Kerr/CFT correspondence

The Kerr/CFT correspondence is an extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence or gauge-gravity duality to rotating black holes (which are described by the Kerr metric).[1]

The duality works for black holes whose near-horizon geometry can be expressed as a product of AdS3 and a single compact coordinate. The AdS/CFT duality then maps this to a two-dimensional conformal field theory (the compact coordinate being analogous to the S5 factor in Maldacena's original work), from which the correct Bekenstein entropy can then be deduced.[2]

The original form of the duality applies to black holes with the maximum value of angular momentum, but it has now been speculatively extended to all lesser values.[3]

See also


  1. Bredberg, Irene; Keeler, Cynthia; Lysov, Vyacheslav; Strominger, Andrew (2011). "Cargese Lectures on the Kerr/CFT Correspondence". arXiv:1103.2355 [hep-th].
  2. Compere, Geoffrey (24 February 2009). "Kerr/CFT: A paradigm to understand the entropy of real black holes?". Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  3. Castro, Alejandra; Maloney, Alexander; Strominger, Andrew (2010). "Hidden Conformal Symmetry of the Kerr Black Hole". arXiv:1004.0996 [hep-th].

External links

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