Iuput II

For other ancient Egyptian people called Iuput, see Iuput (disambiguation).

Iuput II (also spelled Auput II) was a ruler of Leontopolis in the Egyptian Delta region of Lower Egypt who reigned during the late Third Intermediate Period. He was an ally of Tefnakht of Sais who resisted the invasion of Lower Egypt by the Kushite king Piye.[1] Iuput II ruled during a chaotic time of the Late Intermediate Period when several kings controlled Lower Egypt including Osorkon IV at Bubastis and prince Tefnakht at Sais. Year 21 of Iuput II is attested on a stela from Mendes.[2] The respected English Egyptologist Kenneth Kitchen states that this dated stela which features Smendes, the son of Harnakht and ruler of Mendes, bears Iuput's name but lacks his royal name or prenomen.[3] However, the clear Lower Egyptian provenance of the stela can be associated with several monuments that name "a king Usermaatre Setepenamun (var. Setepenre), Iuput Si-Bast, from the Delta" which means Iuput II's throne name was Usermaatre-setepen-amun/re.[4] The Year 21 stela of Iuput II was fully published in 1982.[5]

After Piye defeated Tefnakht's coalition and conquered Lower Egypt around Year 20 of his reign, the Nubian king permitted Iuput II to remain in power as a local governor of Leontopolis according to his Victory Stela from Jebel Barkal.[6]



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  1. Nicolas Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt, Blackwell Books, 1992. p.331
  2. Jürgen von Beckerath, Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten, Mainz, (1997), p.96
  3. K.A. Kitchen, "The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (c.1100-650 BC)," 3rd edition, 1996. Aris & Phillips Ltd. p.542
  4. Kitchen, p.542
  5. J. Chappaz, Geneva 30 (1982), pp.71-81
  6. Grimal, p.339
  7. Kitchen, pp.124-125 Note: Kitchen states on page 542 that in the first 1972 edition of his TIPE book, he had opted to attribute these objects and the stela "to Iuput I, as being potentially the more important ruler of the two Iuputs, through his association with the founder of the Dynasty (ie. Pedubast I). However, later studies have shown that the opposite solution is preferable, i.e. that [the] monuments...with the Usimare prenomen probably belong to Iuput II, not I. In 1975, I also changed over to that option (CdE 52(1977), 42-44, and cf. foreword to Bierbrier, LNKE, 1975, p.x)"

Further reading

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