Hristo Kyuchukov

Prof. Dr. Habil. Hristo Kyuchukov is a Bulgarian Muslim Rom. He is a leading specialist in the field of Romani language and education of Roma children in Europe. Prof. Kyuchukov holds a Ph. D. in General Linguistics (Psycholinguistics) from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1995); and two Ph. D.-s in Education (1998 and 2002) from Bulgaria. He has a Habilitation in Education also from Bulgaria, and he holds the academic title "Professor of General Linguistics" (Psycholinguistics) with focus on Romani and Turkish languages from the Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia.

His research interests are in the field of bilingualism, education of Roma and Turkish children in Europe, language acquisition, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, languages in contact, Roma Holocaust and Antigypsyism in Europe. His linguistic research are on Romani, Balkan Turkish, Gagauz and Tatar languages in Bulgaria, Bulgarian, Slovak and Russian languages. For his research he received fellowships from Swedish Institute - Stockholm, Amsterdam University, Pro Helvetia Foundation - Switzerland, Soros Foundation - New York, the Bulgarian Fulbright Commission and the Slovak government.

Hristo Kyuchukov introduced the Romani language education in Bulgaria to primary and secondary school children at the beginning of 1990's, and he also introduced new University programs connected to Romani language education at University level: in Bulgaria (University of Veliko Tarnovo,2003-2010), in Slovakia (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, 2008-2012) and the St. Elizabeth University in Bratislava (2012-2015).

In 2011 Hristo Kyuchukov introduced a new subjects in the M.A. Program of the Institute of Turkology at the Free University of Berlin, Germany: "Turkish Dialects of Muslim Roma from Balkan countries" and "Balkan Turkish Sociolinguistics".

In 2006 he received a Fulbright scholarships and worked 6 months in the Laboratory of Psycholinguistics, at Smith College, MA, USA together with the American psycholinguist Prof. Dr. Jill de Villiers, developing the first Theory of Mind Tests in Romani language. Between 2006 - 2015 together with Jill de Villiers he developed the first psycholinguistic Tests in Romani language and organised the first international psycholinguistic research with Roma children in Romani language in Europe.

For last 25 years Prof. Kyuchukov worked at different European and American Universities and Research Institutes: between 1999 and 2000 he did work for the Open Society Institute in Budapest, being responsible for the education of Roma and minority children in East European countries. He also worked at the University of Shumen and the University of Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria; Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and St. Elizabeth University in Bratislava, Slovakia. He was a guest-professor at different European and American universities: University of San Francisco, CA and at Beloit College, WI, USA; Moscow Pedagogical State University in Russia; the Institute of Turkology at Free University of Berlin and the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences in Germany; University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland; The Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology, Bratislava, Slovakia.

For more than 20 years Prof. Kyuchukov did work in the field of Roma children education in Europe and lately he did many research with Prof. William New, from Beloit College, WI, USA. In 2013 for his extraordinary work in the field of Roma Education and psycholinguistics research with Roma children in Europe, Kyuchukov received the title "Corresponding Member" and in 2014 the title "Academic" of the International Teacher's Training Academy of Science (Международная Академия Наук Педагогического Образования - МАНПО) in Moscow, Russia.

Author of number of scientific publications regarding Romani, Turkish, Gagauz, Bulgarian and Russian in contact; acquisition of Romani and Turkish; education of minority children in Europe, Kyuchukov also published many children's books in Romani and English, but the most famous ones are: "A history of the Romani People" (2005) written in co-authorship with Ian Hancock and "My name was Hussein" (2004) published by Boyds Mills Press, USA.

In 1995 Prof. Kyuchukov established the "Diversity" Balkan Foundation for Cross-cultural education and understanding in Sofia, Bulgaria and between 1995 - 2007 he was its Exacutive Director. Under his supervision the Foundation realised more than 100 educational and linguistic projects.

Between 2000 - 2004 Hristo Kyuchukov was the Secretary General of the International Romani Union (IRU).

Prof. Dr. Hristo Kyuchukov established the International Journal of Romani Language and Culture and he was the editor of the Journal between 2011-2013, currently he is editor of the series "Interculturalism and intercultural education", "Lincom Studies in Language Acquisition and Bilingualism" and "Roma", published by LINCOM Publishers in Germany.

