KSAT-2, also known as Hayato-2 was a Japanese satellite constructed by Kagoshima University as a reflight of its KSAT mission. It has a size of 100x100x100mm (without extendible antenna boom) and is built around a standard 1U cubesat bus. The primary satellite payload is a radio-frequency water vapor detector for climatology research.
See also
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| January | |
| February | |
| March | |
| April | |
| May | |
| June | |
| July | |
| August | |
| September | |
| October | |
| November | Sasuke · Hodoyoshi 1 · Kinshachi 1 · Tsukushi · Tsubame | Yaogan 23 | Yaogan 24 | Kuaizhou 2 | Soyuz TMA-15M | Kosmos 2501 |
| December | |
| Payloads are separated by bullets ( · ), launches by pipes ( | ). Manned flights are indicated in bold text. Uncatalogued launch failures are listed in italics. Payloads deployed from other spacecraft are denoted in (brackets). |