Isaiah Bakish

Isaiah Bakish (Hebrew: ר׳ ישעיה בקיש) is a rabbi from Spanish origin (16th-17th c.).[1]

He whas dayan (judge) in the Beth Din (rabbinical court) of Fez. His writtings deal with takkanot (sing. takkanah), exegesis and kabbalah.

The Kabbalist

Kabbalistic writings of Bakish were included in manuscript compilations containing alos quotes from famous Kabbalists such : Nahmanides (Ramban, R’ Moshe ben Nahman Gerondi); Rabbi Isaac Luria (R’ Ari zal); Rabbi Hayyim ben Joseph Vital; R’ Abraham Azulai.[2] The microfilmed collections of the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem[3] contain several of these manuscripts or microfilm manuscripts from other libraries.

In his work on Kabbalah in North Africa since the 16th c., Moshé Hallamish mentioned Isaiah Bakish.[4] In his Shorshei Hashemot the Italian Kabbalist Moses ben Mordecai Zacuto included long quotations of the R' Isaiah Bakish (16-17th c.).[5]





  1. His names בקיש ישעיה are also written : Baqish, Bakich, etc. Yécha’ya, Isaiah, Ichaya, Yishaya, Yésha’ya, Isaïe, etc.
  2. See:
  3. The Institute of Microfilmed Manuscripts and Manuscripts Dept., Jérusalem.
  4. See p. 43 ; 119; 184-185
  5. See ed. 2010: Tome 1, 6-79, p. 234; 30-28, p. 379; 40-35, p. 373; 40-52, p. 801; 90-2-5, p. 477a-478b; 90-5
  6. Edited by Hillel Bakis: Introduction, p. 1-40; Fragments, p. 41-132 (Hotsaat Bakish. Printed in Israël, Kiriat Ata, 1992)
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