
Itakayt was an Ancient Egyptian princess of the 12th Dynasty, around 1800 BC. She is mainly known from her small pyramid next to the one of Senusret III at Dahshur.[1] She had the titles king's daughter of his body, powerful, graceful and beloved.
The Pyramid
Her pyramid at the North side of the king's pyramid measured about 16.80 m at the base, and was once perhaps also 16.80 m high. It was built of mud bricks and covered with limestone slabs. In front of the pyramid was a small chapel decorated with reliefs. The remains of the reliefs preserved Itakayt's name. Her burial chamber contained a sarcophagus, a canopic chest and two canopic jars.[1]
Other sources
Itakayt is perhaps also known from a papyrus fragment found at Lahun. Here, family members of a king are listed, including Itakayt. It is uncertain to which king these members of a royal family are related. Senusret II seems to be most likely candidate, as the papyrus fragment was found at his funerary temple. This would make Itakayt to a sister of Senusret III.[1][2]