Id (comics)

Author Kim Daewoo
Illustrator A. T. Kenny
Publisher Book Box
Original run 2002
Volumes 29

Id The Greatest Fusion Fantasy (이드 pronounced Ee doo), is a manhwa (comic) written by Kim Daewoo (김대우), with art by A. T. Kenny. The manhwa version is adapted from the novel of the same name by the same author. The plot is set in a fantasy universe where traditional sword and sorcery elements(mana,elemental magic system,dragons,elves,dwarves etc.) and Chinese wuxia plot elements(qi,taoist ideas,references to jianghu) coexist.

Plot Summary

This is the story of man named Ye Chun Hwa (예천화)[1] who is trapped in a world he does not come from. He soon takes the name of Id since he did not want to attract too much unwanted attention because of his name which would sound odd to the locals of the world he found himself in. As Chun Hwa progresses through this strange new world throughout the story he makes friends, enemies, and part of his past is shown indicating that there is more than meets the eye about his past. Around volume six his origins and his past are revealed, but many questions about him are still unanswered.


Id Characters

Ye Chun Hwa (예천화)/ Id (이드)

Id is a human man with a feminine appearance who comes from a place called Middle Kingdom. Id landed in the Continent of Gressen after a dimension shift. When he became the owner of the sentient sword named Lamia he was also endowed with the Heart of the Dragon Greydrone who was the protector of the sword up to that point. He meets up with a party of travelers who initially think he is a girl, and decides to travel with them for a certain amount of time, and then temporarily leaves them and goes with Irlina to find the gold dragon . During certain scenes, Id is shown to be pretty clueless, mistaken for a girl numerous times and a bit naive about some things, yet he is incredibly strong. He performs feats that the others see as magic, but is merely martial arts using ki he learned from his home world and other times using the power of the Dragon's heart within him. The latter is dangerous for him however as it takes much time to sync his body with the power of the heart he was bestowed causing instances where he goes berserk as the heart takes him over leaving only the brutality of the dragon which is its natural instinct. At certain times a mysterious bracelet also appears on Id's arm that drains him of his energy unexpectedly. The only things that are known about it is that the reason he has it was to keep it out of the hands of someone he knew from the world he came from because of its importance, that the bracelet itself could be the reason Id was transported to the other world and that Id himself doesn't know what the bracelet is, or what it does either. Romantic interest in Irlina.

Many characters hear Id's name and express doubt or fear throughout the story. It is later shown that Id traveled back in time, and had adventures in the past that would lead to the infamy of the name Id.

Id is a natural-born martial artist in his world. He demonstrated that he can copy another person's skill just by observing. Before coming to the Continent of Gressen, he has mastered two forms of martial arts: Angelic Jade Form Perfection (선녀 옥형결)[2] and Great Absolute Formation Technique (태극만상공).[3] He is also skillful in both unarmed and sword fighting, although he admits that he is more skillful with the latter.

His unarmed fighting techniques include (in order of appearance):

His sword fighting techniques include (in order of appearance):

He also has non-fighting techniques including:

After arriving the Continent of Gressen and obtaining Lamia, he obtains further skills including:

He also obtained class-13 spells from Greydron including:

Later in the story, he learns spirit summoning from Irlina and manages to summon and make a contract with wind spirit queen Sildran (시르드란) in the first attempt.[46] Sildran urges Id to make a contract with other spirit kings. Although the story does not show that Id makes contracts with other spirit kings, it can be inferred that he has done so from the fact that he can summon wind, earth, wood, and fire elemental spirits.[47] He seems to be able to summon five elements at once and names the technique Five Phases in One Technique (오행대천공).[48]

Lamia (라미아)

She is the ancient sword created by Greydrone, the dragon, and the Gods(before they went silent). She chose Id as her master, while Greydrone hadn't been able to use her. Her spirit takes the form of a woman. All her abilities are not known, but as the manhwa progresses, she shows them. However, the manhwa hinted at Lamia holding the power of a god. She has magical abilities and the ability to change her physical appearance. Appearance that Lamia has assumed in the manhwa include the sword-form,[49] a hairpin,[50] a brooch,[51] a bracelet,[52] a hair tie,[53] and a belt. She frequently converses with Id in the entire manhwa and her real form is only known to Id. While Id was transported to the past, she lost her physical form and assumed a spiritual form which could be combined with Id. She is bonded to Id for eternity. While she seems to love Id, Id does not treat her as a female. Hence, she is often jealous of Irlina for being loved by Id and sulks by ignoring Id. She was guarded by Greydrone for 10,000 years before Id appeared. When Id visits Ground Zero, a dimension set in the 10,000 years in the past, she is unable to assume her sword form because it conflicts with her other self, a new sword protected by Greydrone.

