José Natividad González Parás

José Natividad González Parás
Governor of Nuevo León
In office
October 4, 2003  October 3, 2009
Preceded by Fernando Elizondo Barragán
Succeeded by Rodrigo Medina
Personal details
Born (1949-03-30) March 30, 1949
Monterrey, Nuevo León
Political party Institutional Revolutionary Party
Spouse(s) Cristina Maiz
Profession Lawyer

José Natividad González Parás (b. March 30, 1949 in Monterrey) is a Mexican politician affiliated to the Institutional Revolutionary Party. He is a former federal deputy and former governor of Nuevo León (20032009) He is also married to Cristina Maiz

González Parás is the son of José Natividad González González and María Cristina Parás Barocio and a direct descendant of José María Parás, governor of the state (1825–1827 and 1848–1850). He received a bachelor's degree in law from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, a master's degree in public administration from the French Public Administration International Institute (nowadays École nationale d'administration, 1973) and a doctorate in political sciences from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne).

He joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party in 1967 and has taught several courses at El Colegio de México, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. From 1985 until 1991 he served as the state secretary general of Nuevo León and for a few years he served as undersecretary of political development at the Mexican Secretariat of the Interior during the Ernesto Zedillo administration.

In 1997 he ran for governor and lost against Fernando Canales Clariond, a wealthy businessman of the conservative National Action Party. Six years later he reattempted it and won by a clear margin over his closest opponent, Mauricio Fernández Garza.

Governor of Nuevo León

Following Barcelona's example, the Governor sought and gained for Monterrey the responsibility of hosting the 2007 Universal Forum of Cultures, an event that the city of Barcelona had used to renew its own infrastructure before.[1] As parts of the works for the Forum, the Governor ordered an expansion of the metropolitan subway system, the remodeling of the city's main square, numerous infrastructure works, and other investments. The cost of these was financed by creating new debt mechanisms. Among them, the Transit Control Administration (Instituto de Control Vehicular), in charge of licensing plates and licensing drivers in the State, was made autonomous so that its income could be given as an insurance to bonds.[2][3] The Monterrey - Cadereyta toll highway was turned into the "Nuevo León State Highway Network" (Red Estatal de Carreteras) so that its income and its assets be used to back more bonds.[4][5][6] The State Government has argued, however, that the liabilities of decentralized organisms cannot be considered debt, and therefore the State's debt has been reduced.[7] This argument is done despite the fact the decentralized organisms that have assumed debt where decentralized during this administration, and the opposition has accused the government of descentralizing with the sole purpose of acquiring debt.[8] In fact, the issue sparked a controversy that had to be resolved by Mexico's Supreme Court.[9] The financing through debt incurred by the State has risen so much that Nuevo León, the third richest state in the country, became the 4th most leveraged State in Mexico.[10]

Additionally, the rising climate of insecurity, and drug-related assassinations in Mexico have made investors cautious about financial risk in Nuevo León as in other states.[11][12] On April 2007, the US Department of State issued a warning for its citizens travelling to several states in Mexico including Nuevo León,[13] which had accumulated 50 drug related assassinations in 2007.[14]

In the presidential election of 2006, the PAN candidate won in all of the Northern states and the PRD candidate won in most of the central, south and southeastern states. The opposition PAN won the State Congress, marking the first time that the State Legislature will be ruled by an opposition party to the State Executive. Most of the municipalities in the State were also won by the opposition.[15]

González has fostered the creation of 40 research centers in the state in his first four years as governor.[16] González is currently negotiating the construction of an underground suburban train in the Monterrey area.[17]

Under the González administration Nuevo León is the fourth state in property tax revenue in the country[18] and is the second in GDP (after the Federal District)[19] with 7.3% of the national GDP.[20] The state has had a GDP growth of no less than 4.1% each year since González took office in 2003.[21]

