How Democratic Is the American Constitution?

How Democratic is the American Constitution? (2001, ISBN 0-300-09218-0, among others) is a book by political scientist Robert A. Dahl that discusses seven "undemocratic" elements of the United States Constitution.

The book defines "democratic" as alignment with the principle of one person, one vote, also known as majority rule. The author praises the Framers of the Constitution as "men of exceptional talent and virtue" (p. 7) who made admirable progress in the creation of their republican government. But Dahl also points out that innovation and change in democratic techniques and ideals continued even after the Constitution was codified, and the American system has not adopted all of those new ideas. He says that the Founders were partially constrained by public opinion, which included maintenance of the sovereignty of the thirteen states.

Undemocratic elements

The primary "undemocratic" aspects of the Constitution that the book sets out are:

The Framers created a representative democracy because they were fearful of direct democracy. Dahl says this is a result of underestimating the ability of the American people as a whole to guide the country on a stable, free-market path that would have respected the property rights of land owners.

What kind of constitution is best?

Dahl considers the question of whether the details of the American Constitution, as amended and practiced in modern times, are superior or inferior to the constitutional systems of other stable democracies. His criteria for evaluation are:

International comparisons

Dahl finds meaningful comparisons to the American Constitution only in other countries with similar conditions. He says that there have been only 22 countries, including the United States which have been "steadily democratic" since 1950. His book identifies the following constitutional attributes as important for comparison:

List of countries steadily democratic since at least 1950

How Democratic compares the 22 stable, wealthy democracies on these criteria, summarized as follows:

List of countries steadily democratic since at least 1950
Country Strongly federal? Strongly bicameral? Upper house with unequal repress.? Strong judicial review? Electoral system Party system Structure
 Australia Yes Yes Yes No Lower House AV; Upper House PR (STV) Two Parliamentary
 Austria Yes No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 Belgium Yes (since 1993) No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 Canada Yes No Yes Yes FPTP Multi Parliamentary
 Costa Rica No No No No PR (list) Multi Presidential
 Denmark No No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 Finland No No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 France No No No No 2 round Multi Parliamentary
 Germany Yes Yes Yes Yes PR (MMP) Multi Parliamentary
 India Yes Yes No Yes FPTP Multi Parliamentary
 Iceland No No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 Ireland No No No No PR (STV) Multi Parliamentary
 Israel No No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 Italy No Yes No No PR (MMP) Multi Parliamentary
 Japan No No No No Semi-PR Multi Parliamentary
 Luxembourg No No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 Netherlands No Yes No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 New Zealand No No No No PR (MMP) since 1993 Two (until 2000) Parliamentary
 Norway No No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 Sweden No No No No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
  Switzerland Yes Yes Yes No PR (list) Multi Parliamentary
 United Kingdom No No No No FPTP Multi Parliamentary
 United States Yes Yes Yes Yes FPTP Two Presidential
Totals Yes:8,
FPTP:3, PR-list:13, PR-AV:1, 2-round:1 PR-MMP:3, PR:STV:1 Semi-PR:1 Two:3,
Source: R. Dahl (2000), How Democratic Is the American Constitution? - Table 1

Protecting democratic rights

Looking at Freedom House rankings, Dahl concludes that there is no discernible correlation between the seven constitutional features and ratings on political rights or civil rights among the 22 comparison countries.

Fairness and consensus

Dahl contrasts majoritarian governments, where the electoral system (for example, first-past-the-post) can grant a dominant group (or even a minority group) decisive control over the government, with proportional systems, where governmental control is more distributed. He concludes that proportional systems are more "fair".

Proportional systems also do more to promote consensus-building, he claims, because of the need to build coalitions to form a majority.

Dahl considers the American system to be a hybrid, due to its bicameral legislature and strong separation of powers, and the strong executive, which he says does not fit the mold of either category.

Problem-solving effectiveness

Data from Patterns of Democracy (Yale University Press, 1999) by Arend Lijphart is presented in an appendix, which ranks the U.S. on a best-to-worst scale among a varying number of countries. Ranked criteria include economic growth, unemployment, inflation, economic inequality, women's representation, energy efficiency, incarceration rates, social spending, voter turnout, and foreign aid. Not all analysts would agree with Dahl that all of these criteria are appropriate measures of government effectiveness, and in some cases, there are political disagreements on whether a given indicator should be higher or lower. In the rankings that are given, the United States is in the best third of one, the middle third of six, and the bottom third of eight.

Dahl states that difference in size, diversity, and economic affluence make attributing good performance on these measures to government effectiveness too difficult. He does describe American performance as "mediocre," and concludes that changing the United States Constitution to a system resembling one of the other stable democracies would not necessarily negatively impact government performance.


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