Irlina (일리나)

A female high elf, originally traveling with the party for safe passage through the forest Id was found in. It took some time as she watched Id as he did wondrous techniques which were unknown to that world. She is adept at elemental spirit summoning magic. In time she begins to care about Id and as time went on is unknowingly caught in a love triangle between the oblivious Id and Lamia since no one knows Id's sword is actually sentient. In the beginning of the story she is traveling to see the Gold Dragon Laillo Sidgar who owns the Sphere of Seals, which her village is in dire need of and with the aid of Id does so. Later she stays with the group and helps Id contact the elemental spirits to make a contract only to be awestruck by Id accidentally summoning a Spirit King for a first try. She is Id's romantic interest and has feelings for him as well.

Grey (그레이)

A human warrior with great physical strength who functions as the comic relief among the party. He is brash but has a forgiving nature thanks to the fact that his childhood friend Hael is traveling with him. It is shown that he cares a great deal for Hael as well as having great respect for Id's abilities. Later in the series Id taught him a few skills and well as eventually giving him an enchanted sword to help him in combat. Grey constantly gets into fights with Reindelph but despite this, Grey and Reindelph are the best of friends and occasionally have the same opinions. He wants to get stronger so he isn't a burden on Id or the group. Some time later he accidentally met Percer after falling from a cliff. Percer is interested by him as Grey is the first guy to understand him since Chaos. As the result, he taught Grey how to control his mana flow and even lent him Centerhead, one of the four divine swords from the myths.

Reindelph (라인델프)

An old dwarf who travels with the party, who has a great rivalry and friendship with Grey which often leads to comedic scenes with their arguments and fights. Even though he presents himself as a modest person with the facade of being wise he actually loves to wear very garish and eccentric clothing thinking that it makes him look more proper. He has an intense hatred for dragons, being the lone survivor of a village that was destroyed by them. Fell deeply in love with Gerise, princess of the dark dwarves.

Hael (하엘)

A human female priestess who is Grey's childhood friend. She followed Grey follows to learn more about the world. Both she and Grey are childhood friends but cares much more for him than that and sometimes has to use violence to keep him in line with an often comedic effect such as kicking him naked onto the street when she thought Grey was molesting Id while not knowing that he could not in fact move at the time. She receives an enchanted dagger from Id to help defend herself.

Ilran (일란)

A human mage who appears to be in his thirties. As the series progresses, he is drawn to be younger than he initially was. He aspires to be a great mage just like his idol the Great Sage Lauri after he met him when he was young. He did rather well in a magical tournament showing that he could dual cast spells which is an extraordinary feat since he was self-taught.

The Dragons

Greydrone (그래이드론)

The former Dragon Lord who created the sword, Lamia, but was unable to use it. He bestows his knowledge, his heart and a class-13 spell upon Id when he witnessed his ability to draw the sword from where it slept. Greydrone is known as the strongest Dragon who has ever existed and in order to wait for the owner of Lamia to appear, he lived past the usual age of a dragon lord by sheer will for over 10,000 years. Although considered to be the most wise, Greydrone's true nature is that of a vicious dragon. For reasons unknown, Greydrone was imprisoned during the war in Ground Zero along with Lamia for some sort of treasonous act against the god of his world.

Laillo Sidgar (라일로 시드가)

The golden dragon Id and his party went to seek. From the beginning when both he and Id met Sidgar has had suspicions and contempt about Id and doesn't seem to trust him. This is especially true when Id tells Sidgar his name. He can transform into human form just like any other dragon and his power can destroy mountains and has been shown to be far greater than a Demon King that he was sent to dispatch until the unforeseen interference of a third party prevented him from doing so. His temperament can be seen as snobbish when it comes to humans but this is kept in check with a word or look by the wiser and more powerful Dragon Lord Selenia.

Selenia (세레니아)

She is the current Dragon Lord and is considered the most powerful dragon in the world. Her dragon form is that of a crimson fire dragon and can use a multitude of high level spells such as long distance teleportation. She keeps Sidgar in check when his temper gets the better of him. In her human form she takes the form of a young girl and likes to walk and talk with humans, especially Id when she meets him. Even though she is friendly to all her personality is shown to wise, decisive, and thinks of the bigger picture during situations as during a major battle she intentionally allowed Id to defeat most of them to see his abilities first hand. Only when she was pushed too far by a person who was a fragment of Chaos did she show her fierce instinct for battle.



Locklin's brother who finds and saves Irlina after the battle with Perser. He is mistaken for Locklin several times, because of his appearance.

Great Sage Lauri

Ilran's idol and a mage of great skill, who is renowned for destroying the dark mage Cleon, whose soul was sold to a demon lord. Later in the series it is shown that it was Lauri who killed his best friend Cleon, as Lauri was afraid of defying the church. Lauri later shows his disregard for life when he willingly chooses to eliminate Cleon without any care for Ilran's soul which was taken by Cleon. He was killed by Cleon who used a spell to destroy both Lauri and himself. It is implied in the end that Lauri decided to atone for his sins by willingly dying together with Cleon.


