Kabardian grammar
Kabardian is a Northwest Caucasian language with an ergative verb-final clause structure.
Noun cases
In addition to distinguishing between singular and plural nouns by marking the latter with the suffix '-хэ' /-xa/
- щӏалэ [ɕʼaːɮa] ('boy') becomes щӏалэхэ [ɕʼaːɮaxa] ('boys').
- шы [ʃə] ('horse') becomes шыхэ [ʃəxa] ('horses').
Kabardian also declines nouns into four different cases, each with corresponding suffixes: absolutive, ergative, instrumental, and invertive.
Case | Suffix | example | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
Absolutive | р | /r/ | щӏалэр [ɕʼaːlar] ('the boy') |
Ergative | м | /m/ | щӏалэм [ɕʼaːlam] ('the boy's') |
Instrumental | (м)кӏэ | /(m)t͡ʃʼa/ | щӏалэмкӏэ [ɕʼaːɮamt͡ʃʼa] ('using the boy') |
Invertive | ыу | /əw/ | щӏалу [ɕʼaɮəw] ('boy') |
Absolutive case
Has the suffix - р /r/ (e.g. щӏалэр [ɕʼaːɮar] 'the boy', щӏалэхэр [ɕʼaːɮaxar] ('the boys'), шыр [ʃər] 'the horse'). This case has two main functions:
- Marking the subject of intransitive verbs
щIалэр йоджэ щӏалэ-р йо-джэ [ɕʼaːɮar jawd͡ʒa] the boy (abs.) (s)he is reading "the boy is reading"
- Marking the direct object of transitive verbs
сэ тхылъыр къэсщтащ сэ тхылъы-р къэ-с-щта-щ [sa txəɬər qasɕtaːɕ] I the book (abs.) I picked it up "I picked the book up"
Ergative case
Has the suffix -м /-m/ (e.g. щӏалэм [ɕʼaːɮam] 'the boy's', щӏалэхэмэ [ɕʼaːɮaxama] 'the
boys'', шым [ʃəm] 'the horse's). When it's plural it has the suffix -мэ (-ma). This case has several functions:
- Marking the subject of transitive verbs
сэ егъэджакӏуэм упщӏэ естащ сэ егъэджакӏуэ-м упщӏэ естащ [sa jaʁad͡ʒaːkʷʼam wəpɕʼa jastaːɕ] I the teacher (eng.) a question I gave to "I gave the teacher a question"
- Marking the direct object of intransitive verbs
щӏалэр тхылъым йоджэ щӏалэ-р тхылъ-ым йоджэ [ɕʼaːɮar txəɬəm jawd͡ʒa] the boy (abs.) the book (erg.) (s)he reads "the boy reads the book"
- Marking circumstance of action, e.g. feature of place, time of action
- жылэ /ʒəɮa/ village → жылэм /ʒəɮam/ in the village
- жэщ /ʒaɕə/ night → жэщым /ʒaɕəm/ in the night.
- зэман /zamaːn/ distant past → зэманым /zamaːnəm/ in the distant past.
сэ къалэм сыщыӏащ сэ къалэ-м сыщыӏащ [sa qaːɮam səɕəʔaːɕ] I the city (erg.) I was there "I was in the village"
Instrumental-Directional Case
Has the suffix -мкӏэ /mt͡ʃʼa/ or -кӏэ /t͡ʃʼa/ (e.g. кӏэлэмкӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮamt͡ʃʼa] 'using the boy', щӏэлэкӏэ [ɕʼaːɮat͡ʃʼa] 'using a boy', кӏалэхэмкӏэ [t͡ʃaːɮaxamt͡ʃʼa] 'using the boys', щӏалэхэкӏэ [ɕʼaːɮaxat͡ʃʼa] 'using boys', псыкӏэ [psət͡ʃʼa] 'using water', псымкӏэ [psəmt͡ʃʼa] 'using the water').
- Marking the instrument or tool of action:
- къэлэм /qalam/ pencil → къэлэмкӏэ /qalamt͡ʃʼa/ using a pencil.
- къэлэм /qalam/ pencil → къэлэмымкӏэ /qalaməmt͡ʃʼa/ using the pencil.
- уадэ /waːda/ hammer → уадэкӏэ /waːdat͡ʃʼa/ using a hammer.
- уадэ /waːda/ hammer → уадэмкӏэ /waːdamt͡ʃʼa/ using the hammer.
сэ къэрэндащкӏэ сотхэ сэ къэрэндащ-кӏэ сотхэ [sa qarandaːɕt͡ʃʼa sawtxa] I pencil (ins.) I write "I write using a pencil" щӏалэр адыгэбзэкӏэ мэпсалъэ щӏалэ-р адыгэбзэ-кӏэ мэпсалъэ [ɕʼaːɮar aːdəɣabzat͡ʃʼa mapsaːɬa] boy (arg.) using Circassian language (ins.) (s)he is speaking "The boy is speaking (using) Circassian language."
- Marking the direction of action:
- гъуэгу /ʁʷaɡʷ/ road → гъуэгумкӏэ /ʁʷaɡʷəmt͡ʃʼa/ from the road (direction).
- унэ /wəna/ house → унэмкӏэ /wənamt͡ʃʼa/ from the house.
- хы /xə/ sea → хымкӏэ /xəmt͡ʃʼa/ from the sea (direction).
дэ къуажэмкӏэ докӏуэ дэ къуажэ-мкӏэ докӏуэ [da qʷaːʒamt͡ʃʼa dawkʷʼa] we village (ins.) we go "we are going in the direction of the village" Том, нобэди еджапӏэмкӏэ ныщӏыхьэ Том, нобэди еджапӏэ-мкӏэ ныщӏыхьэ [tom nawbadi jad͡ʒaːpʼamt͡ʃʼa nəɕʼəħa] Tom (name) today school (ins.) stop by "Tom, come to our school today"
Has the suffix -уэ /wa/, or -у /əw/ (e.g. щӏалу [ɕʼaːɮəw] 'boy'). This case has a number of functions:
- Marking the reception of another quality by the subject:
фошыгъуу зы килограмм къэсщэхуащ фошыгъу-у зы килограмм къэсщэхуащ [fawʃəʁʷəw zə kilogrami qasɕaxʷaːɕ] suger (inv.) one kilogram I bought "I bought one kilogram of sugar"
Lack of subject and object
Colloquially, the subject or object may both be dropped if clear from context.
- Both subject and object are mentioned :
щӏалэм пщащэр елъэгъу щӏалэ-м пщащэ-р елъэгъу [ɕʼaːɮam pɕaːɕar jaɬaʁʷə] the boy (erg.) the girl (abs.) (s)he is seeing "the boy is seeing the girl"
- If the direct object is not mentioned :
щӏалэм елъэгъу щӏалэ-м елъэгъу [ɕʼaːɮam jaɬaʁʷə] the boy (erg.) (s)he is seeing "the boy is seeing him/her/it"
- If the subject is not mentioned :
пщащэр елъэгъу пщащэ-р елъэгъу [pɕaːɕar jaɬaʁʷə] the girl (abs.) (s)he is seeing "(s)he is seeing the girl"
- If both subject and object are not mentioned :
елъэгъу елъэгъу [jaɬaʁʷə] (s)he is seeing "(s)he is seeing him/her/it"
Noun and adjective
In Adyghe, if a noun is accompanied by an adjective, the adjective always placed right after the noun
and also gets the suffixes that indicate the noun case.
