Jamaat-e-Islami Kashmir

"JIK" redirects here. For the airport, see Ikaria Island National Airport.

The Jamaat-e-Islami Kashmir is a Cadre-based religio-political organisation in Jammu and Kashmir (J & K), distinct from the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (the Indian branch of the Jamaat). The organisation's stated position on the Kashmir conflict is that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory and the issue must be sorted as per UN or through tripartite talks between India and Pakistan and the real representatives of J&K (Pro-Independence).


The founders of this organisation include Molana Ghulam Ahmad Ahrar Shopian, Molana Saad-ud-Din Tarabali, Moulana Mufti Mohammad Amin Shopiani, Molana Hakim Gulam Nabi (Chetragam Shopian), Qari Saif-ud-Din and Molana Suliman Sahib however Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Ghulam Rasool Malik (Shahlatoo Shopian), Ghulam Rosool Naik (Ratnipora Shopian) were among the first influenced by the ideology (Both Ghulam Rasool Malik and Ghulam Rasool Naik were killed by Indian security forces during night raids. They formed the nucleus around which grew Jamaat-e-Islami Kashmir. Jamaat-e-Islami Kashmir was formally founded in 1953,when its separate constitution was framed and Moulana Saad-ud-Din (A.R) was elected as the first Ameer-e-Jama’at.[1] The JIK website describes the organisation as "an ideological party therefore ideology is its corner stone. And new entrant is allowed in, if he has a firm belief in its ideology, and he is sincerely willing to work for the same with dedication."[2]

Elections and freedom struggle

JIK was allowed to run candidates in the 1972 State Assembly election by the Indian government and won five seats,[3] but only one seat in the 1977 election.[4] During the late 1980s and early 1990s, it was considered by some the leading separatist organisation in Kashmir.[3] It was targeted by Indian forces during the Jammu and Kashmir uprising in nineties, during which many Jamaat activists were captured or killed. JIK was banned for almost eight years. The Falah-e-Aam Trust was created in 1988 to run JEI schools following a ban on the JIK. Students from the schools were often recruited for arms training in Pakistan and "infiltrated back to carry on their subversive activity" (according to J&K Insights quoted by Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium[5]). In 1989 Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) was adopted as the group's "militant wing" allegedly under the influence of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence. (JIK was not the original sponsor of the group.) In 1990 a chief commander of HM pronounced HM the "sword arm of the Jammat".[6] A "deeply committed" Jamaati, Sayeed Salahudeen consolidated control over Hizbul,

Many of the pro-freedom leaders of Jammu and Kashmir are the products of JeI-K or influenced by the JeI ideology. JeI has lost most of its members and sympathizers during 1990's as they were killed by Indian forces for their support and involvement in Kashmir Freedom Movement. JeI believes that Kashmir is not the part of India and is a disputed territory and this dispute must be solved as soon as possible because it is impossible to get peace in South Asia till Kashmir Dispute remains unresolved.

However, the constitution of Jamaat-e-Islami Kashmir is based on the principle of "Ikamat-e-Deen" that's to establish and maintain the Islamic constitution (Shariah) on the earth.


Answer of some Questions related to Jamaat The naïve columnist had raised fingers on Jamaat-e-Islami and heaved scores of questions which seemed 'bizarre' for all conscious mind people. The naïve columnist first presented himself "a confused child" who is encircled by multiple toys but had an opportunity to pick only one. The naïve columnist also blamed Jamaat associates for the fault which they never committed as he wrote ".......they call you not towards the Islam but towards the Jamaat they are in", which shows you are ignorant..ignorance about the objective of Jamaat-e-Islami. Why it has been established? What is its modus-operandi? What is the difference between Jamaat-e-Islami and others? If you have had some little bit knowledge about Jamaat, then you could not put your questions in public rather than studying Jamaat keenly. Keep it in your mind that Jamaat is neither a Shia nor a Sunni faction. Not a Barelvi or a Salafi faction,Neither has any link with polytheistic Govt.

The need of establishment of Jamaat-e-Islami in 1940s by Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi (RA) in subcontinent arose when the entire Muslim kept mum over the physical and verbal assaults from anti-Islamic forces. Muslims that time were wasting their energy on petty issues and kept silence over the dominance and implementation of Islam over globe. Jamaat has been established for enforcing Iqaamat-e-Deen (implementation of Islam) on all aspects of life as described in Quran and Sunnah.

