John Giffard (1602–1665)

Effigy of John Giffard, Chittlehampton Church [nb 1]
Armorial of Giffard: Three fusils in fess ermine a crescent for difference

Colonel John Giffard (1602–1665), (pron. "Jiffard") of Brightley in the parish of Chittlehampton, Devon, England was a Royalist leader during the Civil War. He was ultimately descended from Walter Giffard, Lord of Longueville, one of the few proven Companions of William the Conqueror.

Giffard took part in the Battle of Lansdowne (1643) in which his cousin, Sir Bevil Grenville was killed. His loyalty to the Royalist cause led to him being proposed as one of the Knights of the Royal Oak in 1660. He was known to the biographer John Prince who included him as one of his Worthies of Devon. He is buried in Chittlehampton Church, where survives his kneeling effigy on the monument he erected in 1625 to his ancestors.

Family origins and early life

Kneeling effigies of John Giffard aged 23, (right) opposite his father, Arthur Giffard (d.1616), (left) who kneels at a prie dieu. Detail from 1625 Giffard monument in Chittlehampton Church[nb 2]

John Giffard was the eldest son and heir of Arthur Giffard (1580–1616) by his wife Agnes Leigh (died 1625).[2][nb 3] Anne was the daughter of Thomas Leigh, Esquire, of Burrough (anciently "Borow", "Borough", etc.)[1] in the parish of Northam, near Bideford. Arthur had predeceased his own father John Giffard (died 1622), of Brightley. Arthur's mother was Honor Earle (died 1638), daughter of Sir Walter Earle of Charborough, Dorset.[3]

Giffard's younger brother was Rev. Arthur Giffard (1605–1666), appointed in 1643 Rector of Bideford by his cousin Sir John Granville, 1st Earl of Bath (1628–1701)[nb 4][3] but forcefully ejected by the Parliamentarians during the Civil War.[3]

According to Rev. Prince, who briefly served under Rev. Arthur Giffard at Bideford,[4] John Giffard "had a virtuous and liberal education (and) became a very accomplished gentleman."[5]

Giffard of Brightley

Cartouche from 1625 Giffard monument in Chittlehampton Church:Quarterly 1st & 4th, Giffard; 2nd Coblegh of Brightley; 3rd: Gules, on a chief indented argent a mullet of the first (FitzWarren of Brightley)

The Giffard family of Brightley was a junior branch of Giffard of Halsbury (pron. "Haulsbury")[3] in the parish of Parkham, near Bideford. The Giffards of Parkham were a family of Norman origin, descended from Walter Giffard, Lord of Longueville,[6] one of the few proven Companions of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. His son was Walter Giffard, 1st Earl of Buckingham (d.1102).[nb 5] The Devon branch of the family were originally seated at Weare Giffard, near Great Torrington at Awliscombe near Honiton and at Halsbury.[7]


Civil War

Commissioner of Array

At the start of the Civil War John Giffard was appointed one of the Commissioners of Array for Devon,[8] under his near neighbour Henry Bourchier, 5th Earl of Bath of Tawstock, and was thus in part responsible for the unpopular task of raising troops in Devon for the royalists. On Tuesday 13 September 1642, with other fellow commissioners, he accompanied Bourchier to South Molton for the purpose of a public reading of the Commission to the townsfolk, which attempt was met with much hostility and resulted in an ignoble retreat.[9] The party was met by an angry mob of over 1,000 persons who were "in a great rage with the mayor and his company for giving licence that they should enter and swore that if they did attempt anything there or read their commission of array they would beat them all down and kill them (even) if they were all hanged for it".[10] The mob was armed with muskets, halberts, bills, clubs, pikes and poles. The event was related in detail in a letter dated 15 September 1642 written by an inhabitant of South Molton to a gentleman in London, part of which reads:[11] "The women had filled all the steps of the cross with great stones and got up and sat on them swearing if they did come there they would brain them. One thing, which is worth the noting, a woman which is a butcher's wife, came running with her lapful of ram's horns for to throw at them". Bourchier and Giffard were thus prevented from making any recruits in South Molton and withdrew.

