Kappa calculus

In mathematical logic, category theory, and computer science, kappa calculus is a formal system for defining first-order functions.

Unlike lambda calculus, kappa calculus has no higher-order functions; its functions are not first class objects. Kappa-calculus can be regarded as "a reformulation of the first-order fragment of typed lambda calculus[1]".

Because its functions are not first-class objects, evaluation of kappa calculus expressions does not require closures.


The definition below has been adapted from the diagrams on pages 205 and 207 of Hasegawa.[1]


Kappa calculus consists of types and expressions, given by the grammar below:

\tau =
1 \mid
\tau\times\tau \mid

e =
x                          \mid
id_\tau                    \mid
!_\tau                     \mid
\operatorname{lift}_\tau(e)               \mid
e \circ e                  \mid
\kappa x:1{\to}\tau . e

In other words,

The :1{\to}\tau and the subscripts of id, !, and \operatorname{lift} are sometimes omitted when they can be unambiguously determined from the context.

Juxtaposition is often used as an abbreviation for a combination of "\operatorname{lift}" and composition:

e_1 e_2 \overset{def}{=} e_1 \circ \operatorname{lift}(e_2)

Typing rules

The presentation here uses sequents (\Gamma\vdash e:\tau) rather than hypothetical judgments in order to ease comparison with the simply typed lambda calculus. This requires the additional Var rule, which does not appear in Hasegawa[1]

In kappa calculus an expression has two types: the type of its source and the type of its target. The notation e:\tau_1{\to}\tau_2 is used to indicate that expression e has source type {\tau_1} and target type {\tau_2}.

Expressions in kappa calculus are assigned types according to the following rules:

{x{:}1{\to}\tau\;\in\;\Gamma}\over{\Gamma \vdash x : 1{\to}\tau } (Var)

{}\over{\vdash id_\tau\;:\;\tau\to\tau } (Id)

{}\over{\vdash !_\tau\;:\;\tau\to 1 } (Bang)

{\Gamma \vdash e_1{:}\tau_1{\to}\tau_2
       \Gamma \vdash e_2{:}\tau_2{\to}\tau_3
      }\over{\Gamma \vdash e_2\circ e_1 : \tau_1{\to}\tau_3 } (Comp)

{\Gamma \vdash e{:}1{\to}\tau_1}
      {\Gamma \vdash \operatorname{lift}_{\tau_2}(e)\;:\;\tau_2\to(\tau_1\times\tau_2) }

      {\Gamma \vdash \kappa x{:}1{\to}\tau_1\,.\,e\;:\;\tau_1\times\tau_2\to\tau_3 }

In other words,


Kappa calculus obeys the following equalities:

The last two equalities are reduction rules for the calculus, rewriting from left to right.


The type 1 can be regarded as the unit type. Because of this, any two functions whose argument type is the same and whose result type is 1 should be equal – since there is only a single value of type 1 both functions must return that value for every argument (Terminality).

Expressions with type 1{\to}\tau can be regarded as "constants" or values of "ground type"; this is because 1 is the unit type, and so a function from this type is necessarily a constant function. Note that the kappa rule allows abstractions only when the variable being abstracted has the type 1{\to}\tau for some \tau. This is the basic mechanism which ensures that all functions are first-order.

Categorical semantics

Kappa calculus is intended to be the internal language of contextually complete categories.


Expressions with multiple arguments have source types which are "right-imbalanced" binary trees. For example, a function f with three arguments of types A, B, and C and result type D will have type

  f : A\times (B\times (C\times 1)) \to D

If we define left-associative juxtaposition (f c) as an abbreviation for (f\circ \operatorname{lift}(c)), then – assuming that a:1{\to}A, b:1{\to}B, and c:1{\to}C – we can apply this function:

  f\;a\;b\;c\;:\;1 \to D

Since the expression f a b c has source type 1, it is a "ground value" and may be passed as an argument to another function. If g:(D\times E){\to}F, then

  g\;(f\;a\;b\;c)\;:\;E \to F

Much like a curried function of type A{\to}(B{\to}(C{\to}D)) in lambda calculus, partial application is possible:

  f\;a\;:\;B\times (C\times 1) \to D

However no higher types (i.e. (\tau{\to}\tau){\to}\tau) are involved. Note that because the source type of f a is not 1, the following expression cannot be well-typed under the assumptions mentioned so far:


Because successive application is used for multiple arguments it is not necessary to know the arity of a function in order to determine its typing; for example, if we know that c:1{\to}C then the expression


is well-typed as long as j has type (C\times\alpha){\to}\beta for some \alpha and \beta. This property is important when calculating the principal type of an expression, something which can be difficult when attempting to exclude higher-order functions from typed lambda calculi by restricting the grammar of types.


Barendregt originally introduced[2] the term "functional completeness" in the context of combinatory algebra. Kappa calculus arose out of efforts by Lambek[3] to formulate an appropriate analogue of functional completeness for arbitrary categories (see Hermida and Jacobs,[4] section 1). Hasegawa later developed kappa calculus into a usable (though simple) programming language including arithmetic over natural numbers and primitive recursion.[1] Connections to arrows were later investigated[5] by Power, Thielecke, and others.


It is possible to explore versions of kappa calculus with substructural types such as linear, affine, and ordered types. These extensions require eliminating or restricting the !_\tau expression. In such circumstances the \times type operator is not a true cartesian product, and is generally written \otimes to make this clear.


  1. 1 2 3 4 Hasegawa, M. (1995). "Decomposing typed lambda calculus into a couple of categorical programming languages". Category Theory and Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 953. p. 200. doi:10.1007/3-540-60164-3_28. ISBN 978-3-540-60164-7.
  2. ↑ Barendregt, Hendrik Pieter (1984), The Lambda Calculus: Its Syntax and Semantics, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 103 (Revised ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam. Corrections, ISBN 0-444-87508-5 External link in |publisher= (help)
  3. ↑ Lambek, J. (1974). "Functional completeness of cartesian categories". Annals of Mathematical Logic 6 (3–4): 259. doi:10.1016/0003-4843(74)90003-5.
  4. ↑ Hermida, C.; Jacobs, B. (2009). "Fibrations with indeterminates: Contextual and functional completeness for polymorphic lambda calculi". Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5 (4): 501. doi:10.1017/S0960129500001213.
  5. ↑ Power, J.; Thielecke, H. (1999). "Closed Freyd- and κ-categories". Automata, Languages and Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1644. p. 625. doi:10.1007/3-540-48523-6_59. ISBN 978-3-540-66224-2.
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