John the Prophet

John the Prophet, known also as Venerable John, was the abbot of the monastery of Merosala and teacher of Dorotheus of Gaza.[1]

He practiced a life of silence and earned the gifts of prophecy and perspicacity, for which he received the designation of prophet. During 18 years, up to his death, he was close to Barsanuphius of Palestine, with whom he exchanged letters.[1] Knowing the date of his demise and in response to Abba Elianus' request he postponed his death for two weeks in order to instruct him how to run the cloister.[2]


  1. 1 2 Barnasuphius and John Letters, translated by John Chryssavgis Catholic University of America Press (2002)
  2. "Elders Barsanuphius and John". Orthodox Photos. Retrieved April 9, 2011.

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