Ideal quotient
In abstract algebra, if I and J are ideals of a commutative ring R, their ideal quotient (I : J) is the set
Then (I : J) is itself an ideal in R. The ideal quotient is viewed as a quotient because if and only if
. The ideal quotient is useful for calculating primary decompositions. It also arises in the description of the set difference in algebraic geometry (see below).
(I : J) is sometimes referred to as a colon ideal because of the notation. In the context of fractional ideals, there is a related notion of the inverse of a fractional ideal.
The ideal quotient satisfies the following properties:
-modules, where
denotes the annihilator of
as an
(as long as R is an integral domain)
Calculating the quotient
The above properties can be used to calculate the quotient of ideals in a polynomial ring given their generators. For example, if I = (f1, f2, f3) and J = (g1, g2) are ideals in k[x1, ..., xn], then
Then elimination theory can be used to calculate the intersection of I with (g1) and (g2):
Calculate a Gröbner basis for tI + (1-t)(g1) with respect to lexicographic order. Then the basis functions which have no t in them generate .
Geometric interpretation
The ideal quotient corresponds to set difference in algebraic geometry.[1] More precisely,
- If W is an affine variety and V is a subset of the affine space (not necessarily a variety), then
where denotes the taking of the ideal associated to a subset.
- If I and J are ideals in k[x1, ..., xn], with k algebraically closed and I radical then
where denotes the Zariski closure, and
denotes the taking of the variety defined by an ideal.
If I is not radical, then the same property holds if we saturate the ideal J:
where .
Viviana Ene, Jürgen Herzog: 'Gröbner Bases in Commutative Algebra', AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol 130 (AMS 2012)
M.F.Atiyah, I.G.MacDonald: 'Introduction to Commutative Algebra', Addison-Wesley 1969.