- Absolutive case
пщэщэ дахэр макӏуэ [pɕaɕa daːxar maːkʷʼa] girl the pretty (abs.) (s)he is going "the pretty girl is going"
- Ergative case
щӏалэ кӏыхьэм ешхы мыӏэрысэ [ɕʼaːɮa t͡ʃʼəħam jaʃxə məʔarəsa] boy the long (erg.) he is eating a/the the apple (abs.) "the long boy is eating the apple"
- Instrumental case
къэрэндащ папцӏэмкӏэ сотхэ [qarandaːɕ papt͡sʼamt͡ʃʼa sawtxa] pencil sharp (ins.) I am writing "I am writing with (using) the sharp pencil"
In case the whole sentence consists of only a noun and an adjective, the adjective can also be placed before the noun. In this case the adjective does not get the suffix either when placed after the noun or before it.
дахэ пщащэр [daːxa pʂaːʂa] pretty the girl (abs.) "The girl is pretty"
Creating nouns from verbs
In Kabardian someone (person) or something (animal, plant, object) that does a specific verb (or something happened to him/it) can be represented with the verb word with the additional suffix -э (a) (for present tense -рэ (-ra)). For example:
- макӏуэ /maːkʷ'a/ - he is going → макӏуэрэ /maːkʷ'ara/ - the person that's going
- машхэх /maːʃxax/ - they are eating → машхэхэрэ /maːʃxaxara/ - the people that are eating.
- мэлэжьащ /malaʑaːɕ/ - he worked → мэлэжьащэ /malaʑaːɕa/ - the person that worked.
макӏуэрэр сикъуэш макӏуэ-рэр си-къуэш [maːkʷʼarar səjʃ] the person that is going (abs.) my brother "the person that is going is my brother"
Creating nouns from adjective
In Kabardian someone (person) or something (animal, plant, object) that have a specific adjective can be presented with the adjective word with the additional noun case suffix (absolutive, ergative, etc.) For example:
- дахэ /daːxa/ - pretty → дахэр /daːxar/ - the pretty person (absolutive case).
- ӏэфӏ /ʔafʼə/ - tasty → ӏэфӏэр /ʔafʼar / - the tasty ones (absolutive case).
- щӏыӏэ /ɕʼəʔa/ - cold → щӏыӏэм /ɕʼəʔam/ - in the cold (ergative case).
щӏалэр хуабэм хэт щӏалэ-р хуабэ-м хэт [ɕʼaːɮar xʷaːbam xat] the boy (abs.) the heat (erg.) (s)he is standing in "The boy is standing in the heat"
Personal and personal-demonstrative pronouns
Case | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||
First-person | Second-person | Third-person | First-person | Second-person | Third-person | |||||||
Cyrillic | IPA | Cyrillic | IPA | Cyrillic | IPA | Cyrillic | IPA | Cyrillic | IPA | Cyrillic | IPA | |
Absolutive | сэ | sa | уэ | wa | ар | aːr | дэ | da | фэ | fa | ахэр | aːxar |
Ergative | сэ | sa | уэ | wa | абы | aːbə | дэ | da | фэ | fa | абыхэм | aːbəxam |
Instrumental | сэркӏэ | sart͡ʃʼa | уэркӏэ | wart͡ʃʼa | абыкӏэ | aːbət͡ʃʼa | дэркӏэ | dart͡ʃʼa | фэркӏэ | fart͡ʃʼa | абыхэмкӏэ | aːbəxamt͡ʃʼa |
Invertive | сэру | sarəw | уэру | warəw | ару | aːrəw | дэру | darəw | фэру | farəw | ахэру | aːxarəw |
сэ тхылъым седжащ сэ тхылъы-м се-дж-ащ [sa txəɬəm sajd͡ʒaːɕ] I the book (erg.) (s)he read "I read the book" дэркӏэ мы шхыныр лъапӏэ дэр-кӏэ мы шхыны-р лъапӏэ [dart͡ʃʼa mə ʃxənər ɬaːpʼa] For us (ins.) this the food (abs.) expensive "This food is expensive for us"
Demonstrative Pronouns
Case | Singular | Plural | ||
Cyrillic | IPA | Cyrillic | IPA | |
Absolutive | мы, мор | mə, mawr | мыхэр, мохэр | məxar, mawxar |
Ergative | мыбы, мобы | məbə, mawbə | мыбыхэм, мобыхэм | məbəxam, mawbəxam |
Instrumental | мыбыкIэ, мобыкIэ | məbət͡ʃʼa, mawbət͡ʃʼa | мыбыхэмкIэ, мобыхэмкIэ | məbəxamt͡ʃʼa, mawbəxamt͡ʃʼa |
Invertive | мыру, мору | mərəw, mawrəw | мыхэру, мохэру | məxarəw, mawxarəw |
мыбы хьэлэгъу ешхы мыбы хьэлэгъу е-шхы [məbə ħaɮaʁʷ haʃxə] This (erg.) a bread (s)he eats "This person/animal eats bread" мыбыкӏэ щӏалэр къакӏуэ мыбы0кӏэ щӏалэ0р къа-кӏуэ [məbət͡ʼa ɕʼaːɮar qaːkʷʼa] This way (ins.) the boy (abs.) (s)he is coming "The boy is coming from this way"
Possessive Pronouns
Plurality | Person | Prefix | meaning | example | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||||
Singular | 1st person | си- | /səj-/ | "my" | сиунэ /səjwəna/ - my house; ситхылъ /səjtxəɬ/ - my book |
2nd person | уи- | /wəj-/ | "your" | уиунэ /wəjwəna/ - your house; уитхылъ /wəjtxəɬ/ - your book | |
3rd person | и- | /jə-/ | "his" | иунэ /jəwəna/ - his house; итхылъ /jətxəɬ/ - his book | |
Plural | 1st person | ди- | /dəj-/ | "our" | диунэ /dəjwəna/ - our house; дитхылъ /dəjtxəɬ/ - our book |
2nd person | фи- | /fəj-/ | "your" | фиунэ /fəjwəna/ - your house; фитхылъ /fəjtxəɬ/ - your book | |
3rd person | я- | /jaː-/ | "their" | яунэ /jaːwəna/ - their house; ятхылъ /jaːtxəɬ/ - their book |
си унэ фыкъакӏуэ си унэ фы-къа-кӏуэ [səj wəna fəqaːkʷʼa] my house come (plural) "Come to my house" ди машинэкӏэ къалэм докӏуэ ди машинэ-кӏэ къалэм до-кӏуэ [dəj maːʃinat͡ʃʼa qaːɮam dawkʷʼa] Our using the car (ins.) the city (erg.) we are going "we are going to the city with our car"
The verbal system of Kabardian is very complex. The verb usually goes at the end of the sentence.