External links


  1. International Alliance of Inhabitants (in Spanish) "Como en ocasión de las Olimpíadas del 1992, el Foro es, sobre todo, un pretexto para una "renovación urbanística" de proporciones nunca vista"
  2. Mayoritean hipoteca en comisiones, by El Norte (in Spanish, requires subscription) "El Instituto de Control Vehicular comenzó a tomar forma ayer, al aprobarse por mayoría en la Comisión de Legislación del Congreso el dictamen de la ley que lo crea y que le permitirá bursatilizar los ingresos estatales por refrendo y licencias."
  3. Liliana exige que tesorero les explique bursatilización by Milenio Diario, (in Spanish) "Por la incertidumbre que causa cambiar el esquema de la bursatilización del Instituto de Control Vehicular"
  4. Votan a favor de reforma carretera by El Norte (in Spanish, requires subscription) "Por mayoría de votos, los integrantes del Poder Legislativo aprobaron hoy las reformas a la Ley que crea la Red Estatal de Carreteras, a la Ley de Hacienda para el Estado, y a la Ley de Administración Financiera"
  5. Pagarán financiamiento con cuotas by El Norte (in Spanish, requires subscription) "Aunque el Gobierno del Estado redujo el peaje de la Autopista al Aeropuerto, se mantuvo un cobro de 15 pesos para pagar la bursatilización que se hizo de los ingresos de la Red Estatal de Autopistas, explicó ayer Rubén Martínez Dondé."
  6. Deuda de Red de Autopistas aumentará 2 mil mdp: Tesorería by Milenio Diario (in Spanish) "Deuda de Red de Autopistas aumentará 2 mil mdp: Tesorería"
  7. Bursatilización bajará deuda directa de NL by Milenio Diario (in Spanish) "El funcionario explicó que el sistema de financiamiento estatal se divide en dos rubros: la deuda que maneja el gobierno central y el que se opera a través de los organismos públicos descentralizados, como lo es Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey, y en su caso -de aprobarse- el Instituto de Control Vehicular del Estado."
  8. Bursatilización sólo generará mayor deuda a NL, advierten ex gobernadores by Milenio Diario (in Spanish) "La bursatilización que pretende el gobierno del estado, con la dación en garantía de los ingresos del refrendo de los próximos 30 años, solamente provocará mayor endeudamiento de las finanzas estatales."
  9. Impugnará PAN Presupuesto de NL ante la Suprema Corte by Milenio Diario (in Spanish) "Por otra parte, Rodolfo Moreno Rodríguez precisó que, junto con sus compañeros de partido, continúan las acciones para interponer la impugnación tanto de la creación del Instituto de Control Vehicular, como del paquete presupuestal que el gobierno pretende ejercer durante el próximo año, recurso que dijo, presentarán la próxima semana ante la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación."
  10. Deuda de NL, la cuarta más grande del país by Milenio Diario (in Spanish) "Al tener más de 10 mil 300 millones de pesos en este rubro, Nuevo León es el estado con la cuarta deuda más grande del país, afirmó el tesorero estatal Rubén Martínez Dondé."
  11. Afectará a inversión la inseguridad.- IP by El Norte (in Spanish, requires subscription) "Líderes empresariales advirtieron ayer que la ola de violencia por parte del crimen organizado en el País está perjudicando la inversión extranjera y nacional."
  12. Gobierno de NL reconoce que se pueden ir inversiones by Milenio Diario (in Spanish) "Si bien la inversión en el estado aun no se ve ahuyentada por la situación de inseguridad que impera en el estado, de empeorar las condiciones de Nuevo León es posible que los empresarios opten por otras entidades para invertir sus capitales, advirtió el secretario de Desarrollo Económico en el estado, Alejandro Páez Aragón."
  13. Natividad no subestima alerta de Estados Unidos by Milenio Diario "Este jueves, el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos emitió una nueva advertencia a sus ciudadanos de que extremen precauciones cuando visiten México debido a la ola de violencia que se vive en algunos estados, entre ellos Nuevo León."
  14. OnceTV (in Spanish) "Nuevo León ha registrado 50 ejecuciones en lo que va del año."
  15. Aceptan los priistas su derrota by El Norte "La dirigencia del PRI estatal y diversos candidatos tricolores reconocieron ayer los triunfos del PAN en Nuevo León, por lo que no van a "judicializar" los resultados de las elecciones. Después de que en los comicios el PAN les arrebatara la mayoría en el Congreso local, la Alcaldía de Monterrey y otras Presidencias Municipales, además de arrasar con diputaciones federales y las senadurías, el líder priista, Mario Guerrero, dijo que lo ideal era haber ganado en las urnas."
  17. MILENIO.COM » Gestiona Nuevo León recursos para tren de pasajeros
  18. Editoriales - El Universal - Editoriales
  20. PIB estatal. Nuevo León
Preceded by
Fernando Elizondo
Governor of Nuevo León Succeeded by
Rodrigo Medina

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