James Page (Australian educationist)
Dr James Smith Page (born 1953), is an Australian educationist[1] and anthropologist,[2] and a recognised authority within the field of peace education.[3]
- BA (Honours) degree from Griffith University,[4]
- Bachelor of Divinity degree from the University of Queensland, [5]
- Graduate Diploma in Education from Charles Sturt University,[6]
- Master of Education (Honours) degree from the University of New England,[7]
- PhD degree from Southern Cross University.[8]
Professional career
Page has taught in a range of settings, including secondary teaching,[9] teacher education,[10] communication,[11] and peace and conflict studies.[12] Page has served as a member of the International Year for the Culture of Peace Taskforce within the UNESCO Secretariat in Paris,[13] and as a member of GIPGAP (Group on International Perspectives on Governmental Aggression and Peace), examining social attitudes to peace and war.
Critical recognition
- Fellow of the Australian Anthropological Society[14]
- Recipient of the IER Award for Outstanding Educational Research[15]
- Recognition by the Director-General of UNESCO[16]
- Nominee for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize[17]
- Recipient of the United Nations Queensland Award[18]
- Joint winner of the WSFBPC Peace Essay Contest [19] [20]
External links
- Expert Guide Listing
- UNE staff page
- Essays with Online Opinion
- Online publications with QUT
- Online publications with UNE
Select bibliography
- Page, J.S. (2014) 'Peace Education'. In: D. Phillips (ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. (597-599). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
- Page, J.S. et alia (2013) 'Definitions of peace and reconciliation in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Canada, the United States, and Australia', In: K. Malley-Morrison, A. Mercurio, and G. Twose (eds.) International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation. (35-49). NY: Springer.
- Page, J.S. et alia (2013) 'Perspectives on invasion: Great Britain, Northern Ireland, United States, Canada and Australia'. In: K. Malley-Morrison, S. McCarthy, and K. Hines (eds.) International Handbook on War, Torture and Terrorism. (359-379). NY: Springer.
- Page, J.S. (2010) ‘Peace Education’. In: E. Baker, B. McGaw, and P. Peterson (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Volume 1. (850–854). Oxford: Elsevier.
- Page, J.S.(2009) ‘Chapter 7: Australia’. In: Kathleen Malley-Morrison (ed.) State Violence and the Right to Peace. Volume 4. (137–155, 280–281). Santa Barbara: Praeger Security International.
- Page, J.S. (2008) Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
- Page, J.S. (2008) ‘Chapter 9: The United Nations and Peace Education’. In: Monisha Bajaj (ed.) Encyclopedia of Peace Education. (75–83). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
- Page, J.S. (2008) ‘Philosophy of Peace Education’. In: Monisha Bajaj (ed.) Online Encyclopedia of Peace Education. New York: Columbia University, Teachers College. Available online.
- ↑ http://bonza.unilinc.edu.au/F/K5M3X46PRMSQ9HUTUPARNNYVSK69RG6YJAG3LLLGS4L8NRLSU9-08619?func=item-global&doc_library=ULC01&doc_number=001578813&year=&volume=&sub_library=6000, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://www.aas.asn.au; http://biblio.une.edu.au.ezproxy.une.edu.au/cgi-bin/chameleon?sessionid=2009102712111825933&skin=default&lng=en&inst=consortium&conf=.%2fchameleon.conf&SourceScreen=INITREQ&scant1=Education%20and%20acculturation&scanu1=4&elementcount=1&t1=Education%20and%20acculturation&u1=4&pos=1&itempos=1&rootsearch=SCAN&function=INITREQ&search=AUTHID&authid=132260&authidu=4; see also http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr6/thesis-abs-6-1.html, accessed 26 October 2009; and see also Page, J.S. (1988) 'Education and Acculturation on Malaita: An Ethnography of Intraethnic and Interethnic Affinities'. Journal of Intercutlural Studies. 15/16. pp.74-81. Available online at http://eprints.qut.edu.au/3566/, accessed 27 Nov 2014
