Jamestowne Society

Jamestowne Society is an organization founded in 1936 by George Craghead Gregory for descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700.


In May 1607, Jamestown was established as the first permanent English settlement in what is now the United States, following several earlier failed attempts. It was founded by the London branch of the Virginia Company, which was competing with the Plymouth branch to settle the Colony of Virginia.

Jamestown was the capital of the Colony for 83 years, from 1616 until 1698. At that time, the capital was relocated to Middle Plantation, about 8 miles (13 km) distant. (That small community, which had also become home to the new College of William and Mary in 1693, was renamed Williamsburg in 1699).

George Craghead Gregory

George Craghead Gregory (1878-1956) was an attorney and businessman based in Richmond who had a strong interest in Virginia's history and was also an author and historian. In 1932, he was working at property owned by Preservation Virginia (formerly known as the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities) on Jamestown Island and discovered the foundation of the first brick statehouse (capitol) building circa 1646.[1]

The society

The society was formed to bring together as many of the descendants of stockholders in the Virginia Company of London and the descendants of those who owned land or who had domiciles in Jamestown or on Jamestown Island prior to the year 1700 as possible.

Since its founding, the Society has helped with genealogical records and expanded into dozens of branches, called "Companies." (In the Jamestowne Society, "Companies" are similar to chapters in most lineage societies). Membership in Companies is elective, while membership in the national Society is acquired at the time a member joins. [2]

In 1958, the Society was formally organized as a non-profit corporation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (1954, as amended). It frequently holds meetings and events.

