Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT) was founded in 1956. It is the first academic establishment to specialize in comprehensive research on computer science and technology in China. The ICT has successfully built China’s first general-purpose digital computer and now has turned itself into an research and development base for high-performance computer technology. It is also the place where China’s first general-purpose CPU chip was born (Loongson).

The ICT is the cradle for China’s computer undertaking. With its advent and growth, the ICT has nurtured hundreds of earliest computer professionals in China, more than 20 academicians are working or used to work or to study here. With the development of science and technology, the ICT successively spun off many academic institutions, such as the Institute of Microelectronics, the Computing Center, the Institute of Software, the Computer Network Information Center, etc. all affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as high-tech companies, such as Lenovo and Dawning. Over the past 50 odd years, the ICT has scored a remarkable success in scientific research and in creating scientific and technological achievements. The ICT, as the first organization to accomplish the undertakings, had obtained 664 scientific and technological achievements in total and won altogether 192 awards by the end of 2009. Of these awards, 37 are national-level awards and 155 are ministry-level awards.

Adhering to the principles of “fundamental, strategic, and advanced research”, taking the goal of “ascending the international forward position, being concerned about the nation’s economy and the people’s livelihood, and leading China’s information industry” as its duty, and advocating the culture of “innovation, realistic approach, unity, and high efficiency”, the ICT is striving to be a world’s topnotch academic institution.

Address :No.6 Kexueyuan South Road Zhongguancun,Haidian District Beijing,China URL Address:

International Cooperation

ICT has always attached great importance to the academic exchange and cooperation with international science and technology communities and has established channels for scientific and technological cooperation and exchange with many well-known universities, institutions and hi-tech enterprises in the world. ICT sends over 150 persons abroad every year, and has hosted many important international conferences including ISCA08 and ICDCS08. The team of excellent overseas scholars plays a key role in ICT's research, and has a significant influence on China's computer graduate education through the “Dragon-Star Program”, in which graduate courses are given in China by overseas Chinese professors. Close cooperation with enterprises such as AMD and ST-Micro has sped up progress in research projects such as Dawning and Godson, and helps ICT upgrade the level of its results.

Education & Training

Since its first enrollment of postgraduates in 1960 and up to the autumn of 2010, the ICT has fostered 839 Ph D-degree students and 1544 master-degree students for the country. At present, the number of postgraduates enrolled at the ICT reach 1068, among which 442 are doctoral candidates and 626 are master's candidates, and besides there are 32 postdoctors at the station. The ICT has the largest number of doctoral candidates with computer-related majors in China. The ICT has obtained a series of accomplishments in professional training as a result of 50 years’ hard work. Now the ICT is: 

Authorized by the State in the first batch to offer doctoral and master's degree programs

In 1999, the ICT was awarded the title of “Outstanding Institution in the Management of Academic Degree and Postgraduate Education of China”, by the Degree Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Education.

By the end of 2010, 4 PhD dissertations had been selected to be the “National Excellent PhD Dissertations”

Research Divisions

ICT covers a wide range of research areas, including computer architecture, artificial intelligence, network science and so on. It has 14 research labs or centers.


Journal of Computer Research and Development

Founded in 1958, Journal of Computer Research and Development is the first academic journal in the area of computer science and technology in China. Now it is one of the most prominent academic journals among computer periodicals in China. It is sponsored by Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Computer Federation (CCF), and is published in both domestic and abroad by China Science Press. Journal of Computer Research and Development has been chosen several times as a core academic journal in China since 1989. It was selected by Office of Academic Degrees of the Chinese State Council as a main journal for degree evaluation and graduate education. In addition, it is indexed by many world famous indexing systems, such as US Engineering Index (EI), UK Science Abstract (SA),Japan's Current Bibliography on Science and Technology and Russia's Journal Abstracts (AJ). The scope of Journal of Computer Research and Development covers theory of computer science, software, information security, network, graphic and image processing, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, computer applications, database, storage technology, etc.

Chinese Journal of Computers

Chinese Journal of Computers is published monthly by China Computer Federation and Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, which is the major association of Chinese people with professional interest in the field of computer. The journal is oriented in the publication of the most advanced research work in the field of computer science and technology throughout the country. It is an archival journal published in Chinese language with abstracts in English for reference on various major international catalogue systems such as EI and SA etc.. The first issue of Chinese Journal of Computers was published in 1978, printed by Science Press. The editorial board of Chinese Journal of Computers consists of leading specialists of the field in China, including twelve academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Under professional and rigorous rules of reading and compiling, the Chinese Journal of Computers has been representative of high academic level in the field. Since the journal is archival, it is assumed that the ideas presented are important, have been well analyzed, and/or empirically validated and are of value to the computer science and engineering research or practitioner community. The journal carries research papers, technical reports, brief papers, research notes, surveys and other forms of articles on most of subjects in the field of computer science such as theory of computer science, hardware and architecture, software, artificial intelligence, database, computer network and multimedia, information security, computer assisted design and graphics and other applications.

Journal of Computer Science and Technology

Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) is the only English journal of China Computer Federation (CCF). The Editor-in-Chief of JCST is Prof. Li Guojie, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. JCST is indexed in almost all the relative authoritative indexing systems, including SCIE, EI, SA, DBLP, Computing Reviews, Computer Abstracts, Mathematics Reviews, etc. Since 2005, JCST is distributed worldwide by Springer. With a worldwide readership and authors from every continent, JCST is a truly international journal. The scope of JCST covers all the aspects concerning computer science and technology. As the Chinese computing research and development widens and deepens, it becomes increasingly important for world computer community to follow these developments. JCST is widely recognized as an important outlet for the publication of these research results.

Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics

Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics started publication in 1989 and was the first journal openly published in China in the area of CAD and computer graphics. The journal aims for rapid dissemination of knowledge and experience in the field of CAD and computer graphics. It publishes original contributions, research results and engineering developments, and provides the up-to-date information of the progress of computer graphics, CAD, CAM, CAT, CIM etc. It is indexed by EI, SA, AJ(Journal Abstract) and Ulrich PD(Ulrich's Periodicals Directory).

See also

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