Intransitive verbs :
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | солажьэ | sawɮaːʑa | I work, I am working |
Second-person | уолажьэ | wawɮaːʑa | You work, You are working | |
Third-person | мэлажьэ | maɮaːʑa | He work, He is working | |
Plural | First-person | долажьэ | dawɮaːʑa | We work, We are working |
Second-person | фолажьэ | fawɮaːʑa | You (pl.) work, You are working | |
Third-person | мэлажьэх | maɮaːʑax | They work, They are working | |
Transitive verbs :
Plurality | Person | Positive | Negative | ||||
Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | ||
Singular | First-person | соджэ | sawd͡ʒa | I read, I am reading | седжэркъым | sajd͡ʒarqəm | I don’t read, I am not reading |
Second-person | уоджэ | wawd͡ʒa | You read, You are reading | уеджэркъым | wajd͡ʒarqəm | You don’t read, You are not reading | |
Third-person | йоджэ | jawd͡ʒa | He read, He is reading | еджэркъым | jad͡ʒarqəm | He doesn't read, He is not reading | |
Plural | First-person | доджэ | dawd͡ʒa | We read, We are reading | деджэркъым | dajd͡ʒarqəm | We don’t read, We are not reading |
Second-person | фоджэ | fawd͡ʒa | You (pl.) read, You are reading | феджэркъым | fajd͡ʒarqəm | You don’t read, You are not reading | |
Third-person | йоджэх | jawd͡ʒax | They study, They are studying | еджэхэркъым | jad͡ʒaxarqəm | They don’t read, They are not reading | |
Transitive verb examples :
- Сэ адыгэбзэ грамматикэр содж (I study Circassian grammar)
- Уэ адыгэбзэ грамматикэр уодж (You study Circassian grammar)
- Абы адыгэбзэ грамматикэр едж (He/she studies Circassian grammar)
- Дэ адыгэбзэ грамматикэр додж (We study Circassian grammar)
- Фэ адыгэбзэ грамматикэр фодж (You (pl.) study Circassian grammar)
- Абыхэм адыгэбзэ грамматикэр ядж or Адыгэбзэ грамматикэр яджхэр (They study Circassian grammar)
Intransitive poly-personal verb examples :
- Сэ тхылъым соджэ (I read the book, I am reading the book)
- Уэ тхылъым уоджэ (You read the book, you are reading the book)
- Абы тхылъым йоджэ (He/she reads the book, he/she is reading the book)
- Дэ тхылъым доджэ (We read the book, we are reading the book)
- Фэ тхылъым фоджэ (You (pl.) read the book, you are reading the book)
- Абыхэм тхылъым йоджэ or Тхылъым йоджэхэр (They read the book, they are reading the book)
Indicating certainty :
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | сылэжьэнущ | səɮaʑanawɕ | I will [definitely] work |
Second-person | улэжьэнущ | wəɮaʑanawɕ | You will [definitely] work | |
Third-person | лэжьэнущ | ɮaʑanawɕ | He will [definitely] work | |
Plural | First-person | дылэжьэнущ | dəɮaʑanawɕ | We will [definitely] work |
Second-person | фылэжьэнущ | fəɮaʑanawɕ | You will [definitely] work | |
Third-person | лэжьэнущ | ɮaʑanawɕ | They will [definitely] work | |
Indicating some uncertainty :
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | сылэжьэнщ | səɮaʑanawɕ | I will/may work |
Second-person | улэжьэнщ | wəɮaʑanawɕ | You will/may work | |
Third-person | лэжьэнщ | ɮaʑanawɕ | He will/may work | |
Plural | First-person | дылэжьэнщ | dəɮaʑanawɕ | We will/may work |
Second-person | фылэжьэнщ | fəɮaʑanawɕ | You will/may work | |
Third-person | лэжьэнщхэщ | ɮaʑanɕxaɕ | They will/may work | |
Negative :
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | сылэжьэнкъым | səɮaʑanqəm | I won’t work |
Second-person | улэжьэнкъым | wəɮaʑanqəm | You won’t work | |
Third-person | лэжьэнкъым | ɮaʑanqəm | He won’t work | |
Plural | First-person | длэжьэнкъым | dəɮaʑanqəm | We won’t work |
Second-person | флэжьэнкъым | fəɮaʑanqəm | You (pl.) won’t work | |
Third-person | лэжьэнхэкъым | ɮaʑanxaqəm | They won’t work | |
Type 1 :
The past tense of verbs of type 1 are formed by adding -aщ /-aːɕ/, the stative form of the affirmative verbal suffix, to the end of the stem. Intransitive verbs indicate that the action took place, but with no indication as to the duration, instant nor completeness of the action.
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | седжащ | sajd͡ʒaːɕ | I [have] read |
Second-person | уеджащ | wajd͡ʒaːɕ | You [have] read | |
Third-person | еджащ | jad͡ʒaːɕ | He [has] read | |
Plural | First-person | деджащ | dajd͡ʒaːɕ | We [have] read |
Second-person | феджащ | fajd͡ʒaːɕ | You [have] read | |
Third-person | еджащ | jad͡ʒaːɕ | They [have] read | |
Transitive verbs convey more specific information as regards to completeness of the action, and therefore they indicate some certainty as to the outcome of the action.
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | зджащ | zd͡ʒaːɕ | I [have] read |
Second-person | уджащ | wd͡ʒaːɕ | You [have] read | |
Third-person | иджащ | jəd͡ʒaːɕ | He [has] read | |
Plural | First-person | дджащ | dd͡ʒaːɕ | We [have] read |
Second-person | вджащ | vd͡ʒaːɕ | You [have] read | |
Third-person | яджащ | jaːd͡ʒaːɕ | They [have] read | |
Negative :
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | седжакъым | sajd͡ʒaːqəm | I didn’t read |
Second-person | уеджакъым | wajd͡ʒaːqəm | You didn’t read | |
Third-person | еджакъым | jad͡ʒaːqəm | He didn’t read | |
Plural | First-person | деджакъым | dajd͡ʒaːqəm | We didn’t read |
Second-person | феджакъым | fajd͡ʒaːqəm | You (pl.) didn’t read | |
Third-person | еджахэкъым | jad͡ʒaːxaqəm | They didn’t read | |
Type 2 :
This is the past perfect tense. It is formed as in type 1 but with the addition of the infix -гъ.
Plurality | Person | Positive | Negative | ||||
Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | ||
Singular | First-person | сытхагъащ | sətxaːʁaːɕ | I wrote | сытхагъакъым | sətxaːʁaːqəm | I didn’t write |
Second-person | утхагъащ | wətxaːʁaːɕ | You wrote | утхагъакъым | wətxaːʁaːqəm | You didn’t write | |
Third-person | тхагъащ | txaːʁaːɕ | He wrote | тхагъакъым | txaːʁaːqəm | He didn’t write | |
Plural | First-person | дытхагъащ | dətxaːʁaːɕ | We wrote | дытхагъакъым | dətxaːʁaːqəm | We didn’t write |
Second-person | фытхагъащ | fətxaːʁaːɕ | You wrote | фытхагъакъым | fətxaːʁaːqəm | You didn’t write | |
Third-person | тхагъащэх | txaːʁaːɕax | They wrote | тхагъакъым | txaːʁaːqəm | They didn’t write | |
Type 3 :
Verbs of this group designate repetition of action in a vividly expressed manner. They are formed by adding the suffix –т.
