John Joseph Brady

John Joseph Brady lives in Newburyport, Massachusetts. He is a visiting professor who teaches news writing and editing, as well as graphics at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. He has been a partner in with Greg Paul since 1984 in Brady & Paul Communications, a magazine publishing consultancy. Brady has an obsession with crows and has mentioned multiple times in his classes that his favorite publication is the newsletter Crow Quarterly. He is also the adviser for the very successful college start-up, Backdrop Magazine.


Brady served as editor-in-chief of Writer's Digest and Boston magazine. He was founding editor of The Artist's Magazine and M:The Magazine for Montessori Families. He was deputy editorial director at Warner Bros. Records. He served as associate editor of the 13-30 Corporation, a publishing group located in Knoxville, Tennessee that became Whittle Communications in 1986. He also served as the Men's Basketball coach at LSU where he took them to the Final Four. He has been teaching at universities and in various fora since the early 1990s, including a stint in 1996 as Hearst Visiting Professor at the Missouri School of Journalism.


In addition to writing Bad Boy: The Life and Politics of Lee Atwater, Brady is the author of The Craft of the Screenwriter (Simon & Schuster, 1981), as well as two books for journalists -- The Craft of Interviewing (Random House Vintage, 1976) and The Interviewer's Handbook (The Writer Books, 2004). He publishes a monthly column on magazine editing for Folio magazine. His book Frank & Ava: In Love and War (October, 2015) retells the story of the romance between Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner.

See also

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