Kalyan Swami

Sri Kalyan Swami Original Painting
Sri Kalyan Swami Samadhi at Domgaon Taluka Paranda District Dharashiv(Osmanabad)

Kalyan Swami (1636–1714) was a noted 17th-century swami. Though Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami and a hermit and a proficient disciple Shree Kalyan Swami were separate by body, they were persons of superhuman power internally united. Shree Kalyan Swami devoted himself in the feet of Shree Samarth entirely. This pair of mentor and disciple is a peak of Indian culture. The place of Hanuman in Ramayan the same part is played by Shree Kalyan Swami in the biography of Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami.

Shree Kalyan Swami is called Patta_Shishya (successor and chief disciple) of Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami

Early life

A person by name Krushnajipant Kulkarni of Bhagur village who was Deshastha Rugvedi Brahmin and his clan was Kaushik who was married and gave birth to a child but by misfortune his wife and the child died in a short period. By this incident the at best of his youth Krishnajipant left for pilgrimage after disposal of belongings of the village. After visiting many places of plgrimage he arrived at Kolhapur for a glimpse of Mahalakshmi and lived there in the worship of Goddess. Every day, he reads the holy scripture Durgasaptashati.

There was one gentleman Barawajipant Kulkarni in Kolhapur. His sister had to be married. He was anxious of it. By priamass Krishnajipant and Barawajipant met. Krishnajipant accepted request of Barwajipant and agreed to marry his sister named Rakhmabai. Besides it he expressed his desire of pilgrimage after sometime. Accordingly, marriage ceremony of Krishnajipant and Rakhumabai took place.

With blessings of Ambabai of Kolhapur the married couple gave birth to a son who was named Ambaji. The birthyear of Ambaji may be 1636. The second son born after Ambaji was named Dattatreya. They have one sister as referenced in some places.

After some years of marriage life Krishnajipant left for pilgrimage. Afterwords he became ascetic in Kashi. His mention is not available in after history. Afterwards these sons and their mother came to brother's home.

Arrival of Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami in Kolhapur and Meeting of Mentor and Disciple

Generally it was year 1645. After 12 years' travel and pilgrimage of India Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami returned to his workland. After 12 years' pilgrimage Shree Samarth has decided something and the decision was of Dharmasansthapana (Updation of Dharma).

There has been his discources in various places to lead the society to religious and right path. With bright speech, harsh asceticism, deep study, succulent narration etc. a huge crowd was present at discourses(Kirtans). The same discourses were going on in Kolhapur also. Brawajipant was also present to hear these discourses. He decided to become disciple of this holy man Shree Samarth. He requested Shree Samarth for this purpose. Shree Samarth also agreed to give his favour(Anugrah) after his evaluation.

Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami came to the house of Bawajipant on decided day. There was auspicious atmosphere in the house. There were festoons and rangoli in the house. Barwajipant was mostly delighted on the arrival of Shree Samarth. Shree Samarth made Barawajipant disciple by giving him favour(Anugrah). Barwajipant requested Shree Samarth to accept teachers fees(GuruDakshina) as atradition. But Shree Samarth wanted nothing as he valued gold and soil at the same rate. He refused. But Barwajipant insisted and requested him so much. Then Shree Samarth said if you want to give then give me Ambaji for purpose of Shreeram. Samarth asked Ambaji about his religious work. Samarth being impressed by the beautiful handwriting of the boy Ambaji, he requested that the boy be given to him.

After this incident Ambaji, Dattatray and their mother went with Samarth Ramdas Swami. During their travels Samarth told Dattaray Swami to stay at Shirgaon. Shree Dattatraya Swami, whose dates were 1638-1714, is said to have been a sweet singer, and was therefore often given that part of the devotions in which the praises of the gods are sung. He became the Mahant of the math at Shirgaon near Satara, and, unlike his brother, he was married. A copy of the Dasbodh which he wrote has been found at Gwalior, where his great-great-grandson, Aba Maharaj, established a math about 1853, which is still in operation. It is this copy of the Dasbodh..