- Сэ жысIэрт (I kept saying)
- Дэ дылажьэрт (We worked repeatedly)
- Ар еджэрт (He read many times)
Negative forms:
- Сэ жысIэртэкъым (I did not kept saying)
- Дэ дылажьэртэкъым (We did not work repeatedly)
- Ар еджэртэкъым (He did not read many times)
Positional conjugation
Here is the positional conjugation of some verbs, showing how the root changes indicate position:
stands | sits | lies | |
Body position/Pose | щыт (ɕət) | щыс (ɕəs) | щылъ (ɕəɬ) |
On | тет (tajt) | тес (tajs) | телъ (tajɬ) |
Under | щIэт (ɕ’at) | щIэс (ɕ’as) | щIэлъ (ɕ’aɬ) |
Among | хэт (xat) | хэс (xas) | хэлъ (xaɬ) |
Within some area | дэт (dat) | дэс (das) | дэлъ (daɬ) |
Behind | ӏут (ʔʷət) | ӏyc (ʔʷəs) | ӏулъ (ʔʷəɬ) |
Inside | ит (jət) | иc (jəs) | илъ (jəɬ) |
Hanged or attached | пыт (pət) | пыc (pəs) | пылъ (pəɬ) |
Corner or behind | къуэт (qʷat) | къуэc (qʷas) | къуэлъ (qʷaɬ) |
Side | гуэт (gʷat) | гуэc (gʷas) | гуэлъ (gʷaɬ) |
In front of | пэӏут (paʔʷət) | пэӏуc (paʔʷəs) | пэӏулъ (paʔʷəɬ) |
Inside within | кӏуэцӏыт (kʷʼat͡sʼət) | кӏуэцӏыс (kʷʼat͡sʼəs) | кӏуэцӏылъ (kʷʼat͡sʼəɬ) |
Slope | кӏэрыт (kʲʼarət) | кӏэрыс (kʲʼarəs) | кӏэрылъ (kʲʼarəɬ) |
Over | щхьэпырыт (ʂħapərət) | щхьэпырыс (ʂħapərəs) | щхьэпырылъ (ʂħapərəɬ) |
On the neck | фӏэхэт (fʼaxat) | фӏэхэс (fʼaxas) | фӏэхэлъ (fʼaxaɬ) |
Directly | жьэхэт (ʑaxat) | жьэхэс (ʑaxas) | жьэхэлъ (ʑaxaɬ) |
щыт - [someone or something] stands (as a pose);
Iут - [someone or something] stands (behind);
щIэт - [someone or something] stands (under)
тет - [someone or something] stands (above)
дэт - [someone or something] stands (between), etc.
Body position/Pose
- щ(ы)~ /ɕə-/ designates abode/residence somewhere. For example :
- сэ мыбы сыщеджащ: I studied here
- ар къалэм щыпсэуащ: he lived in the city
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw | щыдзын | ɕəd͡zən | to throw an object somewhere |
to fit | щыхьэн | ɕəħan | to fit clothes and foot-wears |
to look | щыплъэн | ɕəpɬan | to look somewhere |
to take off | щыхын | ɕəxəx | to take off clothes and foot-wears |
to wear off | щыкӏын | ɕət͡ʃʼən | to wear off clothes or foot-wears |
to stand in | щыувын | ɕəwvən | to stand somewhere |
to wear off | щызын | ɕəzən | to wear off clothes or foot-wears |
to drop off | щытӏэрын | ɕətʼarən | to wear off clothes or foot-wears |
to tear off | щытхъын | ɕətχən | to tear off clothes or foot-wears |
- те~ /taj-/ designates location/being on something. For example :
- тхылъыр Iэнэм телъщ: the book is on the table.
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throws at | тедзэн | tajd͡zan | to throw an object on something |
to go on | техьэн | tajħan | to go on something, to assault somewhere |
to look on | теплъэн | tajpɬan | to look on something |
to take from | техын | tajxən | to take an object from something |
to go away from | текӏын | tajt͡ʃʼən | to come down from something |
to put on | телъхьэн | tajɬħan | to put an object on something or someone |
to stand on | теувэн | tajwvan | to stand on something |
to fall from on | тезын | tajzən | to fall from above something |
to be dropped on | тетӏэрэн | tajtʼaran | to be dropped above something |
to be dropped from above | тетӏэрын | tajtʼarən | to be dropped from above something |
to tear from on | тетхъын | tajtχən | to tear something from above something |
- щӏэ~ /ɕʼa-/ designates being under something. For example :
- уэсыр жыг лъабжьэм кӏэщӏэтхъуэн: to rake up the snow under the tree.
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw under | щӏэдзэн | ɕʼad͡zan | to throw an object under something |
to go under | щӏэхьэн | ɕʼaħan | to go under something |
to look under | щӏэплъэн | ɕʼapɬan | to look under something |
to take from | щӏэхын | ɕʼaxən | to take an object under something |
to go away from | щӏэкӏын | ɕʼat͡ʃʼən | to come out under something |
to put under | щӏэлъхьэн | ɕʼaɬħan | to put an object under something or someone |
to stand under | щӏэувэн | ɕʼawvan | to stand under something |
to fall from under | щӏэзын | ɕʼazən | to fall from under something |
to be dropped under | щӏэтӏэрэн | ɕʼatʼaran | to be dropped under something |
to be dropped from under | щӏэтӏэрын | ɕʼatʼarən | to be dropped from under something |
to tear from under | щӏэтхъын | ɕʼatχən | to tear something from under something |
- хэ~ /xa-/ designates being among people, plants, animals or objects. For example :
- партием хэтын: to be in a party
- партием хыхьэн: to join the party.
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw among | хэдзэн | xad͡zan | to throw an object among some objects or people |
to go among | хэхьэн | xaħan | to go to an area with a lot people or plants |
to look among | хэплъэн | xapɬan | to look among some people or objects |
to take from | хэхын | xaxən | to take an object among objects |
to go away among | хэкӏын | xat͡ʃʼən | to get away from people or objects |
to put among | хэлъхьэн | xaɬħan | to put an object among other objects |
to stand among | хэувэн | xawvan | to stand among objects or other people |
to fall among | хэзын | xazən | to be dropped from a group of objects or people |
to be dropped among | хэтӏэрэн | xatʼaran | to be dropped into a group of objects or people |
to be dropped from among | хэтӏэрын | xatʼarən | to be dropped from a group of objects or people |
to tear among | хэтхъын | xatχən | to tear something from a group of objects or people |
- хэ~ /xa-/ also designates being in some mass like for example in a liquid, fire, solid, gas and etc. For example :
- псым хэтын: to be in water.
- псым хыхьэн: to go into water
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw into | хэдзэн | xad͡zan | to throw an object into some mass |
to go into | хэхьэн | xaħan | to enter an area with some mass |
to look into | хэплъэн | xapɬan | to look into an area with some mass |
to take from | хэхын | xaxən | to take an object form an area with some mass |
to get out from | хэкӏын | xat͡ʃʼən | to get out from an area with some mass |
to put into | хэлъхьэн | xaɬħan | to put an object into an area with some mass |
to stand in | хэувэн | xawvan | to stand in an area with some mass to stand on a surface with some mass (like dirt or liquid) |
to fall from | хэзын | xazən | to fall from an area with some mass |
to be dropped among | хэтӏэрэн | xatʼaran | to be dropped to an area with some mass |
to be dropped from among | хэтӏэрын | xatʼarən | to be dropped from an area with some mass |
to tear from | хэтхъын | xatχən | to tear a small part from a solid object |
Within some area
- дэ~ /da-/ designates being of an object on a definite territory. For example :
- машинэр уэрамым дэтщ: the car is on the street
- пщІантІэм дэтын: to be in the yard
- пхъэр пщІантІэм дэшэн: to drop off the firewood in the yard
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw into | дэдзэн | dad͡zan | to throw an object on a definite territory |
to go into | дэхьэн | daħan | to enter a definite territory |
to look into | дэплъэн | dapɬan | to look at a definite territory |
to take from | дэхын | daxən | to take an object from a definite territory |
to get out from | дэкӏын | dat͡ʃʼən | to get our from a definite territory |
to put inside | дэлъхьэн | daɬħan | to put an object into a definite territory |
to stand in | дэувэн | dawvan | to stand in a definite territory |
to be dropped into | дэтӏэрэн | datʼaran | to be dropped into a definite territory |
to be dropped from | дэтӏэрын | datʼarən | to be dropped from a definite territory |
to fall from | дэзын | dazən | to fall from a definite territory |
- дэ~ /da-/ also designates being of an object inside another object. For example :
- тхылъыр шкафым дэлъщ: the book is in the bookcase
- щхьэгъубжэм дэплъын: to look out of the window.
