Kasten-brust armour

A knight in full kasten-brust armour without gauntlets (altar of Saint Leonard churge in Basele by Conrad Witz,1435)

Kasten-brust armour (German: Kastenbrust — "box-shaped breast") — is a German form of plate armour from the first half of 15th century.

Kasten-brust armour was a style of early gothic armour widely used in the Holy Roman Empire. Typical harness construction consists of: a grand-bascinet helm, box-shaped cuirass, firm gauntlets, and long skirt. Only one set is known to have survived until today, and this armour (made approximately at 1440) is now in the Rathaus Museum of Vienna. Kasten-brust armour is however widely represented by paintings and statues of the first half of the 15th century.


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kasten-brust.


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