From the very day, Jamaat-e-Islami as an organization collectively is striving for achieving its goal and its associates relentlessly sacrifice all capital so far and will continue to do the same for meeting the end. From Syed Maulana Maududi to Siraj-ul Haq, and Sa’ad-ud-din to Ghulam Muhammad Bhat, this sanctimonious caravan is on job and will act upon its duties till this sacred goal is achieved.

You blamed Jamaat that..... "they keep the 95 percent of Islamic thought under carpet and bring forth the five percent of it to fight each other which is highly deplorable. Had we united over that 95 percent we could have easily sorted out a solution and reached to consensus on the other five percent". In fact you are slandering on Jamaat. You should not write down those words which have no relevance with reality.

If you had tried first and made research on this sentence, I definitely say you cannot dare this to make this illogical sentence a part of your article at least? By adding this irrational and silly sentence in your write up has made the credibility of your entire article perfidy.

First, core of my heart I suggest you to study the constitution of Jamaat and then go through the literature of Syed Maulana Maududi(RA) especially matchless commentary of "Tafheem-ul-Quran" which converts lakhs of deceived people into the lap of Islam particularly in West. Jamaat is open for all those who believe the basic principles of Islam.

You are often confused when you see JeI Jammu Kashmir, JeI Pakistan, JeI Bangladesh, JeI Hind, JeI Kerala and so on. Why you are confused? What reasons are confusing you? If someone asks you when there is a government in India having PM, CM, etc., then what is the need of another government in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, etc. etc.? If someone asks you a question if there is a Masjid in Mecca, then what is the need of second one in Medina? If one of the family members got meals, what is the need of getting meals of others from the same family? If sun arises in America, what is the need of its another arise in European countries and Asia as well? Raising these questions seemed your ill education and narrow mind. If there is a currency note having Gandhi’s image in India, what is the need of another having picture of Jinnah (RA) in Pakistan. These are illogical and irrelevant questions you had put forth by you. Ironically, you have blamed Jamaat for maintaining nationalism and regionalism. At least you should study first what nationalism and regionalism is?

You had laughed over "few pages of its constitution". You said it was "beyond my understanding". Quite obvious when you erstwhile raised diminutive queries like above, definitely you can laugh on few pages of constitution also.

You said actual constitution is Quran and Sunnah and ruled out any role of constitution for an Islamic organization. For an Islamic organization, these constitutions are not meant against the Quran and Sunnah, but it is an attempt to compile by-laws and regulations in which an organization works and run and also for its associates and workers to remain adhere on right path. Also it is meant for to remain stick on to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and make its members and associates firm for expansion of its goal.

You had laughed on Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan and said what makes me laugh is Article II of the constitution of JeI Pakistan, which reads, "This Constitution shall come into force from the 1st day of June, 1957 (Zi-Qa’d 2, 1376 AH)." Does it mean Islam had no constitution of its own till they enacted one in 1957? They have enacted different constitutions for the Jamaat in different countries and regions. What for? Teachings of Islam begins from an individual and then it expands to family, region, state and finally on entire globe.

As we know Pakistan has been achieved from India in 1947 with the aim to make it representative Islamic model state. Till then people who associated with Pakistan movement are firm on Islam and when the nation got achieved, they declared the Pakistan as Islamic state and manifested its constitution will be Islam onwards.

You have quoted that some people had been ousted from Jamaat because they disagree with Maulana Maududi and his teachings and two well known figures you mentioned here are Dr. Asrar Ahamd from Pakistan and Syed Ali Geelani from Jammu Kashmir.

I again suggested you to study the constitution of Jamaat and then go through the literature of Maulana Maududi (RA) who kicked out malicious ideologies from thousands of minds and I hope you will be one of them if you practice on my suggestion.

Jamaat never said one who will join us, only he remains Muslim and others who will not join will be considered as non-Muslims. Jamaat is meant for establishment of Iqaamat-e-Deen. One who believes the basic principles of Islam and is willing to be a part of Islamic revolutions,one who believes to be Islamic Monotheist and Revivalist, Jamaat welcomes such faces.

First, as far as Dr. Asrar Ahmad’s expulsion is concerned, he had some differences on election politics with Maulana Maududi (RA) that is why he himself parted his way and not been ousted and worked independently for establishment of Deen till his last breath.

Second, Syed Ali Geelani never disagreed with the teachings of Maulana Maududi (RA). Also Jamaat had never ousted Syed Ali Geelani from basic membership; despite differences were there on modus-operandi and priority, Syed Ali Geelani is still a basic member of Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu Kashmir.