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw into | дэдзэн | dad͡zan | to throw an object inside another object |
to go into | дэхьэн | daħan | to enter inside another object |
to look into | дэплъэн | dapɬan | to look inside another object |
to take from | дэхын | daxən | to take an object from inside another object |
to get out from | дэкӏын | dat͡ʃʼən | to get our from inside another object |
to put inside | дэлъхьэн | daɬħan | to put an object inside another object |
to stand on | дэувэн | dawvan | to stand inside another object |
to fall from inside | дэзын | dazən | to fall from inside another object |
to be dropped inside | дэтӏэрэн | datʼaran | to be dropped inside another object |
to be dropped outside | дэтӏэрын | datʼarən | to be dropped outside another object |
to tear from inside | дэтхъын | datχən | to tear something from inside another object |
Near or around
- ӏу~ /ʔʷə-/ designates drawing near, approaching somebody or something, being of an object around or near something or someone else. For example :
- кІэлындорым Іухьэн: to approach the corridor
- мывэр бжэм Іулъщ: the stone lies near the door
- блэкІым Іуплъэн: to cast a glance at the passer-by.
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw around | ӏудзэн | ʔʷəd͡zan | to throw an object around or near something |
to go around | ӏухьэн | ʔʷəħan | to approach something or someone |
to look around | ӏуплъэн | ʔʷəpɬan | to look around or near something or someone |
to take from | ӏухын | ʔʷəxən | to take an object from around something |
to go away from | ӏукӏын | ʔʷət͡ʃʼən | to get away from |
to put around | ӏулъхьэн | ʔʷəɬħan | to put an object around or near something |
to stand near | ӏуувэн | ʔʷəwvan | to stand near or around something |
to fall from near | ӏузын | ʔʷəzən | to fall from near or around something |
to be dropped near | ӏутӏэрэн | ʔʷətʼaran | to be dropped near or around something |
to be dropped near | ӏутӏэрын | ʔʷətʼarən | to be dropped from near or around something |
to tear from near | ӏутхъын | ʔʷətχən | to tear something from near or around something |
- и~ /jə-/ designates being inside/in something. For example :
- игуэн: to push, shove (smb., smth., into smth.)
- вагоным исын: to sit in the coach
- игъэхун: to drop, let fall (from pocket, etc.)
- пэгуным псыр ижащ: the water ran out of the bucket
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw inside | идзэн | jəd͡zan | to throw an object inside something |
to enter | ихьэн | jəħan | to enter somewhere |
to look inside | иплъэн | jəpɬan | to look inside something |
to take from | ихын | jəxən | to take an object from inside something |
to exit | икӏын | jət͡ʃʼən | to exit from somewhere |
to put inside | илъхьэн | jəɬħan | to put an object inside something |
to stand inside | иувэн | jəwvan | to stand inside something |
to fall from inside | изын | jəzən | to fall from inside something |
to be dropped inside | итӏэрэн | jətʼaran | to be dropped into inside something |
to be dropped outside | итӏэрын | jətʼarən | to be dropped outside something |
to pull out | итхъын | jətχən | to pull a plant from the ground |
Hanged or attached
- пы~ /pə-/ designates addition or joining, adherence, attached, hanged (like fruits on a tree or clothes on a hanger). For example :
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw at | пыдзэн | pəd͡zan | to throw an object on a hanger |
to attache to | пыхьэн | pəħan | to attache to somewhere |
to look at | пыплъэн | pəpɬan | to look inside a tree |
to take from | пыхын | pəxən | to take an object from a hanger or tree to unplug |
to come down from | пыкӏын | pət͡ʃʼən | to get off a hanger or tree to pick a fruit from a tree to separate from |
to put at | пылъхьэн | pəɬħan | to put an object on a hanger or tree |
to stand on | пыувэн | pəwvan | to stand on a tree |
to fall from | пызын | pəzən | to fall from a hanger or tree |
to be dropped from | пытӏэрын | pətʼarən | to be dropped from a hanger or tree |
to tear from | пытхъын | pətχən | to pick something from a hanger or tree |
Corner or behind
- къуэ~ /qʷa-/ designates an object behind something or in the corner. it also designates motion directed to the back of something or someone. For example :
- бгым къуэсын: to sit behind the mountain
- къуэлъэдэн: to run behind
- дыгъэр бгым къыкъуэкІащ: the sun rose from behind the mountain
- къуэплъын: to look out from behind
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw to behind | къуэдзэн | qʷad͡zan | to throw an object behind something or to the corner |
to approach behind | къуэхьэн | qʷaħan | to approach behind something or to the corner |
to look behind a | къуэплъэн | qʷapɬan | to look behind something or to the corner |
to take from behind a | къуэхын | qʷaxən | to take an object behind something or from the corner |
to come out behind | къуэкӏын | qʷat͡ʃʼən | to come out behind something or to get away from the corner |
to put behind | къуэлъхьэн | qʷaɬħan | to put an object behind something or to the corner |
to stand behind | къуэувэн | qʷawvan | to stand on behind something or to the corner |
to be dropped behind | къуэтӏэрэн | qʷatʼarən | to be dropped behind something or to the corner |
to be dropped from behind | къуэтӏэрын | qʷatʼarən | to be dropped from behind something or to the corner |
to fall from behind | къуэзын | qʷazən | to fall from behind something or to the corner |
- гуэ~ /gʷa-/ designates an action directed towards the side of something or someone. Examples :
- гъунэгъум гуэсын: to sit next to the neighbour
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw aside | гуэдзэн | gʷad͡zan | to throw an object on the side of something or someone |
to approach aside | гуэхьэн | gʷaħan | to approach by the side of something or someone |
to look aside | гуэплъэн | gʷapɬan | to look aside something or someone |
to take from | гуэхын | gʷaxən | to take an object from aside something or someone |
to move away | гуэкӏын | gʷat͡ʃʼən | to go away from aside something or someone |
to put aside | гуэлъхьэн | gʷaɬħan | to put an object aside something or someone |
to stand aside | гуэувэн | gʷawvan | to stand aside someone or something |
to drop from aside | гуэзын | gʷazən | to fall aside someone or something |
to drop aside | гуэтӏэрэн | gʷatʼaran | to be dropped aside someone or something |
to drop from aside | гуэтӏэрын | gʷatʼarən | to be dropped from aside someone or something |
In front of
- пэӏу~ /paʔʷə-/ designates being in front of someone or something usually for the purpose of opposition. for example :
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to throw in front of | пэӏудзэн | paʔʷəd͡zan | to throw an object in front of something or someone |
to approach in front of | пэӏухьэн | paʔʷəħan | to approach in front of something or someone |
to look in front of | пэӏуплъэн | paʔʷəpɬan | to look in front of something or someone |
to take in front of | пэӏухын | paʔʷəxən | to take an object from front of something or someone |
to move away in front of | пэӏукӏын | paʔʷət͡ʃʼən | to go away from the front of something or someone |
to put in front of | пэӏулъхьэн | paʔʷəɬħan | to put an object in front of something or someone |
to stand on | пэӏуувэн | paʔʷəwt͡sʷan | to stand against someone |
to fall from on | пэӏузын | paʔʷəzən | to fall in front of someone or something |
Inside within
The prefix кӏоцӏы~ (kʷʼat͡sʼə) designates motion directed inside something, or from within something, through something; for example :
Meaning | Adyghe | Notes | |
Cyrillic | IPA | ||
to enter within | кӏоцӏыхьан | t͡ʂʼaħan | to enter inside within something; to consume; to penetrate |
to go away from within | кӏоцӏыкӏын | t͡ʂʼat͡ʃʼən | to come out within something; to emit |
to put within | кӏоцӏылъхьэн | t͡ʂʼaɬħan | to put an object within something |
The verbal prefix кӏэры~ (kʲʼarə~) designates action on surface of object which is in vertical position; ex.: * блыным лозунг кІэрытхэн: to write a slogan on the wall.