- ↑ http://www.unaa.org.au/pdf/UNity%20576.pdf, accessed 26 October 2009; http://www.scu.edu.au/alumni/index.php/testimonials/?id=203, accessed 26 October 2009; http://eprints.qut.edu.au/3650/, accessed 26 October 2009; http://eprints.qut.edu.au/12263/, accessed 26 October 2009; http://www.infoagepub.com/products/peace-education, accessed 26 October 2009; and Matsuura, Koichiro. (2008) 'Foreword'. In: J.S.Page Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. p.xix, indicating that the work of Page constituted “an important addition to the emerging literature on peace education and the culture of peace …â€
- ↑ http://librarycatalogue.griffith.edu.au/WebZ/GeacFETCH?sessionid=01-44051-545874983:recno=1:resultset=3:format=F:next=html/geacnffull.html:bad=error/badfetch.html::entitytoprecno=1:entitycurrecno=1, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ University of Queensland Graduation Handbook, 1981, see also UQ online registry https://www.uq.edu.au/secure/sc/olvq/index.html
- ↑ http://news.csu.edu.au/alumni/director/alumni.cfm?itemID=FE76CC0BC968B93878FB41990BC249F4, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://biblio.une.edu.au.ezproxy.une.edu.au/cgi-bin/chameleon?sessionid=2009102712111825933&skin=default&lng=en&inst=consortium&conf=.%2fchameleon.conf&SourceScreen=INITREQ&scant1=Education%20and%20acculturation&scanu1=4&elementcount=1&t1=Education%20and%20acculturation&u1=4&pos=1&itempos=1&rootsearch=SCAN&function=INITREQ&search=AUTHID&authid=132260&authidu=4, accessed 26 October 2009 and http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr6/thesis-abs-6-1.html, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://bonza.unilinc.edu.au/F/K5M3X46PRMSQ9HUTUPARNNYVSK69RG6YJAG3LLLGS4L8NRLSU9-08619?func=item-global&doc_library=ULC01&doc_number=001578813&year=&volume=&sub_library=6000, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://eprints.qut.edu.au/4724/, accessed 26 October 2009; http://eprints.qut.edu.au/4681/, accessed 26 October 2009; http://eprints.qut.edu.au/4725, accessed 26 October 2009; http://eprints.qut.edu.au/4804, accessed 26 October 2009; and http://eprints.qut.edu.au/4726/, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://www.fed.qut.edu.au/news/news-event.jsp?news-event-id=10323, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://www.usc.edu.au/University/NewsEvents/News/2009News/peace+education.htm, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a787469341~db=all?bios=true#b787469341, accessed 26 October 2009.
- ↑ http://ics.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/4/3/348, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://www.aas.asn.au, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://www.fed.qut.edu.au/news/news-event.jsp?news-event-id=10323, accessed 26 October 2009; see also Brock-Utne, Birgit. 2010. Book Review: Peace Education: Exploring Ethical and Philosophical Foundations. International Review of Education. 56(1): 192–194.
- ↑ http://www.unaa.org.au/pdf/UNity%20576.pdf, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ http://www.unaa.org.au/pdf/UNity%20616.pdf, accessed 26 October 2009
- ↑ Councillor Margaret de Wit presents United Nations Awards, 30/8/12. http://www.margaretdewit.com.au/news.php?article=3673-Councillor-Margaret-de-Wit-presents-United-Nations-Awards; see also http://www.unaaqld.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Vol-8-No-8-October-Newsetter-..pdf "United Nations Association of Australia Queensland – Community Award Presentations"], United Nations Association of Queensland Newsletter, Vol.8, No.8, October 2012. p2. Accessed 27 Nov 2014
- ↑ WSFBPC (2014) '2014 Peace Essay Winners: Booklet', 27/8/14. www.faithpeace.org; accessed 26/9/14.
- ↑ Dinnen, M. (2014). 'From the National Coordinator'. United Nations Association of Australia Academic Network News. Issue #35, September 2014. p.4; see also copy of essay pp.12,13. ; http://issuu.com/unaaacademicnetwork/docs/network_news__35_-_september/1; accessed 26/9/14.
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