
The Roman province Africa Proconsularis (red) to which Ifriqiya corresponded and from which it derived its name

Ifriqiya or Ifriqiyah (Arabic: إفريقية Ifrīqya) or el-Maghrib el-Adna (Lower West) was the area during medieval history that comprises what is today Tunisia, Tripolitania (western Libya) and the Constantinois (eastern Algeria); all part of what was previously included in the Africa Province of the Roman Empire.

The southern boundary of Ifriqiya was far more unchallenged as bounded by the semi-arid areas and the salt marshes called el-Djerid. The northern and western boundaries fluctuated; at times as far north as Sicily otherwise just along the coastline, and the western boundary usually went as far as Bejaia. The capital was briefly Carthage, then Qayrawan (Kairouan), then Mahdia, then Tunis.[1] The Arabs generally settled on the lower ground while the native population settled in the mountains.

The Aghlabids, from their base in Kairouan, initiated the invasion of Sicily beginning in 827 and establishing the Emirate of Sicily, which lasted until it was conquered by the Normans.


Conquest phase

Umayyad Governors of Ifriqiya

Fihrid Emirs of Ifriqiya

Kharijite rulers

Abbasid governors in Kairouan

Appointed governors
Appointed governors

Aghlabid Emirs of Ifriqiya


Fatimid Caliphs in Ifriqiya


Zirid rulers of Ifriqiya

Zirids and Hammadids after Bedouin invasions


(invasion of the Banu Hilal (1057) - Kairouan destroyed, Zirids reduced to tiny coastal strip, remainder fragments into petty Bedouin emirates)[7]

(Ifriqiyan coast annexed by Norman Sicily (1143-1156))
(All of Ifriqiya conquered and annexed by the Almohads (1160))[8]

Hafsid governors of Ifriqiya


Hafsid caliphs of Ifriqiya

See also


  1. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Arabic_Thought_and_Its_Place_in_History : DE LACY O’LEARY, D.D. "ARABIC THOUGHT AND ITS PLACE IN HISTORY" London: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD. / NEW YORK: E. P. DUTTON & CO. (1922), pp. 227-8.
  2. See chronicles of Ibn Abd al-Hakam and al-Nuwayri for accounts of the conquest.
  3. This follows the tradition of al-Nuwayri, who says Mu'waiya ibn Hudaij was the first emir of Ifriqiya (ruling from Baqra) in 665. Ibn Khaldoun, however, dates the appointment of Mu'waiya ibn Hudaij as early as 651/52, when Abdallah ibn Sa'ad was governor in Egypt.
  4. This is primarily covered in the chronicle of al-Nuwayri.
  5. On the rise of the Fatimids, see Ibn Khaldoun (v.2 App. #2(pp.496-549))
  6. See al-Nuwayri (v.2, App.1) and Ibn Khaldoun, v.2
  7. On the Banu Hillal invasion, see Ibn Khaldoun (v.1).
  8. For an account of the Almohad and Norman conquests of Ifriqiya, see Ibn al-Athir (p.578ff)
  9. See Ibn Khaldoun (v.2 & 3)




Coordinates: 35°00′N 7°00′E / 35.000°N 7.000°E / 35.000; 7.000

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