Only Ambaji went with Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami. It is his meeting with Samarth Ramdas Swami that changed the course of his life Ambaji, later known as Kalyan, became a man of large physique, many stories being told of his fearlessness and physical powers.

Samarth Ramdas Swami and Kalyan Swami

From a young age, Ambaji had been a devoted disciple of Sri Samarth Ramadas, a renowned saint of Maharashtra. The Master was very happy with the way his disciple was progressing spiritually. Day and night. He had great devotion for Shree Rama. His heart yearned for the Lord's darshan. Samarth Ramadas Swami knew about this. He also knew that Ambaji was a worthy vessel, fit to receive a vision of the Lord Ambaji immersed himself in service to the Guru. Although Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami tested him in many difficult situations, he never failed, and was therefore often held up as an example before the others. Eventually, Ambaji became the favorite disciple of Samarth.

Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami started Rathyatra of Lord Ram on the occasion of Ramnavami. There was a huge tree on the way Rathyatra. Also there was a deep well close to the tree. The branches of the tree extended right over the mouth of the well. Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami realised that the time was ripe for Ambaji to experience a vision of God, and he created a situation accordingly.

Samarth Ramadas called Ambaji and said, "Do you see that branch extending right over the well? Can you climb up to it?"

"Sure, Gurudeva," Ambaji replied.

Samarth Ramadas continued, "I want you to take a saw with you when you climb, and when you reach the branch, cut it off with the saw."

Without the slightest hesitation, Ambaji tied his dhoti tightly, took a saw and started climbing. As he climbed, Ramadas shouted to him from below, "When you reach the branch, lean over it facing the trunk of the tree, and start cutting the branch."

On hearing this, the other disciples started laughing amongst themselves. They thought that if Ambaji followed the Guru's orders, there could be no greater fool than he in the whole world, for he would surely fall into the well. But Ambaji had no doubts in his mind. He called back, "As you wish, O Gurudeva."

As Ambaji reached the branch and started sawing, Gurudev asked, "Ambaji, aren't you afraid that you will fall into the well? The fall could kill you."

"Not at all!" said Ambaji. "What dangers could possibly befall someone who has a great Satguru like you? Everything will be taken care of." He continued sawing, and when he had cut halfway through the branch, the whole branch suddenly gave way, and with a huge crash, Ambaji fell into the well.

The road became free. Rathayatra started with joy.

The disciples became greatly perturbed and were sure that Ambaji must have died. As they were about to rush towards the well, Ramadas asked them to remain where they were and to sit calmly.

When Ambaji fell into the well, he prayed fervently to Lord Rama to grant him Divine darshan. As he reached the bottom, Lo! the Lord appeared before him in all His glory. All the water and the broken branch disappeared. He felt himself landing softly like a feather in the Lord's arms. Beholding the Lord's radiant form, he prostrated at His Lotus Feet, shedding tears of joy and gratitude. The Lord smiled at him, filling his heart with infinite love and grace.

After some time, Samath Ramadas asked his disciples to follow him to the well. Everyone was anxious to know about Ambaji's condition. Gurudeva called down the well, "Ambaji, how are you?" Ambadas replied, "I am in bliss, O Guru!"

The disciples helped to pull Ambaji out of the well. Falling at his Guru's feet, Ambaji cried, "O Satguru, it was you who made it possible for me to see the Lord. Your grace is boundless! How can I ever repay your love and grace?" On hearing Ambaji's words, the other disciples were wonderstruck.

From that day Ambaji came to be known as Kalyan (auspicious one). He was one of the foremost disciples of Sri Samarth Ramadas. The faith and devotion of Ambaji towards his Guru is surely a great source of inspiration for all disciples who are seeking the Supreme Truth.

This incident happened at village Masur in district Satara of Maharashtra.

Samarth Suffering from Pain

Shree Kalyan Swami was the chief disciple of Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami. One day, in order to put the latter to the test, Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami did a miracle. He called together all his disciples and showed them a great swelling on his thigh from which he was suffering much pain, and he told them that if any, of them would suck the matter from it he would recover, but otherwise he would die. All professed great sympathy, but as he called on them one by one to perform this service, "they all with one accord began to make excuses."

