
Jasrota is the capital city of the Jasrotia rajputs, founded by Jasdev, a descendant of The Royal House of Jammu and Kashmir.
Their castle was a protection fort and was built to fight the Sikhs or any external threats which they perceived from the other rulers of the time. The palace of the Jasrotias still exists and is a reminder of Jasrotia history. It is situated on the banks of river Ujjh, around 60 km from Jammu, in Jammu and Kashmir.
The palace has been covered under the Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary but still the Jasrotia Rajputs meet there once a year to remember their great history and organize a Yagya for the temple which has been built inside the palace.There is also a barrage near Jasrota on river Ujh.
Coordinates: 32°29′N 75°27′E / 32.483°N 75.450°E