Jan Emanuel Johansson

Jan Emanuel Johansson, (born 2 May 1974 in Gottsunda) is a Swedish entrepreneur within health and treatment, he is also a Social Democrat politician. He was a Member of Parliament from 2002 to 2006 and held seats in the Riksdagen as a replacement several times in 2006, 2008 and 2009.[1] He was an MP again between March 2009 and October 2010, this time as a replacement MP for Pär Nuder.[2] He has also held seats in the social Committee, Parliamentary Committees and the foreign ministry.

He was the Social Democratic MP who put forward the most motions during his years in the Riksdagen. He was an MP in the Norrtaälje municipality council between 1998 and 2010.[3] Johansson participated in the reality series Expedition: Robinson in 2001, which he ended up winning and won the prize of 500.000 (SEK).[4] The series was broadcast on SVT.[5]

He has won several awards for his achievements such as Super-entrepeneaure of the Year, by the papers Veckans Affärer for four years in a row between 2007 and 2010. In February 2012 he was being investigated by the Economic crime unit, and was accused of tax fraud and accounting offenses.[6]

In June 2013 Johansson was acquitted of the tax fraud charge but was found guilty despite his own denial of accounting offenses, and obstruction of tax controls at Gotlands courts.[7]



Jan Emanuel Johansson is married and has two children.[8] His father Alf Ohlsson, is a previous part-owner of the company Alf Ohlsson, Av Egen Kraft/ELU AB.[9]

In 2001 Johansson participated in the reality series Expedition Robinson , which was broadcast on SVT.[10] He ended up as the series winner and used his winnings of 500.000 (SEK) to invest in his own business and he also donated a sum of money to Förbundet Djurens Rätt.[10]


In 1998 Johansson was elected to the Norrtälje municipality council.[11] He managed to get more votes than any of the other candidates in that years election in Norrtälje.[12] In November 2013 it was revealed that Johansson had left politics to get more time to focus on his companies and businesses. In December the same year Norrtelje Tidning named him as one of the biggest names in Sweden of that year.[13]

Besides winning his candidature in Norrtälje he also participated in the Riksdagen elections at the Social democrats lists for the Stockholm constituate. He however was not as successful there and got 135 votes which was 0,007 % of the total votes.[14] In 2002 a year after winning Expedition Robinson Johansson got into another election to be voted into the Riksdagen.[15] The 2002 elections ended with Johansson again not getting enough votes, but he was however anyway elected into the Riksdagen as he was already in an elected seat for the Riksdagen.[16] No other candidate got enough votes to push him off that seat.[16]

During his campaign to yet again be elected into the Norrtälje municipality council in 2010, Johansson illegally used the Harley-Davidson logotype which he had redone with a message to vote for him. This action was brought up in the Norrtelje Tidning on 9 September were it was said to be "incredibly distasteful".[17] However his campaign succeeded and he got the highest number of votes in all constituates for the Social democrats.[18]

Johansson was a suppleant at the Riksdagen social committee between 2002 and 2006 and the law committee between 2003 and 2006. he has also thoruh shorter periods been the suppleant at the justice committe and constituion committee and foreign ministry.[19]

Johansson was the most active amongst the Stockholm constituate social democatric MPs concerning to push for motions in the Riksdagen. Johanssons motions concerned mostly animal protection, animal wellfare, and social issues.[20] During his time in the riksdagen Johansson raised the issue of castration of sexual offenders.[21] Johansson has also made suggestions that reality seris and other "unhealthy shows" should be having more and higher taxes on its productions.[22]

In 2015 Johansson put forward an motion that all asylum seekers should be put through a mandatory HIV-test, this led to criticism by Swedish Amnesty. Johansson said that his suggestion came after reviewing statistics of newly discovered HIV cases.[23]

He failed to be re-elected into the Riksdagen in 2006, in the election he became noted for using Bert Karlsson as an advisor, he had previously been the leader of the right-wing party Ny Demokrati.[24]


  1. Riksdagsförvaltningen. "Jan Emanuel Johansson (S)". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  2. Tobias Olsson (5 March 2009). "Kritiserad politiker behåller uppdrag". SvD.se. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  3. Norrtälje jan emanuel johansson Retrieved 22 March 2016
  4. "Är en Robinson-vinnare trovärdig som politiker?". SvD.se. 7 January 2002. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  5. Metro Jan Emanuel metro.se Retrieved 22 March 2016
  6. "Jan Emanuel Johansson utreds för ekobrott". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  7. "Jan Emanuel Johansson dömd till dagsböter". Aftonbladet. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  8. "' Pappadagarna räcker ett helt år!'". Aftonbladet. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  9. Rik på vård och politik metro.se Retrieved 22 March 2016
  10. 1 2 "Nu svarar Jan Emanuel på kritiken om miljonvinsterna". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  11. "Motståndare ser årets Robinson som populist". SvD.se. 7 January 2002. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  12. "Svensk cowboy sätter snurr på valrörelsen". SvD.se. 10 June 2002. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  13. Norrtelje Tidning 27 December 2013, page 12
  14. Val 98 resultat Retrieved 22 March 2016
  15. Riksdagsförvaltningen. "Jan Emanuel Johansson (S)". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  16. 1 2 "S-kändisar missade riksdagsmålet". SvD.se. 18 September 2002. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  17. "Johansson (S) kritiserad för personvalskampanj". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  18. "Jan Emanuel förkroppsligar allt som är sjukt med välfärdsindustrin". ETC. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  19. Riksdagsförvaltningen. "Utskottsdokument 2007/08:37AC". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  20. Robinson i demokratins tjänst dn.se Retrieved 22 March 2016
  21. Riksdagsförvaltningen. "Skriftlig fråga 2005/06:860". Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  22. "S-politiker: Höjd skatt på dokusåpor". Realtid. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  23. "Jan Emanuel vill hiv-testa asylsökande". Expressen. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
  24. Bert Karlsson ny rådgivare resume.se Retrieved 22 March 2016
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