International Actuarial Association
Formation | 1895 |
Headquarters | Ottawa, Canada |
President | Frederick Rowley |
Website | |
The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is a worldwide association of local professional actuarial associations.
The IAA is the continuation of the "Comité Permanent des Congrès d’Actuaires", established in 1895, as an association of individuals. It was renamed the IAA in 1968. At the 26th International Congress of Actuaries, held in Birmingham on 7–12 June 1998, the General Assembly of the International Actuarial Association restructured itself.
The restructure created a single unified framework to ensure unity of direction and efficient coordination with respect to issues of a worldwide nature. The major responsibilities of the IAA are now in the hands of the actuarial associations, which bring together the actuaries in their respective countries and is the link between the actuaries and the actuarial associations worldwide. The IAA is the unique international organization dedicated to the research, education and development of the profession and of actuarial associations.
The IAA has seven sections, ASTIN, AFIR/ERM, IACA, IAAHS, PBSS, AWB and LIFE. The ASTIN Section stands for Actuarial Studies In Non-life insurance and was founded in 1957. ASTIN organises annual colloquia and jointly publishes with the other sections, the ASTIN Bulletin, an internationally renowned referenced scientific journal. The AFIR/ERM Section stands for Actuarial Approach for Financial Risks and was founded in 1988. It has as its objective the promotion of actuarial research in financial risks and enterprise risk management, and its most important function is the organizing of annual colloquia. The IACA Section stands for International Association of Consulting Actuaries and was founded in 1968, independently of the IAA, to facilitate international exchange of views between consulting actuaries. It was admitted as a section of the IAA in 1999. The International Actuarial Association Health Section (IAAHS) was founded in 2003 to provide an international perspective on health actuarial practice, public and private health insurance, and health policy matters. The Pensions, Benefits, Social Security Section (PBSS) was founded in 2003 to serve actuaries around the world who have personal, professional, educational or research interests in social protection and the commercial, social and public policy issues concerning the provision of pensions and other benefits. The Actuaries Without Borders Section (AWB) was also founded in 2003 to link situations in need of actuarial skills with financial resources and with actuarial volunteers to meet those needs. The LIFE Section has as its objectives to promote and facilitate an international exchange of views, advice, research and practical information among actuaries involved with life insurance issues.
The IAA Council comprises the President whose term of office is one year, the Officers and one delegate per Full Member association and one delegate per Section. The Committees and the Council normally meet twice a year in different countries. The IAA fiscal year is the calendar year, except for the financial year starting on July 1, 1998, which was for an 18-month period.
The Officers for the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 are:
Frederick Rowley, President
Malcolm Campbell, President-Elect
Robert L. Brown, Immediate Past President
The Council elects an Executive Committee to coordinate activities and operations, and propose strategies, budgets, membership fees and Council meeting venues. The President chairs the Executive Committee, which comprises the Officers and the chairpersons of the Committees and Sections.
Currently, the IAA has 67 full member associations, 29 associate member associations, four partners organisations and one observer organisations. All individual actuaries can elect to join any section of the IAA, which currently are ASTIN, AFIR, IACA, IAAHS, PBSS, AWB and LIFE by paying the required contribution.