It also designates stay/sojourn on slope, on surface, of object; ex.:
- мэлхэр бгым кІэрытщ: the sheep are on the slope of the mountain;
- Іэм ятІэ кІэрылъщ: there is mud on the hand
It can also be used to designates separation from smb., smth.; ex.
- ар сэ скІэрыкІащ: he left/let me alone;
- кІэрыдзэн: to throw (smth.) away from (smth.).
The verbal prefix щхьэ~ (щхьэщы~; щхьэпыры~) designates being or movement of object over surface of smth.; ex.: * пшэр бгым щхьэщытщ: the cloud hangs over the mountain.
- бгым щхьэщылъэтын: to fly over the mountain
It also designates movement of object over smth., transference of object over/across smth.; ex.:
- бгым хьэлъэр щхьэпырыхын: to carry the load over/across the mountain.
On the neck
The verbal prefix фӏэхэ~ /fʼaxa~/ designates action directed to the neck for example :
- фӏэхэлъын: to be wore on one's neck.
- фӏэхэзын: to fall from one's neck.
- фӏэхэлъхьэн: to wear on one's neck.
- дзын: to throw → фӏэхэдзэн: to throw on one's neck.
- плъэн: to look → фӏэхэплъэн: to look on one's neck.
- пкӏэн: to jump → фӏэхэпкӏын: to jump on one's neck.
The verbal suffix жьэхэ~ (ʑaxa~) designates action directed at something.; for example :
- жьэхэплъэн: to look steadily (at), to stare (at).
- жьэхэуэн: to hit someone, to strike someone.
- жьэхэхьэн: to collide with.
The Kabardian language has an especially complex morphology. A verb by its set of morphemes can express subject's and object's person, place, time, manner of action, negative, and other types of grammatical categories. A verb can have some combinations of different affixes to describe a specific verbs in a different situations.
Verbal Prefixes
Causative (гъэ~)
The verbal suffix гъэ~ (ʁa~) designates causation; rendered by the verbs: to force, compel, make; to order, tell; to allow, permit; to give the opportunity to do something.; also forms transitive verbs; for example :
- псэлъэн: to talk → гъэпсэлъэн: to make (somebody.) talk.
- мэжэлІэн: to become hungry → гъэмэжэлІэн: to make (somebody.) go hungry.
- шхэн: to eat → гъэшхэн: to feed (somebody.)
- бзэхын: ещ disappear → гъэбзэхын: to hide/conceal (somebody., something.) quickly.
Comitative (дэ~)
The verbal suffix дэ~ (da~) designates action performed jointly with somebody.
- шхэн: to eat → дэшхэн: to eat with somebody.
- кӏуэн : to go → дэкӏуэн : to go with somebody.
Reciprocal (зэ~)
The verbal prefix зэ~ is used in formation of reciprocal verbs; for example :
- зэзэуэн: to fight each other.
зэдэ~ is used in formation of reciprocal verbs; for example :
- зэдэгушыIэн: to joke with one another.
Reflexive (з~)
The verbal prefix з~ designates reflexive action; for example :
- зылъэщІын: to wipe oneself.
- зыплъыхьын: to look about oneself.
- зэгъэжьэн: to force oneself to wait;
- зэлъэфэлӏэн: to drag to oneself.
Destination (здэ~)
The verbal suffix здэ~ designates destination of action; for example :
- сыздэкIуэнур сощӏэ: I know where I am going to.
Directional (къэ~)
The verbal prefix къэ~ designates arrival, approach, movement directed to the speaker; for example :
- мафӏэгур къэсащ: the train has arrived.
It also designates approach of some season, time; for example :
- щӏымахуэр къэсащ: winter has arrived.
It also adds a tinge of definiteness to the verb; for example :
- къэпсэлъэн: to deliver a speech; to begin to speak.
Involuntative (ӏэщӏэ~)
The verbal prefix ӏэщӏэ~ (ʔaɕʼa~) designates an action which was done unintentionally. for example :
- хьэм бaжэр ӏэщӏэтхьэлыхьaщ - "The dog slaughtered the fox (unintentionally)"
- хьэр бaжэм ӏэщӏэтхьэлыхьaщ - "The fox (unintentionally) slaughtered the dog"
- щIaлэм дыгъур ӏэщӏэyкӏaщ - "The young man (unintentionally) killed the thief"
- yэ yсӏэщӏэyкӏaщ - "I accidentally killed you"
- щӏaлэм лӏыжьым дыгъур ӏэщӏигъэyкӏaщ - "The boy made the old man accidentally kill the thief"
Direction of motion (нэ~)
The veral prefix нэ~ (ны~) designates direction of motion from speaker to second person; for example :
- ар уи деж нэкӏуащ: he went to you.
- ар уи деж ныщӏыхьащ: he went to visit you.
It also forms verbs that convey a sense of completion of an action; for example :
- нэдысын: to finish (sewing); нэвысын: to finish ploughing/tilling.
- нэджысын: to finish (reading), to read to the end.
Against (фӏэ~)
The verbal prefix фӏэ~ (фӏы~) designates action done against somebody's will or interest. This verbal prefix can also be used indicate that the action was done to took an object or an opportunity away from somebody else.; for example :
- кӏуэн: to go → фӏэкӏуэн: to go against somebody’s wish.
Benefactive (ху~)
The verbal prefix хуэ~ (xʷa~) designates action performed to please somebody, for somebody’s sake, in somebody's interests; for example :
- анэм ӏуэху хуэщІэн: to do work for one's mother
Bypass (блэ~)
The verbal suffix блэ~ (bɮa~) designates movement bypass somebody or something; for example :
- унэм блэжын: to run by/past the house.
Through (пхы~)
The verbal prefix пхы~ (пхыры~) designates action, motion directed through some obstacle, object; ex.: * пхырыжын: to run through smth.;
- шэр nхъэбгъум пхыкІащ: the bullet went through the board;
- пхивыкІын: to get wet/soaked through.