Hopton at Chittlehampton

On 23/24 September 1642 Hopton, lieutenant-general of Royalist forces in the West, on his march from Minehead in Somerset into Cornwall, before crossing the River Taw rested with his cavalry at Chittlehampton.[12] 400 of his men were billeted in the parish[13] It is possible that Giffard joined Hopton on his onward march as he was absent from the entertainment given on 22 December 1642 by Sir Hugh Pollard at King's Nympton to other of the royalist leaders in Devon, however it was said that he had absented himself from Brightley to avoid the expense of entertaining when his turn came.[14] Hopton was later to emerge from Cornwall, strengthened by new recruits, to march up-country to Bath to engage the Parliamentarian forces at Lansdowne.

Battle of Lansdowne

During the Civil War, by then a Colonel, Giffard commanded the Devon pikemen at the Battle of Lansdowne, fought on 5 July 1643, near Bath, Somerset.[2][15] In that battle he served alongside his cousin Sir Bevil Grenville, who fell heroically having commanded the Cornish pikemen.[16]

Surrender to Parliament

Following a setback to the Royalists Giffard claimed to have in 1644 "retired to live privately and peaceably in his own house". However at that time Brightley was garrisoned by 300 Royalist cavalry, watched closely from Brightley Bridge by the "Barnstaple Horse", a local troop of Parliamentarian cavalry. Giffard's younger brother George Giffard, a London merchant, sought advice from their cousin Walter Erle as to how John should make his surrender to Parliament. He was advised to take the earliest opportunity to do so, and thus following the departure of the royalist horse from Brightley, Giffard immediately sought an order of protection from Sir Thomas Fairfax, commander-in-chief of the Parliamentarian forces.[17]


At the establishment of the Commonwealth, Giffard was decimated, sequestrated and imprisoned and paid a composition of £1,136.[18] He had submitted to Parliament in mitigation of his actions a "humble petition" in which he stated that he had been persuaded by some of his relatives to take up arms against Parliament, and "did not clearly apprehend the drift of things"; he "...only acted very sparingly, doing what he was required to do to preserve his person, wife and children".[19] These Royalist relatives of his were the Wyndhams, his wife's family, and the Grenvilles,[20] lords of the manors of Bideford in Devon and Stowe, Kilkhampton in Cornwall, the head of which family was Sir Bevil Grenville, beside whom Giffard fought at Lansdowne.

The local population of Chittlehampton however disagreed. In a counter-petition they complained to Parliament that Giffard should not be permitted to compound for his delinquency, which refusal would therefore result in the confiscation of his estates. Twelve parishioners of Chittlehampton, all of whom claimed to have "always stood right and well affected to the Parliament", signed the counter-petition in which they called Giffard "a violent and active enemy to the state", who had persecuted them "with all eagerness and cruelty", and had caused them and others losses valued at five to six thousand pounds.[21]

Giffard's petition was accepted by the local Commissioners of Parliament for Devon, namely Sir Samuel I Rolle (c. 1588-1647), MP, of Heanton Satchville, Petrockstowe and Sir John Northcote, 1st Baronet (d.1676) of Newton St Cyres, and he was thus allowed to compound for the sum of £1,136, equating to three times his net annual income.[22]


Following the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660 Giffard [5] was selected by King Charles II as one of the proposed fourteen Devonshire Knights of the Royal Oak. This honour was proposed for the Englishmen who had actively supported that king during his exile in France, but was abandoned before being formally established lest it might perpetuate dissension.