Member associations
Full members:
- Caribbean Actuarial Association
- Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the City of Buenos Aires
- Actuaries Institute Australia
- Austrian Actuarial Society
- Institute of Actuaries in Belgium
- Actuarial Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazilian Institute of Actuaries
- Bulgarian Actuarial Society
- Canadian Institute of Actuaries
- China Association of Actuaries
- Colombian Association of Actuaries
- Croatian Actuarial Association
- Cyprus Association of Actuaries
- Czech Society of Actuaries
- Danish Society of Actuaries
- Egyptian Society of Actuaries
- Estonian Actuarial Society
- Actuarial Society of Finland
- Institute of Actuaries of France
- German Actuarial Society
- Hellenic Actuarial Society (Greece)
- Actuarial Society of Hong Kong
- Hungarian Actuarial Society
- Society of Icelandic Actuaries
- Institute of Actuaries of India
- Society of Actuaries of Indonesia
- Society of Actuaries in Ireland
- Israel Association of Actuaries
- Italian Institute of Actuaries
- Institute of Actuaries of Ivory Coast
- Institute of Actuaries of Japan
- Japanese Society of Certified Pension Actuaries
- Actuarial Society of Kenya
- Latvian Actuarial Association
- Lebanese Association of Actuaries
- Lithuanian Actuarial Society
- Actuarial Society of Malaysia
- National Association of Actuaries (Mexico)
- Moroccan Association of Actuaries
- Actuarial Society of the Netherlands
- New Zealand Society of Actuaries
- Norwegian Society of Actuaries
- Pakistan Society of Actuaries
- Actuarial Society of the Philippines
- Polish Society of Actuaries
- Portuguese Institute of Actuaries
- Romanian Actuarial Association
- Russian Guild of Actuaries
- Serbian Association of Actuaries
- Singapore Actuarial Society
- Slovak Society of Actuaries
- Slovenian Association of Actuaries
- Actuarial Society of South Africa
- Institute of Actuaries of Korea (South Korea)
- Spanish Institute of Actuaries
- Catalan Actuarial Association (Spain)
- Swedish Society of Actuaries
- Swiss Association of Actuaries
- Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei
- Society of Actuaries of Thailand
- Association of Consulting Actuaries (United Kingdom)
- Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (United Kingdom)
- American Academy of Actuaries
- American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries
- Casualty Actuarial Society (United States)
- Conference of Consulting Actuaries (United States)
- Society of Actuaries (United States)
Associate members:
- Albanian Actuarial Association
- Institute of Actuaries of Argentina
- Actuarial Society of Armenia
- Actuarial Association of Azerbaijan
- Actuarial Society of Bangladesh
- Association of Actuaries of Benin
- Actuarial Association of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Institute of Actuaries - Cameroon
- Institute of Actuaries of Chile
- Association of Actuaries and Financial Analysts (Georgia)
- Actuarial Society of Ghana
- Actuarial Society of Kazakhstan
- Luxembourg Actuarial Association
- Macedonian Actuarial Association
- Mexican Association of Actuaries
- Moldovan Actuarial Association
- Society of Actuaries of Mongolia
- Society of Actuaries of Namibia
- Nigerian Actuarial Society
- Association of Actuaries of Panama
- Institut National des Actuaires au Sénégal (Senegal)
- Actuarial Association of Sri Lanka
- Actuarial Society of Tanzania
- Actuarial Society of Turkey
- The Actuarial Association of Uganda
- Society of Actuaries of Ukraine
- Channel Islands Actuarial Society
- Actuarial Society of Zambia
- Actuarial Society of Zimbabwe
- International Accounting Standards Board
- International Association of Insurance Supervisors
- International Organisation of Pension Supervisors
- International Social Security Association
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- ASTIN Bulletin - The Journal of the International Actuarial Association (ISSN 0515-0361)
- Stochastic Modeling – Theory and Reality from an Actuarial Perspective (ISBN 978-0-9813968-2-8)
- Discount Rates in Financial Reporting A Practical Guide (ISBN 978-0-9813968-3-5)
Past presidents
- 1895-1896 Léon Mahillon
- 1896-1909 Omer Lepreux
- 1909-1946 Amédée Bégault
- 1946-1950 Léon François
- 1950-1964 Albert Théate
- 1964-1984 Edouard Franckx
- 1987-1988 Henri Rijkers
- 1988-1998 André Lamens
- 1995-1996 Paul McCrossan†
- 1996-1997 Christopher Daykin†
- 1997-1998 Walter S. Rugland†
- 1998-1999 Jean Berthon
- 2000 Catherine M. Prime
- 2001 Morris W. Chambers
- 2002 Edward J. Levay
- 2003 W. James MacGinnitie
- 2004 Luis Huerta
- 2005 Alf Guldberg
- 2006 Jean-Louis Massé
- 2007 Hillevi Mannonen
- 2008 David G. Hartman
- 2009 Katsumi Hikasa
- 2010 Paul N. Thornton
- 2011 Cecil D. Bykerk
- 2012 Desmond K. Smith
- 2013 Kurt Wolfsdorf
- 2013 Robert L. Brown
†Chairmen of the International Forum of Actuarial Associations
Medallists of the IAA
- 2001 Hans Bühlmann
- 2001 Max Lacroix
- 2008 Paul McCrossan
- 2010 Yves Guérard
- 2014 Christopher Daykin