International CoCoa Farmers Organization

United Cocoa Farmers and Workers Voice
Formation 4 December 2014 (4 December 2014)
Founder and Secretary General, Sako Warren
Type non-profit
Purpose ICCFO defend and protects cocoa farmers and workers interest worldwide, support efforts to eradicate child and forced labor, promote sustainability in the cocoa sector and safeguid nature.
Headquarters Netherland

The International CoCoa Farmers Organization (ICCFO) was formed in the Netherlands in 2014 in response to cocoa bean farmers needing an international platform for discussing issues in the industry. The ICCFO aims to make sure cocoa is sourced using sustainable methods and to improve the conditions of cocoa farmers and farm workers.[1] The ICCFO consists of regional organisations in different countries representing around 600,000 cocoa workers in total. The head of the Jamaica Cocoa Farmers' Association, Hugh Johnson was announced as the new head of the ICCFO in December 2015 and will take his new position in September 2016.[2] The governing board of the ICCFO consists of 13 members, each representing a cocoa producing country. The members and structure of the board were announced in a meeting held in The Hague in February 2015.[3]


Cocoa farmers ensure that the entire cocoa industry is supplied with the raw material (cocoa beans). The chocolate confectionery market generate annually about $80 Billion[4] worldwide. Cocoa farmers play a crucial role as producers and maintenance of cocoa production. Unfortunately cocoa farmers are underrepresented[5] in the international round table discussions on issues concerning their profession, because they were unable to represent themselves as a single voice.

Over the past years there have been call for the need for cocoa farmers to unite so they are able to participate and make their contribution to the cocoa value chain.

In June 2014 during the World Cocoa Conference,[6] that took place in Amsterdam, cocoa farmers from eleven producing countries met at the side line of this conference and agreed to establish an international cocoa farmers organization. In December 2014 an independent and transparent cocoa farmers organization under the name International CoCoa Farmers Organization (ICCFO) was established in the Netherlands by an interim Board led by M. Sako Warren.


The mission of ICCFO is to: To organize cocoa farmers and workers under one umbrella organization, serving as the farmer’s voice and collaborate with other stakeholders in the cocoa value chain to promote the rights and interests of cocoa famers and workers whiles ensuring the production of best quality and sustainable cocoa that meet global standards.

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