Marriage and progeny

Arms of Wyndham: Azure, a chevron between three lion's heads erased or
Stone heraldic escutcheon above porch, Brightley Barton, with escutcheon signifying the marriage of Col. John Giffard and Joan Wyndham. [nb 6]

In 1621 Giffard married Joan Wyndham, a daughter of Sir John Wyndham (1558–1645), of Orchard Wyndham in Somerset. His father-in-law was a staunch Royalist[23] and it was partly due to his influence that later at the start of the Civil War Giffard was persuaded to take up arms against Parliament, as following the end of the war he stated as a mitigating factor in his "humble petition" to the victorious Parliament.[24] After the Restoration of 1660 Giffard and his wife had their portraits painted by Sir Peter Lely (d.1680),[25] the present locations of which, if still in existence, are unknown. By Joan he had eight daughters and three sons, including:[26]


John Giffard (1639–1712)

John Giffard (1639–1712) son and heir, who married twice:

Roger Giffard (1644/5–1724)

Roger Giffard (1644/5–1724), who inherited, by a lifetime settlement, the ancient Giffard estate of Halsbury from his distant cousin John Giffard (born 1611) of Halsbury, whose only male issue, Thomas Giffard (d.1658/9) had died without progeny in 1658/9.[30]

Henry Giffard (d.1658)

Henry Giffard (d.1658).[31]



On 14 October 1638 Giffard purchased the lordship of the manor of Chittlehampton from Sir Lewis Pollard, 1st Baronet of King's Nympton, and thereby became the first recorded resident lord.[36] His manorial court rolls survive for the years 1640 and 1641, which show that he held the manors of Brightley (attached to which was Shortridge, both held in demesne[37]); Chittlehampton; Stowford and Snape (both in High Bickington); Tapeley and Halsannery, both near Bideford. The matters determined upon by the court, stated in Latin with an English translation,[38] included orders to tenants to repair the "cucckinstoole, to repair a chimney, a "lynney house" and a "rooke nett".

Death & burial

Giffard died in 1665 at Brightley and was buried among his ancestors in Chittlehampton parish church.[5] His image survives as a kneeling figure on the monument in the Giffard Chapel in Chittlehampton Church he erected himself in 1625 in memory of his grandfather, John Gifford (died 1622) of Brightley.[39] In his will he bequeathed £1,000 to each of his five unmarried daughters.[40]

Assessment by John Prince

The Devon biographer Rev. John Prince (1643–1723) who had served under Rev. Arthur Giffard at Bideford as a young curate[41] and thus had personal knowledge of the family, included Giffard in his magnum opus Worthies of Devon and wrote of him as follows:[5]

"He was a gentleman of a very grave and comely aspect, of an obliging carriage, of a sober life, and a pious conversation. Such was his deportment towards men, in all his actions, as if he were conscious the eye of God was upon him; and such his behaviour towards God, in the instance of devotion and religion, as if he thought he was a spectacle to angels and to men. Insomuch, his sobriety and piety brought great reputation to the royal cause in those parts where he lived; and he was an excellent ornament to his profession, both as a subject and a Christian.
Among all the instances of the piety of this worthy gentleman, unto whom I had the honour of being personally known, that must not be forgotten which he did to the memory of his grandfather; for in the north isle of the parish church of Chittlehampton aforesaid, he erected a monument to him of alabaster (sic) of great cost and curiosity;[nb 7] where his similitude in armor is lively represented, and the whole adorned with escutcheons of the family


