Jack C. K. Teng
Jack C.K.Teng (aka Teng Chuan-kai or Deng Chuankai; simplified Chinese: 邓传楷; traditional Chinese: 鄧傳楷; 7 September 1912 – 3 January 1999), was a Chinese educator, writer, politician, diplomat and Olympic pioneer. Jiangsu Jiangyin County, a former National Yingshih University President, China National Amateur Athletic Federation and Chinese National Olympic Committee Chairman, the Ministry of Education Viceminister, the central (design) assessment, chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, the Ministry of Civil Ministers. He's best known as the Chairman of the Chinese National Olympic Committee during the huge win honor for China, the 17th World Games in Rome, the first time on Chinese athletes to win an Olympic medal.
Teng was born on 7 September 1912 in Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Province, to a wealthy and dominant family. In 1933, he graduated from the National Jinan University (Bachelor of Law). Teng worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China.[1]
In 1934, Teng was sent to the United States as an assistant consulate. He also studied at the University of Washington, Seattle, and graduated BA in 1936. In 1936, he' was transferred to the embassy of China to Panama.
In March 1949, Teng was appointed the President of National Yingshi University (a root of current comprehensive Zhejiang University). In 1949, Teng went to Taiwan. From March 1961 to 5 December 1969, he was the Vice-minister of the Ministry of Education (Republic of China). On 14 April 1977, he became the Minister of Personnel of the Examination Yuan.
From December 1957 to September 1962, Teng was the Chairman of Chinese Olympic Committee.[2]
Teng died on 3 January 1999 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Works by Jack C.K. Teng
- Boy Scouts World Scout Leaders Meeting of the Far East Seventh President of speech Quantikuaiyi / 1970.New Zealand[3]
In Chinese:
- ↑ Jack C.K. Teng detailed biography
- ↑ Jack C.K.Teng and the Olympic Games
- ↑ 世界童子軍第七屆遠東區童子軍領袖會議全體會議主席英語講詞 1970.紐西蘭
- ↑ 重慶圖書館重慶地方文獻抗戰書目:國民出版社 1943.
- ↑ 重慶圖書館地方文獻:浙江省地方行政幹部訓練團 1942.
- ↑ 臺北市:臺灣教育輔導月刊社 1954.1.
- ↑ 臺北市:臺灣教育輔導月刊社 1954.1.
- ↑ 臺北市:臺灣教育輔導月刊社 1954.4.
- ↑ 《國際問題叢書》薹北市:中央文物供應社 1957.
- ↑ 《國際問題叢書》薹北市:中央文物供應社 1957.6.
- ↑ 《國際問題叢書》薹北市:中央文物供應社 1957.
- ↑ 臺北市:中華民國教育部 1962.
- ↑ 薹北市:正中書局出版 著於東非衣索比亞首都亞的斯亞貝巴 1965.8.8
- ↑ 著於東非衣索比亞首都亞的斯亞貝巴非洲館世界教師組織聯合會第十四届代表大會 1965.7.31.-8.7
- ↑ 著於中東地區伊朗首都德黑蘭第一次召開聯合國科學教育文化組織各國教育部長會議 1965.9.8-19
- ↑ 著於墨西哥城國際童子軍教育第二十届會議 1965.9.26-10.3
- ↑ 《教育行政制度研究》中國教育學會主編,薹北市初版:臺灣商務印書舘印行 1967.
- ↑ 朱佛定 鄧傳楷 鄧貢三 鄧韻和等纂著 1968.1.
- (張家港市西半部原屬江陰,臺北江陰同鄉會1996.10.16贈張家港市——鄧傳楷題《景印江陰縣誌》,張家港市黨史辦存有上下冊)
- 扉頁:臺北江陰同鄉會贈張家港市——鄧傳楷題《景印江陰縣誌》
- 《景印江陰縣誌》一頁:蔣中正題江陰《忠義之邦》巨額
- ↑ 國民黨中央委員會初版 1971.
- ↑ 《考試院公報》1978.1.20,1979.,1981.,1983.1.20
- ↑ 《中國童軍教育》(44卷) 1981.12.27
- ↑ 原載中國青年救國團團務實録 1982.
- ↑ 《戴運軌教授逝世週年特輯》臺北市:中外雜誌社 1983.4.
- ↑ 《憲政時代》臺北市:中國憲法學會 1983.7.
- ↑ 《中國童子軍》(21卷1期) 1983.10.25
- ↑ 《僑協雜誌》8期 1984.8.
- ↑ 臺北市:銓敘部 1984.
- ↑ 《黃季陸先生紀念文集》1986.3.
- ↑ 《海外華人青少年叢書》華僑協會總會主編,薹北市:正中書局出版,初版,國立教育資料館發行 1988.
- ↑ 《九年國民教育實施二十週年紀念文集》抽印本,中國教育學會主編,薹北:薹灣書店印行 1988.9.
External links
- History of the Ministry of Education (Taiwan)
- Overseas Chinese Association
- Government Information Office (Taiwan)