Son of the great sage Lauri, a seemingly arrogant youth. He is the, winner of the magic tournament two years in a row. He loses an arm at the hand of Dark Mage contestant Cleon when he continued to fight after being warned by Cleon not to.

Dark Mage Cleon

First appeared during the magic tournament competition as a competitor. After getting through the initial battles and attacks by the guards for the lose of Lauri's son who lost to him earlier. He seizes Ilran's soul which led to a direct conflict with Id who after saving the spectators battles him after he just defeats Great Sage Lauri by losing his humanity and becoming a monster. After the initial confusion of who had done wrong and his defeat by a berserk Id he gives Id a talisman that would free Ilran's soul before he uses a powerful move to destroy both Great Sage Lauri and himself. It is implied that despite what Lauri had done to him and his desire to kill him, that Cleon still thought of Lauri as his best friend and wanted to die in a fight with Lauri like they used to have when they were younger.

Fragments of Chaos

The fragments of Chaos are a group of powerful beings that lived long ago during the great time of strife between the world and the Heaven's. When Id arrives in the new world he accidentally comes across a red stone that told the story of these beings and later meets some of the members themselves. Some watched Id from a distance since they could not tell what he was but could tell that he was powerful. Id battled a Fragment of Chaos called Perser who had just killed and large number of humans that ended in Id's defeat. (Id's bracelet drained his energy at the peak of the battle.) After the incident they continued to watch to see that Id showed much more power than he did in the fight with Percer causing them to believe that he is hiding his true potential. They then caused a disturbance of both the energies of light and darkness colliding to see what Id would do. While in the midst of dealing with it he found that the Fragments of Chaos had no memory of their pasts. When both energies reaching their peak they mixed just when Id's mysterious bracelet appeared to absorb the energy creating a portal through time to the distant past which Id fell through. There he meets the Fragments of Chaos as their original good selves for the first time and becomes friends with them. Eventually he helps them defend against the attacks of a being calling himself God and establishing the name Id for the stories in the future.

Chaos Is the leader of the group.

Percer Is a dual-wielding sword fighter.

Canta A spell caster able to do instant spells of the highest ranking. He takes the form of a teddy bear, and is carried around by Morkana

Mercio Lycanthrope that has many human characteristics, but is not human himself.

Kukudo High-level warrior that uses a hammer to fight.

Ashirijen A woman who uses forcefields, manipulates wind, and moves at hypersonic speed.


  1. Kim 2003b, p. 177.
  2. Kim 2007a, p. 152.
  3. Kim 2005c, p. 24.
  4. Kim 2002b, p. 46.
  5. Kim 2003b, p. 16.
  6. Kim 2003b, p. 88.
  7. Kim 2005a, p. 65.
  8. Kim 2005b, p. 79.
  9. Kim 2005b, p. 84.
  10. Kim 2005b, p. 122.
  11. Kim 2006b, p. 32.
  12. Kim 2006b, p. 76.
  13. Kim 2006b, p. 90.
  14. Kim 2006b, p. 91.
  15. Kim 2006b, p. 103.
  16. Kim 2007b, p. 61.
  17. Kim 2008, p. 158.
  18. Kim 2009a, p. 97.
  19. Kim 2009a, p. 120.
  20. Kim 2009b, p. 85.
  21. Kim 2009b, p. 89.
  22. Kim 2009b, p. 99.
  23. Kim 2003a, p. 135.
  24. Kim 2003a, p. 140.
  25. Kim 2003b, p. 23.
  26. Kim 2003b, p. 82.
  27. Kim 2004a, p. 112.
  28. Kim 2004a, p. 124.
  29. Kim 2004b, p. 159.
  30. Kim 2005a, p. 120.
  31. Kim 2005a, p. 128.
  32. Kim 2005b, p. 88.
  33. Kim 2005b, p. 106.
  34. Kim 2009b, p. 44.
  35. Kim 2002a, p. 14.
  36. Kim 2002a, p. 30.
  37. Kim 2003c, p. 165.
  38. Kim 2004b, p. 110.
  39. Kim 2002a, p. 16.
  40. Kim 2002a, p. 21.
  41. Kim 2003a, p. 72.
  42. Kim 2006a, p. 173.
  43. Kim 2007a, p. 116.
  44. Kim 2003b, p. 42.
  45. Kim 2006a, p. 34.
  46. Kim 2003c, p. 136.
  47. Kim 2007c, p. 113.
  48. Kim 2007c, p. 80.
  49. Kim 2002a, p. 8.
  50. Kim 2002b, p. 56.
  51. Kim 2003c, p. 15.
  52. Kim 2004b, p. 39.
  53. Kim 2008, p. 72.


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