Inconnu Independent Art Group

Inconnu Art Group (later the Inconnu Independent Art Group) is the name of a Hungarian group of maverick fine artists from the communist and postcommunist eras. The original members were Bokros Péter, Molnár Tamás, Csécsei Mihály, Mészáros Bánk, Letenyei József, Sipos Mihály, Kopács Kovács Miklós, and Morva Ibolya. The foundation date of the group is unknown, but as Péter Bokros remembers (in 2005), they started their common activities in 1978, Cegléd, but the name "inconnu" came later.
They took part in (often illegal) exhibitions and performances in the eighties; and were considered as an important part of the Hungarian democratic opposition both in Hungary and in abroad. From 1979 they were subject to serious manhunt by the Hungarian authorities, and they were continuously followed and eyed by secret agents.[1]
After 1994 some members became active again and continued – in their words – their "anti-communist" drive, now against the (post-communist socialist) governments (led by Hungarian Socialist Party, MSzP). Other members created independent art and to explore the "rubberized horror of global powers".
External links
- Kopács Kovács Miklós' Inconnu Website
- Bokros Péter and Molnár Tamás' Inconnu Website
- Photos of the Inconnu Art Group at