But when he came to Shree Kalyan Swami and asked if he were willing, this disciple replied that he had made an offering of his life to him and therefore he would do anything. Then he applied -his lips to the swelling, uncovered the cloth on swelling. As he did so instead of the lump there was a large and sweet mango !

Everyone was astonished, and Shree Kalyan Swami became chief of the disciples.

"O Kalyan, Shawl flown away!"

Once Samarth Ramdas Swami with Shree Kalyan Swami wondering on surrounding places on fort Sajjangad, strong current of wind came and Shawl wore by Samarth Ramdas was flown.

Samarth exclaimed "O Kalyan, Shawl flown away!"

Suddenly without giving a second thought Kalyanswami jumped from this place in the air to hold his shawl. Kalyan Swami was at the top of the fort. He caught the Shawl. And where he fell down is now known as Kalyanswami Mandir/ Temple.

To protect his Masters clothe from dirt Shree Kalyan Swami has taken risk of life only because of belief on his lotus feet.

This place can be seen on Sajjangad. It is called as 'Kalyan Chhati Smarak'.

Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami used to live in Sajjangad (a fort in Maharashtra, India), along with his disciples. The fort did not have a supply of water, so one of the disciples, Shree Kalyan Swami, would do the satsevaa (service unto God) of bringing up pots of water from the village at the foot of the fort. This activity would occupy most of his day, leaving him little time for spiritual studies. The other disciples used to study throughout the day, learning the holy books from Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami through question-answer sessions and discussions. Yet, Shree Kalyan Swami, was their Guru's favourite. The disciples could not understand why this was so and were a little envious of Kalyan. Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami was quite aware of their feelings.

One day, while teaching the disciples, Ramdas Swami asked them a difficult question. No one could answer it. Just then, Kalyan was passing by so the Guru called him and asked him the same question. To everybody's surprise, Kalyan knew the correct answer !

The other disciples asked Ramdas Swami, "How is this possible? Kalyan has hardly ever studied with us. How could he answer such a difficult question?" Ramdas Swami replied, "He is the only one who actually practices what the holy books teach. Daily he does satseva in the true sense, with the attitude (Bhaav) that he is doing it for God Himself. Only intellectual knowledge about the Holy texts is not enough." The disciples quickly understood their mistake. All of them were proud of their intellect (knowledge), but Shree Kalyan Swami had intense love for God and hence God Himself gave the answers through him.

Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami frequently tested the loyalty of his disciples. One day he took a sword in his hand, and, clad only in a loin cloth, he said that he would kill anyone who bowed before him. No one dared to approach him; and he therefore withdrew into the forest, the report spreading about that he had gone mad.

About a month later Shree Kalyan Swami arrived at Sajjangad after completion of his writing work and immediately went to his guru, putting red powder upon his forehead and betel leaves in his mouth. In spite of the Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami's threat, Shree Kalyan Swami bowed before him and then the saint, throwing away his sword, embraced the disciple, saying that he alone was a true follower.

Shree Kalyan Swami' devotion.

Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami once departed into the forest without taking his food; and, after waiting till sunset, Shree Kalyan Swami tied the food in a cloth and set out to find him. He found the Koyana river in full flood, but, without hesitating, he swam across and continued the search. He finally found two men with torches and they brought him to the Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami, who was immensely pleased at this evidence of Shree Kalyan Swami's devotion.

This incidence happened in rainy season at the cave of Ram Ghal. Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami arose in the middle of the night, calling for Pan Supari(one kind of leaf). The disciples were unable to find any. Since he was unwilling to eat the nut fragments without the leaves, Shree Kalyan Swami started out in the pitch dark to go to a neighbouring village, where he could procure some leaves; but he had gone only a short distance when he stepped upon a black snake, which turned and bit him. Shree Kalyan Swami fell down and became unconscious. Shree Samarth waited for long time and went out to search Shree Kalyan Swami; had fallen.

