Irma Kurti

Irma Kurti, a poetess and writer was born on March 20, 1966 in Tirana, Albania. She graduated from the University of Tirana,in the English Department in 1988. She has worked as a teacher of English and later as a journalist in some newspapers, like “Mësuesi”, “Dita informacion” etc. In September 1997 she attended a one year course for the learning of Greek language and culture in the University of Athens, Greece. In this period she has participated in numerous courses of specialization for journalism and other issues in Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, USA.
Irma Kurti has begun writing poetries at an early age. In 1980 she won the first prize in the National Competition on the occasion of the 35-anniversary of the journal “Pionieri”. In 1989 she won the second prize among the young poets in the Competition organized by Radio-Tirana on the occasion of the 45- anniversary of the liberation of Albania.
Irma Kurti is one of the very few female poets in Albania that has contributed for a lot of years as a writer of the text songs. Her name is well known by the public because of participating in many song festivals and other important concerts. Many of her songs are honored with prizes and they are still unforgettable lyrics. In 1998 she launched a cassette and a CD with the most successful songs based on her poetries and the second musical CD with her texts was released in 2013.
The poems of Irma Kurti have been included in some publications of the International Library of Poetry in Maryland, USA as in the Anthology: “Forever Spoken”, "The best poems and poets of 2007" etc.
Her poetries and stories have been included too in the anthologies: “Il Federiciano”, publication of the Publishing House "Aletti Editore" 2010, "Diffusione Autori" 2011, of "GDS Edizioni", "Lingua Madre- Stories of foreign women in Italy, 2012/2013", “The Universal Encyclopedia of Italian Authors 2013” etc.
In the year 2013 she wins the IX Edition International Prize “Universum Donna” for the Literature and receives the “Ambassador of Peace” nomination from the University of Peace of Lugano, Switzerland.
She actually lives in Bergamo, Italy.
Books published by Irma Kurti
- Këtë natë me ty “This night with you”-poetries 1999
- Shihemi në një tjetër botë "See you in another world”- poetries 2002
- Qirinjtë janë fikur “The candles are blown out”- poetries 2003
- Bëj sikur fle “Pretending to sleep”-poetries 2005
- Puthja e fundit ”The last kiss”-poetries 2007
- Midis dy brigjeve ”Between two coasts”-Autobiographic 2010
- Një vjeshtë pa kthim "An autumn with no return"- short stories 2013
- Nën bluzën time "Under my blouse" - poetries 2013
- Copëza shënimesh nëpër rrugët e shkreta "Fragments of notes in the deserted streets"-journalism articles 2013
- Njeriu që fliste me pemët "The man who talked with the trees" - novel 2015.
Books in Italian
- Tra le due rive “Between two coasts” - Kimerik Publishing House, 2011;
- Risvegliare un amore spento “To awaken a forgotten love” - poetries - Aletti Editor, 2011;
- Un autunno senza ritorno “An autumn with no return” - short stories - Kimerik Publishing House, 2012;
- Sotto la mia maglia “Under my blouse” - poetries - Kimerik Publishing House, 2013;
- Le notizie arrivano anche qui "The news arrive even here"- short stories, 2014;
- Non è questo il mare "This is not the sea"- poetries- Kimerik Publishing House, 2014;
- Sulla soglia di un dolore "On the threshold of a pain"- poetries- Kimerik Publishing House, 2016.
Books in English
- I knew the gray sky- poetries, 2014;
- Under my blouse- poetries, 2015.
- Third prize at the International Contest of Poetry and Prose 2010 of the “Napoli Cultural Classic” Association, Italy, in the category of the foreign authors.
- Special prize at the International Contest of Poetry and Prose 2011 "Coluccio Salutati", Borgo a Buggiano, Pistoia for the poetry: “And I come back”.
- First prize at the International Contest of Poetry and Prose 2011 “Napoli Cultural Classic” in the category of the foreign authors for the poetry: “Under my blouse”.
- First prize in the section of prose of the International Contest “Lake Gerundo -Europe and Culture”, ninth edition, 2011, at the city of Paullo, Milano, for the book “Between the two coasts”.
- Honorable Mention at the International Contest “Lands of Liguria 2011”, La Spezia with the book “Between two coasts”.
- Critics prize at the International Contest of Poetry and Prose “The cultural integration for a better world”, Milano for the book of poetries: "To awaken a forgotten love".
- Special Prize, International University of Peace at the XIII Edition 2012 of the International Literary Contest "Europe", at Lugano, Switzerland for the book: “Between the two coasts”.
- Third prize at the International Literary Contest of Poetry and Prose 2012, City of Recco, Genoa, for the book: "To awaken a forgotten love”.
- Second prize at the 26° International Literary Contest “Giovani Gronchi” in Pontedera, Pisa for the book: “An autumn with no return”.
- Third prize at the International Literary Contest: “Europa” 2013, at Lugano, Switzerland for the book: “An autumn with no return”.
- The International Prize “Universum Donna” for the Literature, IX Edition 2013 and the “Ambassador of Peace” nomination from the University of Peace of Lugano, Switzerland.
- Third prize at the fourth edition of the Literary Contest Valle Vigezzo “Andrea Testore“ for the story: “The secret of a spring day”.
- Third prize at “Giovanni Gronchi 2013” Literary Contest in Pontedera (Pisa) for the book: “Between the two coasts”.
- Special Prize at the International Literary Contest: "Città di Pontremoli" 2014, for the book: "An autumn with no return".
- First Prize at the International Literary Contest: "Città di Treviglio” for short stories.
- Third Prize at the International Literary Contest: "“Antico Borgo” 2014, La Spezia for the book: "Under my blouse".
- First Prize at the International Literary Contest: “Europa” 2015, Lugano, Switzerland, for the poetry book: “Under my blouse”.
- Second Prize at the International Literary Contest: “Città di Pontremoli” 2015, for the poetry book: “This is not the sea”.
- Third Prize at the National Literary Contest: “Salvatore Quasimodo” Palazzago, Bergamo.
- First Prize at the International Literary Contest: “Posedonia Paestum” 2015, Salerno, in the category of the foreign authors.
- Honorable Mention at the International Literary Contest: “Together in the world” 2015, Savona, with the book: “The news arrive even here”.
- "The Albanian Poetess of the year 2015” from the Albanian P.E.N Center.
External links