Katok Monastery

Katok Monastery
Location within China
Coordinates 31°18′45″N 98°56′29″E / 31.3126°N 98.9414°E / 31.3126; 98.9414
Monastery information
Location Derge, Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
Founded by Katok Dampa Deshek
Type Tibetan Buddhist
Sect Nyingma
Dedicated to Anuyoga

Katok Monastery (Tibetan: ཀཿ་ཐོག་རྡོ་རྗེ་གདན་ , THL Katok Dorjé Den) is one of the six principal ("mother") monasteries of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. It is located in Derge, Sichuan.


Katok Monastery was founded in 1159 by a younger brother of Phagmo Drupa Dorje Gyalpo, Katok Dampa Deshek,[1] at Derge, the historic seat of the Kingdom of Derge in Kham.

Katok Monastery's third abbot, Jampa Bum (1179-1252), whose 26-year tenure as abbot ended in 1252, "is said to have ordained thousands of monks from across Tibet, and especially from Kham region of Minyak (mi nyag), Jang ('byang), and Gyémorong (rgyal mo rong)."[2]

The original gompa fell into disrepair and was rebuilt on the same site in 1656 through the impetus of tertöns Düddül Dorjé (1615–72) and Rigdzin Longsal Nyingpo (1625-1682/92 or 1685–1752).

Katok Monastery held a reputation of fine scholarship. Prior to the annexation of Tibet in 1951, Katok Monastery housed about 800 monks.

Katok was long renowned as a center specializing in the oral lineages (as opposed to terma) and as a center of monasticism, although both of these features were disrupted under Longsel Nyingpo (1625–1692).[3]

According to The Tibetan Buddhist Resource Centre, disciples of Kenpo Munsel [4] and Kenpo Jamyang compiled a Katok edition of the oral lineages (Wylie: bka' ma shin tu rgyas pa (kaH thog) ) in 120 volumes in 1999: "[T]wice the size of the Dudjom edition, it contains many rare Nyingma treatises on Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga that heretofore had never been seen outside of Tibet."[5]

According to Alexander Berzin,

Katog has 112 branch monasteries, not only in Tibet, but also in Mongolia, Inner China, Yunnan, and Sikkim. For instance, Katog Rigdzin-tsewang-norbu (Ka:-thog Rigs-‘dzin Tshe-dbang nor-bu) (1698-1755) founded a large branch in Sikkim, and when the Eighth Tai Situ Rinpoche, Situ Panchen Chokyi-jungney (Si-tu Pan-chen Chos-kyi ‘byung-gnas) (1700-1744), visited China, he stayed at the Katog branch-monastery at the Five-Peaked Mountain of Manjushri (Ri-bo rtse-lnga, Chin: Wutai Shan), to the southwest of Beijing.[6]


Kathog Monastery became a bastion of the Anuyoga tradition when it became neglected by other Nyingmapa institutions.[7] The Compendium of the Intentions Sūtra (Wylie: dgongs pa dus pai mdo) the root text of the Anuyoga tradition was instrumental in the early Kathog educational system.[7] Nubchen Sangye Yeshe wrote a lengthy commentary on the Compendium of the Intentions Sūtra rendered in English as Armor Against Darkness (Wylie: mun pai go cha).[7]

People from Katok Monastery

Lauded scholars seated at Katok Monastery

See also


  1. Chhosphel, Samten (March 2011). "Katokpa Dampa Deshek". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-08-19.
  2. Chhosphel, Samten (March 2011). "Jampa Bum". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  3. "Celibacy, Revelations, and Reincarnated Lamas: Contestation and Synthesis in the Growth of Monasticism at Katok Monastery from the 11th through 19th Centuries" by Jann Michael Ronis. Ph D. dissertation, University of Virginia May, 2009. pg ii
  4. Chhosphel, Samten (March 2013). "Khenpo Munsel". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  5. The Tibetan Buddhist Resource Centre (2006). "bka' ma shin tu rgyas pa (kaH thog)". Source: (accessed: Sunday August 17, 2008)
  6. "A Brief History of Katog Monastery". The Berzin Archives. Original version published in "Nyingma Monasteries." Chö-Yang, Year of Tibet Edition (Dharamsala, India), (1991). 2003. Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  7. 1 2 3 Dalton, Jake (2003). 'Anuyoga Literature' in rNying ma rgyud 'bum - Master Doxographical Catalog of the THDL. (accessed: Sunday August 24, 2008)
  8. Chhosphel, Samten (December 2011). "The First Chonyi Gyatso, Chopa Lugu". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  9. Gardner, Alexander (December 2009). "Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  10. Chhosphel, Samten (December 2011). "The Fifth Nyingon Choktrul, Gyurme Kelzang Tobgyel Dorje". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  11. Chhosphel, Samten (July 2012). "Jamyang Gyeltsen". The Treasury of Lives: Biographies of Himalayan Religious Masters. Retrieved 2013-10-08.
  12. Adhe Tapontsang; Joy Blakeslee (1999). The Voice That Remembers: A Tibetan Woman's Inspiring Story of Survival Ama Adhe, the voice that remembers : the heroic story of a women's fight to free Tibet Check |url= value (help). Boston: Wisdom Publications. p. 133. ISBN 9780861711499.
  13. Katok Situ Incarnation Line


External links

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