Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange

Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (ICDX) or Bursa Komoditi dan Derivatif Indonesia is the commodity and derivatives based exchange in Indonesia.


Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (ICDX), also known as PT. Bursa Komoditi dan Derivatif Indonesia (BKDI) is the Internationally known commodity and derivatives based exchange in Indonesia.

Indonesia is the largest producer in the world for many prime commodity products in the soft agricultural, metal and energy sectors.


ICDX is an Exchange supported by its members who are brokers and traders approved by BAPPEBTI. The member of ICDX facilitates services clients’ transactions overing ICDX products. Trading in ICDX will be settled, guarantee and cleared by Indonesia Clearing House (ICH).

ICDX membership consists of traders, brokerage firms, and foreign traders (remote members). All members have an option as the Exchange clearing members.


Trader Member

Broker Member

Remote Member


ICDX offers a wide range of commodity products which includes the three major groups of commodities: Metals, Soft Agricultural Products, and Energy. More products will be added to ICDX’s growing list of products in phases.

Indonesia ICDX has launched:

- Delivery - Non delivery


(Indonesian) ICDX

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