Human Concern International

Human Concern International (HCI) is a Canadian, federally registered, charitable non-governmental organization (NGO) working in international development and emergency relief assistance since 1980.[1][2]

From the HCI website:

"HCI is a non-profit organization dedicated to help alleviate human suffering through sustainable development projects and emergency relief assistance programs that foster self-reliance and preserves human dignity"

Their focus was largely on Afghan orphans, building schools as well as "Hope Village", a small community composed almost entirely of orphan children.[3]


Since 1980 HCI has contributed over $110 million towards facilitating Sustainable Development through long term development projects, and maintaining Human Dignity by providing immediate relief assistance to many poor and strife torn countries and to local causes in Canada. HCI's development projects have helped communities become more self-sufficient and the emergency assistance provided has helped communities during dire need. We have provided financial assistance Health Care, Agriculture, Human Resources Development, Relief and Public Education.

Around the globe they have sponsored over 2000 children. For $30 a month, they have provided medical, educational and other basic needs to children up to the age of 16 years. In Canada they have assisted during the Manitoba floods, ice storm in Eastern Canada and Quebec and with the B.C. inferno victims, provided food, clothing, shelter, medical services and educational services to the needy and homeless.

Countries of operation

Girls School in Farm Hada, Jalalabad;
Relief and Rehabilitation Projects

Relief Assistance;
Rehabilitation & Resettlement Projects

Mobile Clinics

Relief Assistance Programs;
Health and Education Projects;
Women Empowerment Projects

Horn of Africa
Water, Agriculture and Medical Aid;
Emergency Relief;
School Rehabilitation and Reconstruction;
Skills Training and Livelihood Programs

Health and Education Projects;
Capacity Building and Training Programs

Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Projects;
Micro-enterprise and Micro-credit Programs;
School Sponsorship and Scholarship Programs;
Skills Training Programs

Relief Assistance;
Capacity Building Activities;
Support to Disabled People

Landmines Dangers Awareness Programs;
Micro-Credit and Livelihood Programs;
Relief and Rehabilitation Programs

Relief Assistance Programs;
Medical Hospital and Mobile Health Clinic;
Housing and Sanitation Projects ;
Schools (up to grade 8);
Skills Training Programs

Organic Olive Oil Production Project;
Relief Assistance;
School Bags and School Sponsorship Programs;
Kindergarten Development Programs

Hope Village Complex - facilities include:
Mother-Child and Family Health Center;
Mental Health and Trauma Counseling Center;
Vocational Training;
Micro-enterprise for women and men;
School (up to grade 12 and hostel for orphans);
General Hospital and Education Centers;
Women’s Center;
Skills Training and Professional Development Programs

Sri Lanka
Relief Assistance;
Education Program;
Women Empowerment Projects

Public Education and Awareness Raising Programs;
Training and Scholarship Programs;
Support to Hospitals, Food Banks and Women’s Shelters;
Financial Assistance to the Needy;
Scholarship Program

Regional operation Child Sponsorship Program in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Guyana, Kashmir, Lebanon, Palestine, Pakistan, Somalia & Sudan ;
Higher Education and Learning Program (HELP);
Medical Aid Packages;
Human Resource Development;
Ramadan and Zabiha (Meat as Food) Programs


Agro-chemical Projects
Field Crop Projects
Irrigation Systems
Water Resource Projects including Artesian Wells, Tube Wells and Canals

Child Sponsorship Program

Economic Development
Entrepreneurship Development
Vocational Training
Livelihood Development
Financial Assistance
Income Generating Activities

Financial assistance
For medical, education and other basic needs of children newborn to 16 years.

