Idi b. Abin Naggara

Rabbinical Eras
For the Amora sages of the Land of Israel, see 3d generation Abin I, his son & 5th generation Jose ben Abin, grandson & 6th generation, Samuel b. Jose b. Boon.
For the Amora sages of Babylon, see the 4th generation and brother of Idi b. Abin Naggara, Hiyya b. Abin Naggara or their Father of the 3d generation: Abin Naggara
For the dean of the Academy of Sura, the babylonian Amora sage, see Idi ben Abin II

Idi b. Abin Naggara (or Idi bar Abin,[1] or Idi ben Abin, or Rav Idi b. Avin (I)[2]) was a Jewish Babylonian Amora sage of the fourth generation of the Amoraic era. He was the son of R. Abin Naggara, who made his living as a carpenter (Naggara = "the carpenter"[3]), and used to observe all the commandments related to lighting a candle. In that conjunction, it is said that Rav Huna was accustomed frequently to pass the door of R. Abin the carpenter and, when seeing the observamce of Shabbat candles, he remarked that "Two great men will issue hence",[4] since it is stated that "He who habitually practises [the lighting of] the lamp will possess scholarly sons", and indeed he had Idi and Hiyya b. Abin Naggara.

R. Idi b. Abin acquired his Torah knowledge from R. Amram and Rav Chisda. He also delivered papers in the name of R. Isaac b. Ashian, most of them in the Aggadah, and most likely he was also his pupil. He married a woman of Kohen descent and thus ate the foreleg, the jaws, and the maw. His sons R. Shesheth and R. Shisha were ordained to teaching.[5] His pupils were Rav Papa and R. Huna b. Joshua who were hosted at one of his sons' houses.[6]

External links


  1. ABIN NAGGARA,; Article on his father
  2. Rav Idi b. Avin (I) | רב אידי בר אבין, sages of the talmud | חכמי התלמוד
  3. RABBI,
  4. Babylon Talmud, tractate Shabbat, 23b
  5. His sons' identities are proven in tractate Zebahim 6a, and in the Babylon Talmud, tractate Hulin 67b, and in babylon Talmud, tractate Erubin 102a
  6. Babylon Talmud, tractate Shabbat, 136a

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