Jenna Jameson filmography

The following provides a list of the film, television, music video, and video game performances of American pornographic actress Jenna Jameson.

Although noted primarily for her pornographic film career, Jameson has made several appearances in television series, music videos, and video games, as a guest performer or series host.



Pornographic films

This film, television or video-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it with reliably sourced additions.

Mainstream films

Video games

Music videos



  1. "Casualties of the Sexual Revolution", by Nick Adams, Spark, May 2000. Retrieved February 6, 2007.

Source of data for 1993 and 1994 films is the United States Copyright Office and looking up each filmmaker's copyright data and laying out chronology accurately. Reference production dates of Up and Cummers 10 and Up and Cummers 11 from Jenna's Autobiography pages 137 to pages 158. (Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11)

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