He prayed to Shree Bhairavnath, a deity for Shree Kalyan Swami. Running his hand over Shree Kalyan Swami's body from head to foot, he said, 'Kalyan, arise' ; and the latter got up. He would have started out again, had not the Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami told him that the leaves were no longer necessary.

The outstanding disciple of Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami was Shree Kalyan Swami, the mahant of the Domgaon math, and there are more references to him than to any other disciple. All accounts agree upon his intense devotion to the Swami and assert that Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami trusted him as he did no other. Kalyan Swami spent the 33-year period 1645 to 1678 with Samarth. Ramdas had many disciples, of whom Shri Kalyan Swami was the chief.

During this period Kalyan Swami transcribed the literature of Samarth Ramdas Swami. Together they completed the book Dasbodh in Shivthar Ghal, Manache Shlok and others. The books take the form of conversation between guru and shishya. Samarth's other writings were written by Sri Kalyan Swami. 250 of Kalyan swami's handwritten texts are available at Dhule.

Writer of Shree Samarth Ramdas

Shree Kalyan Swami remained with Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami from 1645 until 1678, during which time he copied a great many of the Swami's poems, and also aided in the supervision of the other disciples and maths. During this period Kalyan Swami transcribed the literature of Samarth Ramdas Swami. Together they completed the book Dasbodh in Shivthar Ghal, Manache Shlok and others. The Dasbodh the most important scripture of Samarth sect is narrated by Samarth Ramdas Swami and written down by Shree Kalyan Swami. The books take the form of conversation between guru and shishya. Shree Kalyan Swami was able to make a complete copy of the Dasbodh in a single night. Samarth's other writings were written by Shree Kalyan Swami. 250 of Kalyan swami's handwritten texts are available at Samarth Vagdevata Mandir, Dhule.

He used to keep the papers folded safely in square pieces of silk tied up with silk thread. He always carried in his shoulder bag paper sheets, and fountain pen as well as ink pot of various colours. All the 7751 verses of Dasabodh were written in his neat handwriting. These manuscripts are still worshipped in the Domgaon Math which was under his charge. Shree Kalyan Swami recorded the holy songs in manuscript form. The saint is the author of numerous books associated with Samarth Ramdas Swami.



It is mentioned in old scriptures like 'Dasvishramdhaam' that Shree Kalyan Swami was 'Yog-bhrashta' ascetic. प्राप्य पुण्यकृतां लोकानुषित्वा शाश्वती: समा:। शुचीनां श्रीमतां गेहे योगभ्रष्टोऽभिजायते॥41॥

Meaning:He who has fallen from yoga, obtains the higher worlds (heaven etc.) to which men of meritorious deeds alone are entitled, and having resided there for countless years, takes birth in the house of pious and wealthy men. (41) (Shrimat BhagavadGeeta Chapter 6 Shlokas 41)

He was also well known as Yogi who performed numerous yoga exercises daily. Shree Kalyan Swami was called 'Yogiraj' by Ramdasi sect and devotees. His sketch is in 'Yogmudra of Garbhasan' He practised 1200 Surynamaskar daily. Every day Shree Kalyan Swami brought water to bathe Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami from the river Urmodi in large copper pots. These copper pots are now at Sajjangad. His body was reportedly very strong. He wore garments such as kundals, bhasma and mudrika.

It was Shree Kalyan Swami 's custom to take his disciples apart and tell them the story of the Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami's life,—a story that he could interpret better than most of the other disciples. Therefore, this large work of four published volumes has a flavour that is lacking in some of the other accounts, because it gives us the story of Samarth Ramdas Swami as remembered by his leading disciple.


Kalyan Swami died on Aashadh Shuddh Trayodashi in 1714 at Paranda district Dharashiv (Osmanabad). It is called Yoga-Antha (Samadhi by Yogic Power of oneself/by ones own will) His funeral was held at Domgaon near Paranda. The ashes of Samarth Ramdas Swami and Kalyan Swami were mixed by Keshav Swami after his death.