Qualifying Ancestors

(Partial list)
Abbot, Samuel     
Abrahall, Richard     
Abrell, Robert     
Adams, Thomas     
Addams, Robert  
Allen, Arthur     
Allen, William     
Allerton, Willoughby     
Allerton/Alerton, Isaac  
Allomby, Thomas  
Alsop, James     
Anderson, John     
Anderson, William     
Andrews, Joakin     
Andrews, William     
Andros, Sir Edmund     
Appleton, John     
Applewhaite, Henry     
Archer, Gabriel     
Argall, Sir Samuel     
Armistead, Anthony  
Armistead, John     
Armistead, William Jr     
Arunell, John     
Ashton, Peter     
Aston, Walter     
Atkins, John     
Brekke Stephien
Bacon, Nathaniel Sr  
Bagnall, James     
Bagwell, Henry     
Bagwell, Thomas     
Baker, Henry     
Baker, Lawrence     
Baldridge, Thomas   
Baldry, Robert     
Baldwin, John   
Baley, Temperance     
Ball, Henry      
Ball, Joseph     
Ball, William     
Ballard, Thomas     
Ballard, Thomas Jr  
Balthropp, Christopher     
Banister, William     
Barbar, William     
Barber, Francis     
Barber, John  hn   
Barber. Thomas     
Barham, Anthony       
Barker, William   
Burnham, Rowland  
Burroughs, Benoni     
Burroughs, Christopher     
Burrowes, Charles     
Burwell, Edward     
Burwell, Lewis    
Bush, John     
Bushopp, John     
Bushrod, Thomas     
Butler, William     
Bye, Thomas     
Byrd, William I     
Calthrope, Christopher    
Calvert, George     
Canfield, Robert     
Cant, David     
Cant, John     
Carsley, Henry     
Carter, Edward     
Carter, John     
Carter, Robert (King)     
Carter, William     
Carver, William     
Cary, Miles     
Cary, William     
Castle, Robert     
Catchmaid, George     
Catchmaie, George     
Catlett, John     
Caufield, William     
Caufleld, Robert     
Caulthropp, Christopher     
Causey, Thomas  
Cawsey, Nathaniel     
Ceely, Thomas     
Ceney, Henry     
Challis, Edward     
Chamberlain, Thomas     
Chamberlaine, Francis     
Champion, William     
Chandler, John     
Chaplaine, Isaack     
Chapman, William     
Charlton, Stephen     
Cheesman, Edmund      
Cheesman, John     
Cheesman, Thomas     
Chew, John       
Chicheley, Sir Henry       
Clay, John Thomas
Cox(e), William
Coxe, Richard
Crashaw, Rawleigh     
Craven, Richard 
Edloe, Matthew  
Edmundson, Thomas     
Edwards, William  ward   
Elay, Lancelot     
Elliott, Anthony     
Elliott, David     
Ellis, David     
Ellyson, Robert     
Emerson, Ellis     
Emerson, William     
English, John     
English, William     
Eppes, Francis I     
Essington, William     
Evans, Robert     
Evelyn, Robert  
Eyre, Robert  
Fairfax, William  
Fantlaroy, Moore     
Fareley/Farley, Thomas
Farlowe, Thomas     
Farmer, Thomas     
Farrar, John     
Farrar, William     
Fauntleroy, Moore     
Fawcett, Thomas     
Fawdone, George     
Feild, Peter  
Felgate, Robert     
Fenwick, Jane     
Ferrar, William     
Filmer, Henry     
Finch, Henry     
Fisher, John  
Fitchett, John     
Fitzhugh, William     
Fleet, Elizabeth     
Fleete, Henry  
Fleete, William     
Fletcher, George     
Flint, Richard  
Flint, Thomas     
Flood/Fludd, John     
Flowerdew, Temperance     
Flynt, Thomas     
Foliott, Edward     
Follis, Thomas  
Ford, Richard     
Fossett, Thomas 
George, John
Hayney, Richard
Hayrick, Thomas     
Hayward/Heyward/Howard, John     
Hayward, Samuel     
Heale, George     
Henley, Reynold     
Heyrick, Thomas     
Heyricke, Henry  
Hicks, Robert     
Higginson, Humphrey     
Hill, Edward     
Hill, Edward II     
Hill, Edward Jr     
Hill, Edward Sr     
Hill, Edward I     
Hill, John     
Hill, Nicholas     
Hill, Richard     
Hill, Thomas     
Hinton, Thomas     
Hobbes, Francis     
Hobson, John     
Hockaday, William     
Hoddin, John     
Hodges, Thomas     
Hoe/Hooe, Rice     
Holden, John   Southey   
Holder, Richard  
Holiday, Anthony     
Holland, Gabriel     
Holland, John     
Holliday, Anthony     
Holmewood, John     
Holt, Randall     
Holt, Robert     
Holt, Thomas     
Hone, Theophilus     
Hooke, Francis     
Hooker, William     
Hopkins, Stephen     
Horsey, Stephen     
Horsmanden, Warham     
Hoskins, Bartholomew     
Horton, Thomas  
Horwood, William     
Hoskins, Anthony     
Hough, Francis     
Howe, John     
Hubbard, Robert     
Huberd, Robert     
Huft, Nathaniel 
Knott, James      
Knowles, John 
Madison, Isaac
Mainsfield, David     
Mallett, James     
Major, Edward     
Mansell, David     
Mansill, Daniel     
Marble, George     
Marlott, Thomas     
Marshall, Robert     
Marshall, William     
Martiau, Nicholas     
Martin, John
Mathews, Samuel
Matthews, Frances Greville
Mills, Henry
Milner, Francis 
Milner, Thomas 
Minge, James 
Mole, Samuel 
Montague, Peter 
Moone, John 
More, Sir George 
Moseley, Arthur
Moseley, William
Mottrom, John
Meriwether, Nicholas
Nicholson, Col. Francis
Nicholson, Sir Francis
Norsworthy, Tristram

Owsley, Thomas

Pace, Richard
Page, Francis
Page, John
Page, Matthew
Parke, Daniel
Parker, William 
Parry, William 
Passmore, Thomas 
Parke, Daniel II 
Pate, John 
Pate, Richard 
Pate, Thomas 
Paule, Thomas 
Pitt, Robert
Pitt, Thomas
Pocahontas/Matoake/Mrs. John Rolfe
Powell, Capt. Nathaniel   
Poythres, Francis   
Prescott, Edward   
Presley, Peter   
Presley, William 
Price, Arthur   
Price, John   
Price, Walter   
Prince, Edward 
Reynolds, Christopher
Thompson, John
Warren, Thomas
Whitaker, Richard
Whitaker, Walter
Whitaker, William
Woodson, John


External links

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