International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology

The International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology (APV – Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V.) is a registered, not-for-profit, scientific association based in Mainz, Germany. Statutory purpose of the association is "to expand the scientific findings on the development, the production, the sales and the use of pharmaceutical products and to impart this knowledge to those who deal with these tasks professionally " (Statute of 7 April 1978, lastly adapted on 27 April 2010).


The APV was founded in 1954. The founder members were predominantly employed in public pharmacies having the aim to create a platform for the exchange of views on the manufacturing and quality testing of compounded preparations. In the following years the APV was of crucial importance for the establishment of the discipline pharmaceutical technology at universities. APV contributed to the elaboration of numerous articles and guidelines for the manufacturing and testing of medicinal products[1] that significantly influenced the overall development of the pharmaceutical sciences in Germany. Since its foundation APV developed from a national, scientific training organization to a well-respected international scientific association that offers its members in addition to the numerous training and continuous education opportunities a platform for interdisciplinary scientific exchange and networking. Today, the majority of its members is employed in pharmaceutical industry or academia. In addition to the original discipline of pharmaceutical technology today also engineers, biologists, chemists, lawyers and other experts are amongst the approximately 1700 members of APV. Approximately 30% of the members live and work outside of Germany. Via the participation in focus groups,[2] working groups ("Task-forces") and local groups members of APV have the opportunity to actively contribute to the implementation of the defined aims of the association.

The training and continuous education opportunities of the APV ranges from information events for the career entry in pharmaceutical industry, basic courses, seminars covering specific issues and expert meetings, exhibitions, trade shows and congresses. For the planning, organisation and performing holding of events that are not directly non-for-profit as e.g. in house trainings and exhibitions with commercial booths the APV GmbH was founded in 2011, owing the APV e.V. as the sole shareholder.


The general meeting of the APV takes place annually, every 4 years the APV board [3] is elected. The APV board consists of 8 experts from both industry and academia. Previous and current presidents and vice-presidents of APV are:

Mandate President Vice-president
1954–1958 Erwin Schmidt Max Scheel
1958–1962 Erwin Schmidt Oskar Schweizer
1962–1966 Erwin Schmidt Otto Keller
1966–1970 Paul Reisen Rolf Dolder
1970–1974 Paul Reisen Rolf Dolder
1974–1978 Paul Reisen Rolf Dolder
1978–1982 Paul Reisen Rolf Dolder
1982–1986 Paul Reisen Rolf Dolder
1986–1990 Hans E. Junginger Jürgen Helbig
till 1993 Walter H. Oeser Bernd W. Müller
since1993 Günther Hanke Bernd W. Müller
1994–1998 Günther Hanke Bernd W. Müller
1998–2002 Günther Hanke Armin Laicher
till 2002 Günther Hanke Peter Kleinebudde
since 2002 Peter Kleinebudde Charles Crevoisier
2006–2010 Peter Kleinebudde Heribert Häusler
2010-2014 Jörg Breitkreutz Heribert Häusler
2014-today Jörg Breitkreutz Heribert Häusler

Experts from industry, academia and agencies are organized in 11 focus groups. One of the most important tasks of the focus groups thereby is the organisation and conduction of training courses. In addition, the professional groups are a platform for knowledge exchange and consensus building. Recent developments are discussed and commented in the focus groups.

In addition to the professional groups also local groups exists (e.g. Westphalia, Munich, Hamburg and Berlin). The APV office [4] is located in the accommodations in Mainz, Kurfürstenstr.59, Germany, that are owned by APV. Actually 6 full-time employees are involved in the planning, organisation and holding of approximately 100 events per year. Head of the APV office is Martin Bornhöft. His deputy, Katrin Kälkert, is simultaneously the head of the office of the APV GmbH. In the rooms of the APV office the meetings of the professional groups take place amongst other business.

Publication medium

The European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics is the official scientific publication medium of APV. Present chief editor is AchimGöpferich (University of Regensburg, Germany), who followed Robert Gurny (University of Geneva, Switzerland) from 2014 on. The association´s journal is the APV News that includes announcements of APV board and office, anniversaries, deadlines and event reports. Since 2010 the APV News has been a self- responsible part of the TechnoPharm Journal that is published by the Editio Cantor Verlag.

Congresses, trade shows and exhibitions

Since 1957 the APV has been the organiser of an annual congress. Starting in 1967 this congress was organised annually under a special thematic focus. In 1995 in cooperation with the French apgi (association de pharmaciegaléniqueindustrielle) for the first time the "Worldmeeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology" (PBP Worldmeeting)[5] was organised with Budapest being the event venue. Since 2006 this scientific conference takes place every 2 years in different European countries. Beside the APV and the apgi since 2002 also the Italian ADRITELF (Associazione Docenti Ricercatori Italiani di Tecnologie e Legislazione) has been one of the main organisers; in addition numerous societies from all over the world are involved. From 2015 on, APV, apgi and ADRITELF will jointly organize the European Conference on Pharmaceutics in uneven years. The APV has been the conceptual sponsor of the trade fair Technopharm that has been organised every 18 months by the "NürnbergMesse" under the headline "Pharma Manufacturing Excellence". From 2016 on, Technopharm will be integrated in the fair Powtech with the same slogan which takes place in Nuremberg. The APV will be the conceptual sponsor together with the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Furthermore, the APV is the main organiser of the fair ResearchPharm,[6] an accompanying exhibition of the PBP Worldmeeting.


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