Itasca Community Television, Inc.

Itasca Community Television Inc., is a Public-access television station and is a non-profit organization established to provide local content to the greater Grand Rapids Minnesota area cable television providers. It is funded by a service agreement with the Grand Rapids Area Cable Commission, grants, service fees and memberships.

Public, educational, and government access (PEG) cable TV channel programming began in Grand Rapids through the skill and dedication of personnel at Itasca Community College in 1982. The idea quickly spread and ICTV was incorporated in 1983. From periodic programming on one channel to regularly scheduled programming on three channels, ICTV has grown according to the wishes of the local community. The leap into broader media began with a web page in the 1990s and bloomed into a fully integrated web presence in the summer of 2008.

ICTV's three channels focus on traditional PEG programming. So staff and volunteers are as likely to tape a library program as a township meeting. The online presence focuses on the government channel for maximum impact on the communities. ICTV is cablecast locally on Mediacom Communications channels 2, 5 and 7, and Paul Bunyan Telephone Cooperative's channels 32, 35 and 37. Communities that support the Grand Rapids Area Cable Commission with franchise and PEG fees which, in turn, supports ICTV include Grand Rapids, Cohasset, La Prairie and the townships of Harris and Grand Rapids. Our television providers extend our reach to other communities of Keewatin, Nashwauk, Deer River, Wirt, Squaw Lake, Dora Lake and Northome. ICTV anticipates being in Coleraine, Taconite, Calumet and Marble in the near future.

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