Joseph Naudet

Joseph Naudet (December 8, 1786 – August 13, 1878) was a French historian who was a native of Paris.
He initially worked at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and was later a teacher of Latin poetry at the Collège de France. In 1817 he became a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, where in 1852 he was appointed "secrétaire perpétuel". Naudet was also a member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques and served as curator of the Bibliothèque Mazarine.
Among his written works was a three-volume edition of the comedies of Plautus titled- M. Accii Plauti Comoediae (1830)[1] and a work on Roman nobility called De la noblesse chez les Romains (1868). He also edited and translated works by Catullus, Horace, Lucan, Sallust, Seneca and Tacitus. With Pierre Daunou (1761-1840), he edited the twentieth volume of Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France (Compendium of Historians of Gaul and France).
Selected works
- 1811: Histoire de l'établissement, des progrès et de la décadence de la monarchie des Goths en Italie – History on the establishment, progress and decadence of the Gothic monarchy in Italy.
- 1813: Essai de rhétorique, ou Observations sur la partie oratoire des quatre principaux historiens latins – Rhetorical essay; observations on the oratories of the four principal Latin historians.
- 1815: Conjuration d'Étienne Marcel contre l'autorité royale, ou histoire des États-Généraux de la France pendant les années 1355 à 1358 – Conspiracy of Etienne Marcel against royal authority, or history of the States-General of France from 1355 to 1358.
- 1817: Des Changements opérés dans toutes les parties de l'administration de l'Empire romain, sous les règnes de Dioclétien, de Constantin et de leurs successeurs, jusqu'à Julien, (2 volumes); réédition: Elibron Classics, Adamant Media Corporation, 2001 – The changes made in all parts of the administration (Roman Empire) under the reign of Diocletian, Constantine and their successors, up until Julian.
- 1819: De la Responsabilité graduelle des agents du pouvoir exécutif – On the gradual responsibility of agents of executive power.
- 1858: De l'Administration des postes chez les Romains – On the Roman administration of posts.
- 1863: De la Noblesse et des récompenses d'honneur chez les Romains – On nobility and rewards of honor amongst the Romans.
- Sociétés savantes de France (biography in French)
- Lists of written and edited works copied from the French Wikipedia article on Joseph Naudet
- ↑ Google Books, M. Accii Plauti Comoediae