I think you had collected information from those who are little educated about Jamaat, Dr. Asrar and Syed Ali Geelani. If people associated with Jamaat have been expelled, still they remain Muslims.

Jamaat is just a platform where from Islam loving people can collectively utilise its all efforts for establishment of Iqaamat-e-Deen. It is important to mention here that faces like Dr. Asrar Ahmad or Syed Ali Geelani if had been not a part of Jamaat, still Jamaat can operate effectively. Jamaat is not dependent on personalities. No matter who left Jamaat? Even if Maulana Maududi (RA) had left the caravan of Jamaat will never compromise with its constitution.

You vent your anger against Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh and blame them for war crimes. Today when Jamaat people in Bangladesh are being executed for no crime, justice loving people including international human rights bodies across the globe raised fingers over the role of Sheikh Haseena led government and her war crimes tribunal which is particularly meant for meeting political interests.

Everyone knows Sheikh Haseena is doing this for political vengeance. How your confusion and little knowledge decide the future of Bangladeshi Jamaat? It is surprising when you are not fully aware about Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu Kashmir and its constitution, why you raised queries about the same? How can you talk about Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh which is thousands in kilometers far from you?

As far as Kashmir dispute is concerned, it is Jamaat who raised Kashmir issue in and outside Jammu Kashmir.It is Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu Kashmir who sacrifices most. Its members and associates had been killed brutally by government forces and renegades.

Even today when I am writing this response, heroes from politicians to army men, from administration to media men left no stone unturned to disparage its image among masses. It is a trend now. If you want publicity within no time, write down an article against Jamaat, definitely you will become one.

Here I am quoting a passage for you so that you will deeply think over it what you said against Jamaat. Once a man who was pious and God-fearing went to perform Hajj. He was famous and was surrounded by people in his locality. When he reached Baitullah, he observed that nobody is taking interest in him. He got furious on seeing this. He thought what should be done? Meanwhile, Satan came to him and provoked him to discharge your urinal near to Chah-e-Zam Zam. He without wasting any time went there and did this dirty act. Then all Hajj performers were curious to see this man who did this shameful act. After that he became a centre of every eye and thus he got famous.

Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan believes that Kashmir dispute should be resolved as per the wishes and aspiration of people of Jammu Kashmir. For that UN resolutions are relevant and appropriate which have been signed both India and Pakistan. One thing I want to clear here Pakistan always shows sincerity to the issue and urges India to come forward for its resolution. Yet you blamed Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan as an opportunistic for what?

You said "Why do Jamaat leaders prohibit the masses not to take part in elections when they have contested election in past? Does it mean we, the people need to vote only when the leaders of Jamaat are in the fray?" It is quite obvious Jamaat never called masses towards "taghoot". Casting votes in favor of those who destroys Islamic culture, is definitely going against Allah and his Messenger Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Jamaat in past contested elections for the supremacy of Almighty Allah and it is why they told people to come out and vote so that they can turn Jammu Kashmir into Islamic Jammu Kashmir. But fascist and so-called Muslims in the house never allowed Jamaat people to raise voice against un-Islamic culture. They legalized alcohol, waywardness but Jamaat then resisted and protested at many instances.

That is why Jamaat today prohibits masses not to take part in elections. Also no one among Jamaat used impolite language against Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA)? At least not Jamaat. It was Maulana Maududi (RA) who conferred "Qaid-e-Azam" title to Muhamamd Ali Jinnah (RA).


  1. "Jama’at-e-Islami Jammu & Kashmir". Official website. Retrieved 1 November 2014.
  2. "Our Organization". Jama'at-e-Islami Jammu & Kashmir. Retrieved 1 November 2014.
  3. 1 2 Widmalm, Sten. Kashmir in Comparative Perspective: Democracy and Violent Separatism in India. Routledge. p. 54. Retrieved 1 November 2014. The Plebiscite Front was still not trusted enough to be allowed to compete in the State Assembly election in 1972, although, ironically, the Jamaat-e-Islami, which was to become the leading separatist organisation in the late 1980s and 1990s, was allowed to contest it and did so with some success, winning five seats.
  4. Widmalm, Sten. Kashmir in Comparative Perspective: Democracy and Violent Separatism in India. Routledge. p. 57. Retrieved 1 November 2014.
  5. "Jamaat-e-Islami-Jammu and Kashmir (JeI)". tracking terrorism. Retrieved 4 November 2014.
  6. Staniland, Paul (2014). Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse. Cornell University Press. pp. 77–79. Retrieved 4 November 2014.
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