Samadhi Temple

In the year 1714, the ashes of Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami were dug up from Vrindavan at Chaphal and taken to Kashi by Shree Keshav Swami. At the same time Shree Kalyan Swami had left his earthly body using Yogbal(Yogic Power) in Paranda. After telling Ramkatha, he sat in Garbhasan & entered into Samadhi. His last work was held at Domgaon near Paranda on the bank of river Seena. When Shree Keshav Swami came to Domgaon which is on the way of Kashi, he heard this sad news. The ashes of both sages were taken to Kashi at the same time. The ashes of Samarth Ramdas Swami and Shree Kalyan Swami together were deepened by Shree Keshav Swami in holy Ganga river. It was singularly fitting that the ashes of the most loyal disciple should have gone with the ashes of his master to their last resting-place.

Shree Kalyan Swami left his heavonly abode on Adhik Aashadh Shuddh Trayodashi in 1714 A.D. at Paranda district Dharashiv (Osmanabad). Shree Kalyan Swami Punyatithi (Death Anniversary) Domgaon in Osmanabad is observed on the 13th day during the waxing phase of moon in Ashadha month. It is the death anniversary of the great saint and disciple of Samarth Ramdas Swami. As per Marathi Calendar it is the Ashadha Shukla Paksha Trayodasi Tithi.

The Samadhi temple of Shree Kalyan Swami at Domgaon is 250 years old.. In Shree Kalyan Swami's Domgaon math, fourteen miles from Kurduvadi, there are a number of interesting relics, which include an original copy of the Dasbodh, which is said to be by Samarth Ramdas Swami and scribed by Shree Kalyan Swami., corrected by Shree Ramdas Swmi, and now published by the Dhulia Sabha. There is also a copy by Shree Keshav Swami, Kalyan's disciple who became the mahant at Umbraj; and in this math are the idols of Rama, Sita and Maruti which Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami gave to Shree Keshav Swami. Among other articles is a piece of the red blanket worn by Shree Keshav Swami, his worn-out betel-nut wallet, and a pair of sandals that are supposed to have belonged to Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami. Chanting 'Mala' is preserved there. Shree Kalyan Swami's tomb was built in 1773, fifty-nine years after he left his earthly body, and is located in a beautiful spot. Upon the tomb Sanskrit verses have been inscribed and may be translated as follows :

1) O Ramdas, goodness, happiness and joy should be shared by all. Happiness results from the destruction of the enemy and the elimination of distress.

2) The idol of the guru is the giver of meditation; the foot of the guru is the object of worship; the word of the guru is the object of the mantra; the mercy of the guru is the object of absolution.

3) Whatever you eat, sacrifice, give or do; whatever penances you perform, O Arjuna, do it in my name/ ' Wherever Krishna and Arjuna are, there prosperity and success are sure to be.

4) Residence in Benares, the water 6f the Ganges, the god Sankara — these all liberate.


Shree Kalyan Swami did not compose a great many poems himself, but encouraged his followers to do so, and one disciple named Samaraj Kalyan wrote poems in praise of ShreeRama and Shree Kalyan Swami.. Another disciple was Shivram, of the Apachanda math near Gulbarga, who is said to have made several copies of the Shree Dasbodh. Although he wrote some poetry of his own, his chief claim to fame is that he was one of the succession to which Atmaram belonged, who wrote the massive biographical study of Shree Samarth Ramdas Swami called 'DasVishramdham' in which there are about 16,000 verses. This succession included Ramdas, Kalyan, Shiva, Ramchandra, Atmaram. Another disciple named Shama had a literary gift, and four of his poems have been found, two in praise of the sadguru and two in praise of Shree Kalyan Swami. One of his disciples was Annajl Bhalkikar, who was mahant of the Bhatambare math. He was unmarried and died of cholera while returning from a pilgrimage to Pandharpur. The extent of Shree Kalyan Swami's influence may be gleaned from the fact that forty-three mahants are listed as his followers, trained and initiated by him.


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