He was also "proposed for Vice-Minister on Roma Educational Integration at the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science" [1]


Selected Publications


Kyuchukov, H. (2010) Esseys on the Language, Culture and Education of Roma. Uppsala: The Hugo Valentin Centre.

Kyuchukov, H. (2007) Turkish and Roma children learning Bulgarian. V. Tarnovo: Faber.

Kyuchukov, H. (2006) Dessegregation of Roma schools in Bulgaria. Sofia: S.E.G.A.

Kyuchukov, H. (2006) Educational status of Roma women. Sofia: Ictus.

Kyuchukov, H. (1995) Romany children and their preparation for literacy. A case study. Tilburg University Press.

Edited books

Kyuchukov, H. (ed.) (2015) Acquision od Slavic languages. Munich: Lincom Academic Publisher

Kyuchukov, H., Kwadrans, L. and Fizik, L. (eds) (2015) Romani Studies: contemporary trends. Munich: Lincom Academic Publisher

Kyuchukov, H., Lewowicki, T. and Ogrodzka-Mazur, E. (eds) (2015) Intercultural education: concepts, practice, problems. Munich: Lincom Academic Publisher.

Kyuchukov, H., Kaleja, M. and Samko, M. (eds) (2015) Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Issues of Roma. Munich: Lincom Academic Publisher.

Selling, J., End, M., Kyuchukov, H., Laskar, P. and Templer, B. (eds) (2015). Antiziganism. What’s in a Word? Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Kyuchukov, H. and Rawashdeh, O. (eds) (2013) Roma Identity and Antigypsyism in Europe. Munich: Lincom Academic Publisher.

Balvin, J., Kwadrans, L. and Kyuchukov, H. (eds) (2013) Roma in Visegrad Countries: History, Culture, Social Integration, Social work and Education. Wroclaw: Prom.

Kyuchukov, H. and Artamonova, E. (eds) (2013) The educational and social sciences in the XXI century. Bratisalva: VSZaSV "Sv. Alzbeta".

Kyuchukov, H. (ed) (2012) New Faces of Antigypsysm in Modern Europe. Prague: Slovo 21

Stoyanova, J. and Kyuchukov, H. (eds.) (2011) Psichologiya i Lingvistika/Psychology and Linguistics. Sofia: Prosveta.

Kyuchukov, H. and Hancock, I. (eds) (2010) Roma Identity. Prague: Slovo 21.

Kyuchukov, H. (ed.) (2009) A language without Borders… Endangerded Languages and Cultures. Uppsala: Uppsala University Press, vol. 5.

Kyuchukov, H. (ed.) (2002) New Aspects of Roma Children Education. Sofia: Diversity Publications.

Bakker, P. and Kyuchukov, H. (eds)(2000) What is the Romani language? Hertfordshire: Hertfordshire University Press.

Matras, Y., Bakker, P. and Kyuchukov, H. (eds) (1997) The typology and dialectology of Romani language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishng Company.


Kyuchukov, H. (2013) Die Folklore der Gagausen aus Bulgarien. Muenchen: Lincom.

Kyuchukov, H. (2010) Textbook of Romani Songs. Muenchen: Lincom Europe.

Children's books

Kyuchukov, H. (2004) My name was Hussein. Honasdale: Boyds Mills Press

Kyuchukov, H. and Hancock, I. (2005) A history of the Romani people. Honasdale: Boyds Mills Press.

Kjučukov, Xristo (2002) Me ginav dži ko deš. Sofia: IKTUS, (in Romani).

Kjučukov, Xristo. (2001) Amari Romani Lumya, 4 kotor, Romane lava phure Romendar. Sofia: Iktus, (in Romani).

Kjučukov, Xristo (2001) Amari Romani Lumja. 3 kotor, Romane gilya. Sofia: Iktus, (in Romani)..

Kjučukov, Xristo (2000) Amari Romani Lumja. 2 kotor, Romane paramisya. Sofia: Tilia, (in Romani).

Kjučukov, Xristo (1997) Amari Romani Lumja. 1 kotor, Romane poeme. Sofia, (in Romani).

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