Rural Clinics
General Hospitals
Dental Clinics
Mother and Child Health Care Centres
Mobile Clinics
Immunization Programs
Trauma Counseling Centers
Training of Teachers and Health Professionals as Mental Health Therapists

Human Resources Development
Teachers' Training Centres
Higher Education and Literacy Program (HELP)
Nursing colleges
Primary and Middle Schools
Vocational and Skill Training Centres
Income Generating Projects with Work Production Centres
Micro-enterprise Schemes (Small Scale Livelihood Projects)
Community Credit Programs

Medical Aid Packages
Emergency Food Distribution
Shipment of Basic Necessities
Financial Assistance
Family Assistance Program
Zabiha Project
Ramadan Programs and Zakat Fund

Public Education
Information to general public & communities
Public Education in Health matters
Videos, Special Reports, Newsletters, Pamphlets and Flyers
Public Speaking Activities

Higher Education and Learning Program (HELP)
HELP was launched in 2001 to address a crucial problem; needs in higher education and skills learning, in many developing countries. It facilitates sustainable social and personal development while promoting higher education.

HELP has two segments, built around the needs of youth in under-privileged countries. Higher Education will target those who have the will and merit to continue their studies but cannot afford the tuition fees and other related expenses. The Learning Program aims at providing vocational training to young people in fields compatible with the region's demands to help them acquire skills to earn their living and achieve financial independent.

The three primary areas in which HCI carried on programs to achieve its charitable purposes during the fiscal period ending 2009-03-31 are: 65% literacy/education/training programs; 17% disaster/war relief; 10% infrastructure development.

Financial Arrangements

The total expenditures of HCI on activities, programs and projects carried on outside Canada during the fiscal period ending 2009-03-31, excluding gifts to qualified donees, is 7,892,935 Canadian dollars. HCI's total expenditure on all compensation during the fiscal period ending 2009-03-31 is 194,639 Canadian dollars. HCI exported medical supplies during the fiscal period ending 2009-03-31 as part of its charitable programs valued 5,344,797 Canadian dollars.[4]

HCI reportedly began in 1979 to support the people in Afghanistan. Dedicated to feeding and schooling orphans, the organisation co-sponsored a Human Rights day at Pennsylvania State University in 1986.[5]

Statements by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS):

[6] Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) is an independent, external review body which reports to the Parliament of Canada on the operations of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS or the Service). SIRC ensures that CSIS powers are used legally and appropriately, in order to protect Canadians’ rights and freedoms.

[7] Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) reported a decision on a complaint made pursuant to Section 41 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act by HCI, alleging that the Service made a false statement to the Federal Court of Canada, via the Minister of Public Safety and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. It was further alleged that a document filed by both Ministers was based on CSIS information that the Service knew—or ought to have known—would impugn the character, reputation and standing of the complainant. Furthermore, HCI maintained that not being party to the court proceedings meant there was no formal opportunity to challenge a statement by the Service that was later published in two Canadian newspapers.

Upon receipt of this complaint, SIRC encouraged the two parties to seek an alternative resolution of this dispute. When these discussions failed, SIRC undertook its own investigation. It found that the Service had made an unsubstantiated allegation about the complainant in its advice to the Ministers of Public Safety and Citizenship and Immigration which was in turn presented to the Federal Court. As well, SIRC found that CSIS knew that reliance would be placed on its advice by both the Ministers of Public Safety and Citizenship and Immigration, as well as the Federal Court. For this reason, and since HCI was not given an opportunity to respond to the impugned statement, CSIS should have taken care to avoid making an unsubstantiated statement which could lead to injury or loss of support and funding.


SIRC recommended that:

1. CSIS formally retract this particular statement and that it do so by informing the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, the Minister of Public Safety, the Federal Court of Canada and the publishers of two newspapers; and

2. CSIS apologize to HCI for having made an unsubstantiated statement.

Apology from the National Post

The National Post apologized, on April 26, 2004, for a March 6, 2004 editorial.[8] The apology said, in part:

"The National Post has no reason to believe that there is evidence of any misuse of HCI funds to support terrorism. HCI itself has never been accused of terrorism or of supporting terrorism. The Post has no reason to believe that any of its other volunteers or staff have been accused of terrorism or of supporting terrorism.
"Incorrect information appeared in an editorial in the National Post of March 6. The National Post apologizes to HCI, its board of directors, volunteers and donors for any harm or embarrassment its errors may have caused."


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, July 28, 2014. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.