Across (пыры~)
The verbal prefix пыры~ designates action of transference over object that is of comparatively small height; ex.:
- жыхьым пырыплъын: to look over the fence
It also designates action, motion directed across some obstacle; ex.:
- псым пырышын (е зэпырышын): to take/lead across the river;
- лъэмыжым пырышын: to take/lead across the bridge
After (кӏэлъ~)
The verbal prefix кӏэлъ~ (kʲʼaɬ) indicates action that happened towards after something or somebody; for example.:
- мыщэм кІэлъыкІуэн: to go after the bear;
- кІэлъежьэн: to set off/ out after, to start after, to leave after (smb., smth.);
- кІэлъесын: to swim after (smb., smth.).
- кІэлъытхэн: to write after (smb., smth.).
Toward the mouth (жьэдэ~)
The verbal suffix жьэдэ~ designates action performed in or towards the mouth; for example :
- жьэдэдзэн: to throw (something.) in the mouth of somebody.
- жьэдэплъэн: to look into somebody’s mouth.
Verbal Infixes
Negative (~мы~)
~мы~ negatory infix; for example :
- жыӏэ: say → жумыӏэ: do not say.
- къакӏуэ: come → укъэмыкӏуэ: do not come.
Verbal Suffixes
Completion (~гъах)
The verbal suffix ~гъэхэ designates absolute accomplishment/realization of the action; for example :
- кӏуагъэхэщ: he’s already gone.
Frequentative (~ж)
The verbal suffix ~ж designates recurrence/repetition of action; for example :
- къэсын: to arrive → къэсыжын: to arrive again.
- къэшэн: to bring → къэшэжын: to bring again.
Connective (~и)
~и (connective suffix) and, also; for example :
- къакӏуи еплъ: come and have a look.
Negative (~къым)
~къым (verbal suffix) negatory suffix; for example :
- хьэщӏэр иджыри къэс къэсакъым: the guest hasn’t arrived yet.
- сэ еджапӏэм сыкӏуакъым: I didn’t go to school.
Conditional mood (~мэ)
The conditional suffix is indicated by ~м(э); for example :
- ар къакIуэмэ, сэ бэзэрым сыкIуэнущ: If he comes, I will go to the market.
Concessive mood (~ми)
The verbal suffix ~ми designates concessive mood; for example :
- укIуами: even if you had gone.
Infinitive (~н)
~н infinitive forming suffix; for example :
- тхэн: to write.
- кIуэн: to go.
Upwards (~еи)
The verbal suffix ~еи designates action in an upward direction; ex.:
- дэкІуеин: to go upwards.
- дэлъеин: to jump/leap up.
Downwards (~хы)
The verbal suffix ~х designates downward direction of action; ex.:
- ежэхын: to roll down; to run down.
- джабэм ежэхын: to roll down the mountain's slope.
- псыр джабэм хуабжьу йожэх: the river is streaming down the mountain' slope.
- ехьэхын: to lower, sink somebody or something.
- щхьэр ехьэхын: to hang one’s head.
- рабочэхэр шахтэм ехьэхын: to get the workers down to the mine.
Recurrence (~рей)
The verbal suffix ~рей (~raj) designates recurrence, presence of a characteristic; for example :
- мэпсэлъэрей: he is fond of talking; he is garrulous.
- мэдауэрей: he is given to brawling; he is a brawler.
Repetition (~рт)
The verbal suffix ~рт designates repetition/recurrence of action; ex.:
- тхэрт: he wrote repeatedly.
Imperative mood (~т)
The verbal suffix ~т designates the imperative mood; for example :
- жыӏэт: do say; just say.
- тхэт: just write.
Subjunctive mood (~тэмэ)
The verbal suffix ~тэмэ designates subjunctive mood; for example :
- укӏуатэмэ: if you had gone.
Concessive mood (~тэми)
The verbal suffix ~тэми designates concessive mood; for example :
- укӏуатэми: even if you had gone.
Capability (~фы)
The verbal suffix ~ф designates the ability to perform the indicated action; for example :
- жыӏэфын: to be able to speak/talk; to speak eloquently/articulately;to manage to say (something.)
- хьыфын: to manage, be able, to take/carry (away) (something. somewhere.).
Ccompleteness (~пэ)
the verbal suffix ~пэ designates completeness and fulfilment of the action; ex.:
- илэжьыпащ: accomplished, realized, carried into effect;
- шхыпэн: vt to eat (up) (smth.) entirely.
Absolute completeness (~хэ)
The verbal suffix ~кӏэ designates absolute completeness of action; ex.:
- сщIакIэщ: I have already done it.
Directed towards (~лӏ)
The verbal suffix ~лӏ designates action directed towards, or applied to smb., smth.; ex.:
- ежэлІэн: vi to run up (to smb., smth.), to come running up (to smb., smth.);
- ехьэлІэн: vt 1. to take, carry (smb., smth. to smb., smth.);
- хьэпшыпхэр автобусым ~: to carry the articles to the bus.
- къекIуэлIащ: he appeared; he presented himself.
Slight excessiveness (~ӏуэ)
The verbal suffix ~ӏуэ designates slight excessiveness; ex.:
- тхэӏуэн: to write more than is necessary.
Excessiveness (~къуэ)
The verbal suffix ~къуэ designates excessiveness; ex.:
- псэлъэкъуэн: to out-talk somebody; to talk too much; to have a long talk with somebody, to get carried away by a conversation with somebody.
Plural (~хэ)
The pluralizing suffix is indicated by ~хэ; for example :
- къэкIуахэщ: they came.
Preliminary condition (~хэ)
The verbal suffix ~хэ designates preliminary condition; for example :
- зытхьэщIыхэн: wash yourself first.
- зытхьэщIыхи шхэ: first wash yourself, and then eat.
Absolute negation (~ххэ)
~ххэ (verbal suffix) designates absolute negation; for example :
- сыкIуэххэнкъым: I will definitely not go.
Around (~хь)
The verbal suffix ~хь designates action performed on a definite location or repetition of the action;
- къэжыхьын: to run about;
- къэкIухьын: to go/walk about;
It also designates movement round an object :
- Іуащхьэм къэкIухьын: to walk/go round the hill;
- жыгым къэкIухьын: to walk/go round the tree.
Optative mood (~щэрэ)
The verbal suffix ~щэрэ (~щэрэт) designates optative mood; ex.:
- Налшык сыкIуащэрэ: if only I could go to Nalchik; I wish I could go to Nalchik.
- Numbers from zero to ten are specific words
- 1 зы
- 2 тӀу
- 3 щы
- 4 плӀы
- 5 тху
- 6 хы
- 7 блы
- 8 и
- 9 бгъу
- 10 пщӏы
- Numbers from eleven to nineteen are built with the word for ten, followed by кӏу ([kʷʼə]) and the unit digit:
- 11 пщӏыкӀуз [pɕʼəkʷʼəz]
- 12 пщӏыкӀутIу [pɕʼəkʷʼətʷʼ]
- 13 пщӏыкӀущ [pɕʼəkʷʼəɕ]
- 14 пщӏыкӀуплI [pɕʼəkʷʼəpɬʼ]
- 15 пщӏыкӀутху [pɕʼəkʷʼətxʷ]
- 16 пщӏыкӀух [pɕʼəkʷʼəx]
- 17 пщӏыкӀубл [pɕʼəkʷʼəbɮ]
- 18 пщӏыкӀуй [pɕʼəkʷʼəj]
- 19 пщӏыкӀубгъу [pɕʼəkʷʼəbʁʷ]}
- The tens follow a vigesimal system from forty up, with the exception of fifty:
- 20 тӀощӏ [tʷʼaɕʼə] (20)
- 21 тӀощӏэ зырэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra zəra] (20 and 1)
- 22 тӀощӏэ тIурэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra tʷʼəra] (20 and 2)
- 23 тӀощӏэ щырэ [tʷʼaɕʼəra ɕəra] (20 and 3)
- ...
