
For other uses, see Juh (disambiguation).

Juh (also known as Ju, Ho, Whoa, and sometimes Who;[1] c. 1825 Sept-Oct, 1883) was a warrior and leader of the Janeros local group of the Ndéndai (or Nednhi) band of the Chiricahua Apache. Prior to the 1870s, Juh was unknown in the areas controlled by the United States. He went to many wars together with the Chihenne leader Mangas Coloradas and Chokonen leader Cochise, and was particularly close to the Bedonkohe di-yin and leader Geronimo; they grew up together even though they were from different bands. His name reportedly meant "He sees ahead" or "Long neck." [2] He was also known as Tan-Dɨn-Bɨl-No-Jui - "He Brings Many Things With Him" or Ya-Natch-Cln - "See Far".

The home range of the Janeros Nednhi was usually in the remote wilderness of the Sierra Madre Occidental (called by the Apache "Blue Mountains") of northern Mexico, therefore they likely called themselves Dzilthdaklizhéndé - "Blue Mountain People". They constituted the northern local group of the Nednhi and lived from the Animas Mountains and Florida Mountains in SW New Mexico south into the Sierra del Tigre,[3] Sierra San Luis, Sierra de Carcay, Sierra de Boca Grande, west beyond the Aros River to Bavispe (derived from the Opata word Bavipa - "place where the river changes direction") in NE Sonora, and east along the Janos River and Casas Grandes River toward the Lake Guzmán in the northern part of the Guzmán Basin in NW Chihuahua. They were named Janeros after the Presidio and town Janos in northern Chihuahua, with which they were usually at peace and traded their goods (often stolen in neighboring Sonora).

Most descriptions focused on him being a very large and stocky man. He stood over six feet and weighed 225 pounds.[1]

Juh was a natural leader, but was a stutterer and had problems in talking. Geronimo often acted as a conduit for Juh's words.[4]

Some sources say he was Geronimo's cousin. He married Ishton, who was Geronimo's sister,[5] and had a son with her who was later known as "Asa" Daklugie.[6] He had also two sons called Delzhinne and Daklegon.

Historians believe that Juh planned and executed an 1871 attack in which Lt. Howard Bass Cushing was killed, in the Whetstone Mountains of southern Arizona. A noted U.S. Army Indian fighter, Cushing had made disparaging comments about Cochise that offended Apache sensibilities, and he relentlessly pursued the Apaches (specifically Cochise) around southern Arizona and northern Sonora. At the same time, Cushing became a focus of Juh's attention. The ambush and fight in which he was killed may have been intended to teach him a lesson. It was widely thought at the time that Cochise was himself responsible for the planning and execution of the battle, but a description of the Apache leader does not match eyewitness accounts, including the observation that the Apache leader didn't speak much, but directed his fighters with gestures and hand signals during the battle. The Apache leader most closely matching the physical and behavioral description was Juh.[7] Dan Thrapp made this observation in his book The Conquest of Apacheria. Later, the fact was confirmed by Asa Daklugie (Juh's son) in Eve Ball's (1980) book about the Chiricahuas, Indeh. [8]

Juh died in September or October 1883,[9] near Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. Accounts of his death vary, and some contemporary sources were skeptical of the report, saying "dispatches have Juh the Apache chief killed again."[10] One version is that he was drunk and fell off his horse, breaking his neck. However, his son Asa Daklugie said that he was not drunk, but had a heart attack, fell off his horse as a result and died before a physician could arrive to help him.[11]


  1. 1 2 Kraft, Louis (2000). - Gatewood and Geronimo. - Albuquerque: University of New Mexico. - p.4. - ISBN 978-0-8263-2129-9
  2. Roberts, David. (1993) Once They Moved Like the Wind. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-70221-1. p.62-3.
  3. last Apache were fighting in the Sierra del Tigre against Mexican and U.S forces into the 1930s.
  4. Roberts p.63
  5. Roberts p. 62
  6. Kraft, p.5
  7. Thrapp, Dan L.(1988). The Conquest of Apacheria. - Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press. - P.77. - ISBN 0-8061-1286-7
  8. Roberts p.62
  9. Sacramento daily record-union. (Sacramento [Calif.]), 04 Oct. 1883. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014381/1883-10-04/ed-1/seq-2/>
  10. The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.), 07 Nov. 1883. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn96061149/1883-11-07/ed-1/seq-2/>
  11. Thrapp, p.291

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