Irrigation statistics

This page shows statistical data on irrigation of agricultural lands world wide.
Irrigation is the artificial abstraction of water from a source followed by the distribution of it at scheme level aiming at application at field level to enhance crop production when rainfall is scarce.

Irrigated area

The appended table gives an overview of irrigated areas in the world in 2003[1]
Only the countries with more than 10 million ha of irrigated land are mentioned.

Area (106 ha)  
India 57
China 54
Pakistan 19
Asia (*) 188
USA 22
World 277

(*) Including India, China and Pakistan

There are 4 countries with 5 to 10 million ha irrigated land: Iran (7.7), Mexico (6.3), Turkey (5.1), and Thailand (5.0).

The 16 countries with 2 to 5 million ha irrigated land are: Bangladesh (4.7), Indonesia (4.5), Russia (4.5), Uzbekistan (4.3), Spain (3.8), Brazil (3.5), Iraq (3.5), Egypt (3.4), Romania (3.0), Vietnam (3.0), Italy (2.8), France (2.6), Japan (2.6), Australia (2.6), Ukraine (2.3), and Kazakhstan (2.1)

Area per application method at field level

94% of the application methods of irrigation water at field level is of the category surface irrigation,[1] whereby the water is spread over the field by gravity.

Of the remaining 6%, the majority is irrigated by methods requiring energy, expensive hydraulic pressure techniques and pipe systems like sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation, for the major part in the USA. The source of irrigation water in these cases often is groundwater from aquifers. However, the exploitation of aquifers can also be combined with surface irrigation at field level.

Basin irrigation for a rice crop
Terraced rice fields in Yunnan province, China.

In relatively small areas one applies subirrigation whereby the water infiltrates into the soil below the soil surface from pipes or ditches. This category includes tidal irrigation used in the lower part of rivers where the tidal influence is felt by permitting the river water to enter ditches at high tide and allowing it to infiltrate from there into the soil[2]

In relative rare cases one uses labor-intensive methods like irrigation with watering-cans and by filling dug-in porous pots (pitcher irrigation) from where the water enters the soil by capillary suction.

Surface irrigation can be divided into the following types, based on the method by which water is spread over the field after it has been admitted through the inlet:[3]

The first four forms of irrigation come in the category of flood-irrigation, because the entire surface of the cropped area is wetted, whereas with furrow irrigation, the surface of the ridges remain dry. The irrigation of sloping fields is called flow irrigation as the water on the surface does not come to a stand still and the stream entering the field has to be cut back before the wetting front reaches the end of the field to avoid runoff losses.

Areal growth

From 1955 to 1975 the annual growth of the irrigated area was almost 3%.[7] From 1970 to 1982 the growth rate was some 2% per year, and from 1983 to 1994 about 1.3% per year. The growth rate of irrigated area is decreasing.

The following table shows the irrigation development in the world between 1955 to 1983, distinguishing developed from developing countries:[8]

1955 1983 Increase
  106 ha   % of WT   106 ha   % of WT   106 ha   % of 1955
Developed countries 28 23 61 29 33 118
Developing countries 93 77 152 71 59 63
World total (WT) 121 100 213 100 92 76
India+Pakistan 33 27 55 26 22 67
China 31 26 45 21 14 45

The developed countries witnessed a relatively greater increase than the developing nations.

Water use

Irrigation schemes in the world use about 3 500 km3 water per year, of which 74% is evaporated by the crops.[7] This is some 80% of all water used by mankind (4 400 km3 per year).
The water used for irrigation is roughly 25% of the annually available water resources (14 000 km3) and 9% of all annual river discharges in the hydrological cycle.
River discharges occur for the major part in regions with humid climates, far removed from the regions with (semi)arid climates, where irrigation water is most needed. Compared to the 8 600 km3 of annual river discharge in the drier climates only, the yearly water use for irrigation is 40%

all uses usable
total supply
Quantity of water in km3/year 3 500 4 400 14 000 40 000
Irrigation as a percentage (%) 80 100 25 9

Of the total irrigated area worldwide 38% is equipped for irrigation with groundwater, especially in India (39 million ha), China (19 million ha) and the United States of America (17 million ha).[9] Total consumptive groundwater use for irrigation is estimated as 545 km3/year. Groundwater use in irrigation leads in places to exploitation of groundwater at rates above groundwater recharge and depletion of groundwater reservoirs.

Economical significance

The irrigated area occupies world wide about 16% of the total agricultural area, but the crop yield is roughly 40% of the total yield.[7] Hence, the productivity of irrigated land is 3.6 times that of unirrigated land. The monetary value of the yield of irrigated crops is some 6.6 times that of unirrigated crops. In irrigated land one grows crops with higher market values.

See also


  1. 1 2 International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). Download PDF file :
  2. Improvement of tidal irrigation, drainage and reclamation of salinized land under date palms in Abadan Island, Iran. 20 pp. Consultancy report. Download from web page : , or directly as PDF :
  3. Wynn R. Walker, 2007. Irrigation: Surface. In: Stanley W. Trimble (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Water Science, Vol I, p. 678-683. On line:
  4. Library on spate irrigation
  5. ILRI, 1982. Modern interferences in traditional water resources in Baluchistan. In: Annual Report 1982, pp. 23-34. ILRI, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Reprinted in Water International 9 (1984), pp. 106- 111. Elsevier Sequoia, Amsterdam. Also reprinted in Water Research Journal (1983) 139, pp. 53-60. Download from : , under nr. 10, or directly as PDF :
  6. R.J. Oosterbaan, L.F. Kortenhorst, and L.H.Sprey, 1987. Flood-recession cropping in the molapo's of the Okavango Inland Delta, Botswana. Published in Annual Report 1986, p. 8 – 19. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), Wageningen, The Netherlands. On line:
  7. 1 2 3 Bruce Sundquist, 2007. Chapter 1- Irrigation overview. In: The earth's carrying capacity, Some related reviews and analysis. On line :
  8. Effectiveness and Social/Environmental Impacts of Irrigation Projects: a Review. In: Annual Report 1988, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI), Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 18 - 34 . Download from web page : , under nr 10, or from : , under nr. 6 , or directly as PDF :
  9. S. Siebert, J. Burke, J. M. Faures, K. Frenken, J. Hoogeveen, P. Döll, and F. T. Portmann (2010). Groundwater use for irrigation – a global inventory. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. See also the PDF file :

External links

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