- 30 щэщӏ [ɕaɕʼ] (30)
- 31 щэщӏрэ зырэ [ɕaɕʼra zəra] (30 and 1)
- 32 щэщӏрэ тIурэ [ɕaɕʼra tʷʼəra] (30 and 2)
- ...
- 40 плIыщI [pɬʼəɕʼ] (20 × 2)
- 50 тхущI,[txʷəɕʼ] (half-hundred)
- 60 хыщI,[xəɕʼ] (20 × 3)
- 70 блыщI [bɮəɕʼ] (20 × 3 and 10)
- 80 ищI [jəɕʼ] (20 × 4)
- 90 бгъущI [bʁʷəɕʼ] (20 × 4 and 10)
- One hundred is щэ (ɕa). The hundreds are formed by the hundred word root (щ (ɕ)) followed by -и-
(-i-) and the multiplier digit root.
- 100 щэ (ɕa)
- 101 щэрэ зырэ (ɕara zəra) (100 and 1)
- 110 щэрэ пщӏырэ (ɕara pʃʼəra) (100 and 10)
- 200 щитӀу (ɕitʷʼ) (100 × 2)
- 201 щитӀурэ зырэ (ɕitʷʼəra zəra) (200 × 2 and 1)
- 300 щищ (ɕiɕ) (100 × 3)
- 400 щиплӀ (ɕipɬʼ) (100 × 4)
- 500 щитху (ɕitxʷ) (100 × 5)
- 600 щих (ɕix) (100 × 6)
- 700 щибл (ɕibɮ) (100 × 7)
- 800 щий (ɕij) (100 × 8)
- 900 щибгъу (ɕibʁʷ) (100 × 9)
- One thousand is мин (min). The thousands are formed by the thousand word root (мин (məjn))
followed by -и- (-i-) and the multiplier digit root.
- 1000 мин (min)
- 1001 минрэ зырэ (minra zəra) (1000 and 1)
- 1010 минрэ пщӏырэ (minra pʃʼəra) (1000 and 10)
- 1100 минрэ щэрэ (minra ɕara) (1000 and 100)
- 2000 минитӀу (minitʷʼ) (1000 × 2)
- 3000 минищ (miniɕ) (1000 × 3)
- 4000 миниплӀ (minipɬʼ) (1000 × 4)
- 5000 минитху (minitxʷ) (1000 × 5)
- 6000 миних (minix) (1000 × 6)
- 7000 минибл (minibɮ) (1000 × 7)
- 8000 миний (minij) (1000 × 8)
- 9000 минибгъу (minibʁʷ) (1000 × 9)
- 10000 минипщӏ (minipʃʼ) (1000 × 10)
- 11000 минипщӀыкӀуз (minipʃʼəkʷʼəz) (1000 × 11)
- 12000 минипщӀыкӀутIу (minipʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼ) (1000 × 12)
- 20000 минитӀощӏ (minitʷʼaɕʼə) (1000 × 20)
- 100000 минищэ (miniɕa) (1000 × 100)
- 200000 минищитӀу (miniɕitʷʼ) (1000 × 200)
When composed, the hundred word takes the -рэ (-ra) suffix, as well as the ten and the unit if any (e.g.: щэрэ зырэ (ʂara zəra) [101], щэрэ тIурэ (ʂara tʷʼəra) [102], щэрэ пщӀыкӀузырэ (pʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼəra) [111], щитӀурэ щэщӀырэ плIырэ (ʂitʷʼəra ɕat͡ʃəra pɬʼəra) [234]).
Ordinal numbers
- Except апэрэ/япэрэ - first (aːpara/jaːpara) are formed by prefix я- (jaː-) and suffix – нэрэ (- nara). For
example: ятIунэрэ - second (jaːtʷʼənara), ящынэрэ - third (jaːɕənara), яплIынэрэ - fourth (jaːpɬʼənara).
- first - Япэ [jaːpa]
- second - ЕтIуанэ [jatʼaːna]
- third - Ещанэ [jaɕaːna]
- firth - Еянэ [jajaːna]
- tenth - ЕпщIанэ [japɕʼaːna]
- eleventh - ЕпщыкIузанэ [japɕʼəkʷʼəzaːna]
- sixteenth. - ЕпщыкIуханэ [japɕʼəkʷʼəxaːna]
Discrete numbers
- Зырыз - in ones, one by one
- ТIурытI - in twos, two by two
- Щырыщ - in threes, three by three
- ПлIырыплI - in fours, four by four
- Тхурытху - in fives, five by five
- Хырых - in sixes, six by six
- Блырыбл - in sevens, seven by seven
- Ири - in eights, eight by eight
- Бгъурыбгъу - in nines, nine by nine
- ПщIырыпщI - in tens, ten by ten
Fractional numbers
- half (1÷2) - Ныкъуэ [nəqʷa]
- one third (1÷3) - щанэ [ɕaːna]
- two thirds (2÷3) - щанитӏу [ɕaːnitʷʼ] (1÷3 × 2)
- one fourth (1÷4) - плӀанэ [pɬʼaːna]
- two fourths (2÷4) - плӀанитӏу [pɬʼaːnitʷʼ] (1÷4 × 2)
- three fourths (3÷4) - плӀанищ [pɬʼaːniɕ] (1÷4 × 3)
- one fifth (1÷5) - тфанэ [tfaːna]
- one sixth (1÷6) - ханэ [xaːna]
- one seventh (1÷7) - бланэ [blaːna]
- one eighth (1÷8) - янэ [jaːna]
- one ninth (1÷9) - бгъуанэ [bʁʷaːna]
- one tenth (1÷10) - пщӀанэ [pʃʼaːna]
- one eleventh (1÷11) - пщӀыкӏузанэ [pʃʼəkʷʼəzaːna]
- one twelfth (1÷12) - пщӀыкӏутӏуанэ [pʃʼəkʷʼətʷʼaːna]
- one twentieth (1÷20) - тӏощӏанэ [tʷʼaɕʼaːna]
- one hundredth (1÷100) - щанэ [ɕaːna]
- Аркадьев, П. М.; Ландер, Ю. А.; Летучий, А. Б.; Сумбатова, Н. Р.; Тестелец, Я. Г. Введение. Основные
сведения об адыгейском языке в кн.: "Аспекты полисинтетизма: очерки по грамматике
адыгейского языка" под ред.: П. М. Аркадьев, А. Б. Летучий, Н. Р. Сумбатова, Я. Г. Тестелец. Москва:
РГГУ, 2009 (Arkadiev, P. M.; Lander, Yu. A.; Letuchiy, A. B.; Sumbatova, N. R.; Testelets, Ya. G.
Introduction. Basic information about Adyghe language in "Aspects of polysyntheticity: studies on
Adyghe grammar" edited by: P. M. Arkadiev, A. B. Letuchiy, N. R. Sumbatova, Ya. G. Testelets. Moscow,
RGGU, 2009) (in Russian) ISBN 978-5-7281-1075-0