  1. Depicted as a kneeling mourner aged 23 on the monument he erected in 1625 in the Giffard Chapel, Chittlehampton Church, in memory of his grandfather, John Gifford (died 1622) of Brightley.
  2. Above each is an heraldic escutcheon showing arms of Giffard impaling the arms of his respective wife. Above Arthur are shown the arms of Leigh of Burrough, Northam (Argent, a lion rampant gules on a sinister canton azure an escallop or[1] and above John are shown the arms of Wyndham (Azure, a chevron between three lion's heads erased or).
  3. His mother was called Agnes by biographer John Prince, but called Anne in the Heralds' Visitations.[2]
  4. Framed list of Rectors of Bideford in Bideford Church.
  5. Prince, note by editor of 1810 edition.
  6. Brightley Barton was erected by Col. John Giffard (1602–1665), after 1622 when he inherited the property from his grandfather. The escutcheon shows the arms of Giffard impaling Wyndham, the family of his wife Joan: Baron: Quarterly 1st & 4th, Giffard; 2nd Coblegh of Brightley; 3rd: Gules, on a chief indented argent a mullet of the first (FitzWarren of Brightley); Feme: Azure, a chevron between three lion's heads erased or (Wyndham). Atop the helm is the crest of Giffard: A cock's head erased in its beak an ear of wheat. This crest may be seen more clearly on the mural monument to Roger Giffard (died 1603) of Tiverton Castle, (5th son of Sir Roger Giffard by Margaret Coblegh) in the chancel of Tiverton Church, with the motto Pul Que Fort, ("A Cock and Strong")
  7. Curiosity, i.e. of careful workmanship, from Latin cura care, a word also much used by Tristram Risdon in his Survey of Devon.


