Junior Year in Munich

Munich Skyline at Marienplatz
Main building of the Ludwig Maximilian University

Junior Year in Munich (JYM) is a study abroad program for US undergraduate students sponsored by Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, in formal affiliation with the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich).

Originally established 1931 as an extension of the University of Delaware Foreign Study Plan, the Junior Year in Munich program was reopened 1953 by Wayne State University as the first junior year abroad program for US undergraduates in postwar Germany. In 1967 the JYM program was approved by the LMU Munich Academic Senate as an affiliated academic institute, and was conferred the title “Junior Year in Munich an der Universität München” by LMU Munich in 1974 when the Bavarian State Ministry of Culture approved the program as an official course of study (Teil-Studiengang) at the university.[1]

Students are enrolled at LMU Munich where they take coursework related to their degree studies in the US. Additional area studies courses and advanced language instruction are provided by the JYM program. Students are immersed in German language and culture by living alongside other university students in Studentenstadt Freimann.

More than 3500 students from 500 US colleges and universities have participated in the Junior Year in Munich program since 1953. Directing the JYM program today are Mark Ferguson (Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison), program director in Detroit, and Hans-Peter Söder (Ph.D. Cornell University), resident director in Munich.


  1. Ferguson, Mark. “75 Years of the Junior Year in Munich.” Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching of German 40.2 (Fall 2007): 124-132.

External links

Official website

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