
Townsend's big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Chiroptera
Suborder: Microchiroptera
Dobson, 1875


The microbats constitute the now outdated suborder Microchiroptera within the order Chiroptera (bats). Bats were once differentiated into Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera, based on their size; but available molecular evidence has now shown this to be incorrect, the horseshoe bats being included in Yinpterochiroptera with the fruit bats and others. Most species which were termed Microchiroptera are now referred to as the Yangochiroptera.

The distinctions between microbats and megabats are:

Most microbats feed on insects. Some of the larger species hunt birds, lizards, frogs, smaller bats or even fish. The three species of microbats that feed on the blood of large mammals or birds (vampire bats) exist in the Americas south of the United States. Microbats are 4 to 16 cm long.[1] Leaf-nosed microbat species are not all known to be fruit and nectar-eating. Three species of leaf-nosed bats follow the bloom of columnar cacti in northwest Mexico and Southwest United States northward in the spring and then the blooming agaves southward in the fall.[2] Yet other leaf-nosed bats, such as Vampyrum spectrum of South America, hunt a variety of prey such as lizards and birds. The horseshoe bats of Europe, though, have an incredibly intricate leaf-nose for echolocation and feed primarily on insects. Finally, the California leaf-nosed bat of North America is yet another insectivore to have this trait, as its name indicates.The term "leaf-nose," despite common fallacy, applies to a great variety of microbats and does in no way dictate the variety of diet a species with this trait prefers.[3]


Main article: Animal echolocation

Microbats generate ultrasound via the larynx and emit the sound through the nose or the open mouth. Microbat  calls  range in frequency from 14,000 to over 100,000 hertz, well beyond the range of the human ear (typical human hearing range is considered to be from 20 to 20,000 Hz). The emitted vocalizations form a broad beam of sound used to probe the environment, as well as communicate with other bats.

Some moths have developed a protection against bats. They are able to hear bats' ultrasounds and flee as soon as they notice these sounds, or stop beating their wings for a period of time to deprive the bats of the characteristic echo signature of moving wings on which they may home in. To counteract this, the bats may cease producing the ultrasound bursts as they near prey, and thus avoid detection.


The bats are (from top to bottom and left to right): the greater mouse-eared bat, the lesser horseshoe bat, the brown long-eared bat, the common pipistrelle, the greater noctule bat, and the barbastelle, Romanian post miniature sheet, 2003

While bats have been traditionally divided into megabats and microbats, recent molecular evidence has shown the superfamily Rhinolophoidea to be more genetically related to megabats than to microbats, indicating the microbats are paraphyletic. To resolve the paraphyly of microbats, the Chiroptera were redivided into suborders Yangochiroptera (which includes Nycteridae, vespertilionoids, noctilionoids, and emballonuroids) and Yinpterochiroptera, which includes megabats, rhinopomatids, Rhinolophidae, and Megadermatidae.[4]

This is the classification according to Simmons and Geisler (1998):

Superfamily Emballonuroidea

Superfamily Rhinopomatoidea

Superfamily Rhinolophoidea

Superfamily Vespertilionoidea

Superfamily Molossoidea

Superfamily Nataloidea

Superfamily Noctilionoidea


  1. ↑ Whitaker, J.O. Jr, Dannelly, H.K. & Prentice, D.A. (2004) Chitinase in insectivorous bats. Journal of. Mammalogy, 85, 15–18.
  2. ↑ A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert, Edited by Steven Phillips and Patricia Comus, University of California Press, Berkeley p. 464
  3. ↑ Walker's Bats of the World, Ronald M. Nowak (1994)
  4. ↑ Teeling, E. C.; Madsen, O.; Van de Bussche, R. A.; de Jong, W. W.; Stanhope, M. J.; Springer, M. S. (2002). "Microbat paraphyly and the convergent evolution of a key innovation in Old World rhinolophoid microbats". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (3): 1431–1436. doi:10.1073/Pnas.022477199.

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