  1. 1 2 Vivian, Lt.Col. J.L., (Ed.) The Visitation of the County of Devon: Comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1531, 1564 & 1620, Exeter, 1895 p. 528.
  2. 1 2 3 Vivian, Lt.Col. J.L., (Ed.) The Visitation of the County of Devon: Comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1531, 1564 & 1620, Exeter, 1895. p. 400.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Debrett's Peerage, 1968, Earl of Halsbury, p.527
  4. Prince, p.413
  5. 1 2 3 4 John Prince, Danmonii Orientales Illustres: Or, the Worthies of Devon, first published c.1701, 1810 edition. p.412.
  6. Vivian, p.396
  7. Vivian, Lt.Col. J.L., (Ed.) The Visitation of the County of Devon: Comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1531, 1564 & 1620, Exeter, 1895 p. 396-404.
  8. Andriette, Eugene A., Devon and Exeter in the Civil War, Newton Abbot, 1971, p.61
  9. Andrews, Rev. J.H.B., Chittlehampton, Transactions of the Devon Association, vol.94, 1962, pp.233-338, p.265
  10. Text from a letter dated 15 September 1642 written by an inhabitant of South Molton, a transcript of which was in the possession of a certain John Cock in 1642, quoted in Cotton, Richard W., Barnstaple and the Northern Part of Devonshire during the Great Civil War 1642–1646, 1889 , pp. 66–69
  11. Text from a letter dated 15 September 1642 written by an inhabitant of South Molton to a gentleman in London, a transcript of which was in the possession of a certain John Cock in 1642, quoted in Cotton, Richard W., Barnstaple and the Northern Part of Devonshire during the Great Civil War 1642–1646, 1889 , pp. 66–69: "A letter sent to a worthy gentleman in London, dated from South Molton, the 15th of September 1642, printed in a contemporary tract in my possession, (A Declaration made by the right Honourable the Earle of Bath, one of his Majesties Commissioners of Array, to the whole County of Devonshire, Sec, Septemb. 29 1642. London, Printed for John Wright. Exeter City Library, Reference Room) gives the amusing account of an eye-witness of the attempt of the Earl of Bath and his party to enforce the Commission of Array at South Molton: According to my bounden duty I cannot chuse but acquaint your worship with the newes at South Molton, I my selfe being present at it. On Saturday last the Earl of Bath sent one of his servants unto the Maior of the Towne to know whether he should have a peaceable entrance into his Town the Tuesday following, for he was minded to come there, to meet some Gentlemen upon some occasions; the Maior answered the messenger, that if his intent were for peace, he should come. After better consideration, which the Maior had, he was blamed by some of his friends, for that he had not taken respite to give his answer, but that advice came too late. The Tuesday [Sept. 13] being the day appoynted, there came the Earle of Bath, my Lord Chichester, Baronet Pollard, Sir Popham Southcot, Sir Ralph Sidenham, (Sir Ralph Sydenham, of Youlston, near Barnstaple (which he held in right of his wife), a younger son of Sir John Sydenham of Brimpton, Somerset) Master Basset, Master John Acland, Master John Giffard, Captaine Newcond, with their followers, and diverse others which I cannot name. A Banquet being provided at Henry Hearders house the Inne-keeper, where the Earle sent store of Venison, and his owne Cooke for to dresse it, the common sort of the Towne fell in a great rage with the Maior and his company, for giving licence that they should enter, and swor that if they did attempt any thing there, or read their Commission of Array, they would beate them all downe and kill them, if they were all hanged for it; and thereupon betooke themselves to Armes, both men, women, and children, about the Crosse in the Market place. I doe verrily beleeve they were in number at least l,000, some with Musquets loaden, some with Halberts and blacke Bills, some with Clubs, some with Pikes, some with dunge Evells, some with great Poles, one I saw which had beat the calke of a Sive, and beat him out right, and set him into a long staffe, the women had filled all the steps of the crosse with great stones and got up and sate on them, swearing if they did come there they would braine them. One thing which is worth the noting, a woman which is a Butcher's wife, came running with her lapfull of Rams-hornes for to throw at them. Some of the Gentlemen were comming towards the Crosse, it was thought to publish the Array, presently the people gave a shoute, and did cry, they be come, at which they were all ready to stand against them, the Gentlemen seeing that, betooke themselves every one to house, and after that not one of them nor their servants, durst show themselves in the street; it is thought of many, that if the Towne had not risen against them, they would not so soone have departed. Surely whatsoever collor they put upon it, their intent was ill, for their men gave very dangerous speeches, but God is able with his smalest creatures to daunt the hearts of Kings, as with Lice and Frogs and such like : so amongst this crew there were both men and women with Clubs and Staves, which doe daily beg from doore to doore; and when the Earl rod forth of Town, they did throw stones after him and his men. I shall desire your Worships to excuse my boldnesse in writing so large; but if you had seene it, you would have thought this Relation to be too little". (See also: Cock, John, Records of ye Antient Borough of South Molton in ye County of Devon (published Exeter, 1893)
  12. Andriette, p.70
  13. Andrews, pp.265-6
  14. Andrews, p.265
  15. Andrews, 1962, p.266
  16. Prince, John, (1643–1723) The Worthies of Devon, 1810 edition, pp.445-7, quoting from Clarendon's The History of the Rebellion
  17. Andrews, p.266
  18. Prince, p.412
  19. Andrews, p.266
  20. Andrews, p.266
  21. Andrews, p.266
  22. Andrews, p.266
  23. Andrews, p.264
  24. Andrews, p.266
  25. Andrews, p.267
  26. Vivian, p.401; Prince, p.412 states 6 daughters and 2 sons
  27. Vivian, p.40, pedigree of Bampfylde
  28. Vivian, p.401, pedigree of Giffard
  29. Andrews, p.268
  30. Vivian, Lt.Col. J.L., (Ed.) The Visitation of the County of Devon: Comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1531, 1564 & 1620, Exeter, 1895 p. 398.
  31. Vivian, p.401
  32. Andrews, Chittlehampton, 1962, p.267
  33. Pevsner, Nikolaus & Cherry, Bridget, The Buildings of England: Devon, London, 2004, p.259, Chittlehampton
  34. See caption and image Andrews, Rev. J.H.B., "Chittlehampton", published 1962 in vol.94, pp.233-338, of Transactions of the Devon...Society, plate XXXVII and plate XXV, drawing of complete monument in 1842 by Spreat, W., "Picturesque Sketches"
  35. Vivian, pp.60, 401
  36. Andrews, p.264
  37. Andrews, pp266-7
  38. Latin given first, then Anglice, "in English" following, Andrews, p.264
  39. Andrews, p.263
  40. Andrews, p.267
  41. Prince, p.413

Further reading

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