Krailling 2001, ISBN 3-929884-08-9, S. 133–142
- ↑ Valentin Ferdinand Gudenus: Codex Diplomaticvs: Exhibens Anecdota Ab Anno DCCCLXXXI, Ad MCCC. Mogvntiaca, Ivs Germanicvm, Et S.R.I. Historiam Illvstrantia. Göttingen 1743, S. 293f. Nr. 106.
- ↑ Siebmacher, Johann. Wappenbuch (Munich: Neografia, 1999)
- ↑ Kleine Chronik. (…) † Leopoldine v(on) Passavant-Franckenstein. In: Neue Freie Presse, 4. August 1918, p. 09 (Online at ANNO) .
External links
- Frankenstein Crest in the Ortenburger Wappenbuch from 1466
- Frankenstein Armorial Bearings in Johann Siebmachers Wappenbuch
- Frankenstein coat of arms in
- Crest in Ingeram-Codex
- Geschichte der Familie Frankenstein in
- EBIDAT - Burgendatenbank des Europäischen Burgeninstitutes
- Die Geschichte der Wappen der von Franckenstein
- Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte, Burgen in Bayern