Islam in Uruguay
The statistics for Islam in Uruguay estimate a total Muslim population of 900 to 1000, representing 0.02 percent of the population.
A significant Muslim population lives in Chuy, near the Brazilian border, as well as Rivera, Artigas and Rio Branco.
There are five Islamic centers, in Montevideo:
1) Al-Musallah - 5 times daily prayers, weekly Jumuah prayer, Madrasah, etc. Situated in Central Montevideo, Julio Herrera y Obes 1187 esq. Canelones
2) Egyptian Cultural Islamic Center.
3) Center for the Practice and Propagation of Islam, situated at Yi 1586 and Cerro Largo.
4) Fraternidad Islámica del Uruguay
5) Islamic Center Uruguay, situated at Ejido and Soriano. This centre is more than 10 years old and its director is Alí Jalil Ahmad, a Syrian businessman who works as a real state agent and Halal meat trader. According to him, about 30 people attend to the centre weekly, both immigrants and locals.[1]
There are no mosques in Uruguay.[1]